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Pilem Disney animasi Top | 2024 nembongkeun


Jane Ng 11 April, 2024 8 mnt maca

Pilem Disney animasi lain ngan saukur kartun; aranjeunna karya seni abadi nu seamlessly ngagabungkeun storytelling captivating, karakter unforgettable, sarta téhnik animasi groundbreaking. Ti klasik pangheubeulna nu dimimitian sagalana nepi ka hits anyar nu dulur mikanyaah, Disney geus konsistén ngangkat bar pikeun storytelling animasi. 

Dina postingan blog ieu, hayu urang ngajalajah 8 Pilem Disney Animasi Pangsaéna anu ngajantenkeun jalma-jalma tina sagala umur seuri, ceurik, sareng ngarasa inspirasi. 

Daptar eusi

#1 - The Lion King (1994)

Raja Singa (1994)

Hakuna Matata!Surely, we've all been captivated by this phrase from the timeless classic, "The Lion King" (1994). The movie carries a profound message about existence and addresses the question, "Who am I?" Beyond Simba, the lion's journey into adulthood lies a universal human story of breaking free from constraints to carve our own path in life.

In addition, the film's allure lies in its ability to resonate with audiences of all ages. The stunning animation, catchy music, and charismatic characters create an experience that's pure joy. 

Whether you're reliving the adventure or introducing it to a new generation, "The Lion King" holds a special place in our hearts because it captures the essence of what it means to grow, to love, and to discover our own unique journey in the grand tapestry of life. 

Pilem geus dipeunteun 

  • 8.5 ti 10 dina IMDb.
  • 93% on Rotten Tomat.

#2 - Beauty and the Beast (1991)

Beauty and the Beast (1991). Pilem Disney animasi

"Beauty and the Beast," revolves around Belle, a smart and independent young woman, and the Beast, a prince cursed to live as a monstrous creature. Beneath the surface, the film beautifully conveys themes of empathy, acceptance, and the power of love to transform. Who could forget the iconic ballroom dance scene, where Belle and the Beast share a dance that transcends appearances?

"Beauty and the Beast" isn't just a fairy tale; it's a story that speaks to our hearts. The relationship between Belle and the Beast teaches us about looking past initial impressions and embracing the humanity within. 

Pilem ieu ogé ngajantenkeun Disney dugi ka 424 juta USD (jumlah ageung dina waktos ayeuna) sareng janten pilem animasi munggaran anu dicalonkeun pikeun Best Picture dina Oscars. 

Pilem geus dipeunteun 

  • 8.0 ti 10 dina IMDb.
  • 93% on Rotten Tomat.

#3 - Inside Out (2015)

Inside Out (2015)

"Inside Out," a creation of Disney-Pixar magic, invites us to explore the rollercoaster of feelings that make us who we are. 

The movie introduces us to Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear—characters representing our core emotions. Through the adventures of Riley, a young girl navigating life's challenges, we see how these emotions influence her decisions and experiences.

What makes "Inside Out" truly special is its ability to speak to both kids and grown-ups. It gently reminds us that it's okay to feel a range of emotions and that each one plays a vital role in our lives.

Ogé, pilem ieu ngagaduhan tempat khusus dina daptar pilem animasi Disney sabab henteu ngan ukur ngahibur tapi ogé nawiskeun pesen yén parasaan urang, kumaha pajeulitna, mangrupikeun bagian tina anu ngajadikeun urang manusa.

Pilem geus dipeunteun 

  • 8.1 ti 10 dina IMDb.
  • 98% on Rotten Tomat.

#4 - Aladdin (1992)

Aladdin (1992) nyepeng hiji titik irreplaceable dina susunan pilem Disney animasi. Pilem ieu ngenalkeun urang ka Aladdin, saurang nonoman anu bageur sareng impian anu ageung, sareng sidekick anu jahat tapi pikaresepeun, Abu. Nalika Aladdin mendakan lampu gaib anu ngandung Genie anu flamboyant sareng karismatik, hirupna janten péngkolan anu luar biasa.

In addition, the music and songs in Aladdin are a major reason why the movie is so beloved. These songs play a crucial role in advancing the plot and developing the characters. The music captures the essence of the Arabian setting and the characters' emotions, adding depth and resonance to their journeys. 

The music in "Aladdin" is a timeless treasure that continues to captivate audiences young and old.

Pilem geus dipeunteun 

  • 8.0 ti 10 dina IMDb.
  • 95% on Rotten Tomat.

#5 - Zootopia (2016)

Gambar: IMDb

Let's step into the vibrant world of "Zootopia" (2016), a standout addition to the animated Disney movies list!

Picture a bustling city where predator and prey live side by side in harmony. "Zootopia," a creation of Disney's imagination, takes us on a thrilling adventure that challenges stereotypes and celebrates diversity.

At its heart, "Zootopia" is a tale of determination, friendship, and breaking down barriers. The film follows Judy Hopps, a small-town bunny with big dreams of becoming a police officer, and Nick Wilde, a sly fox with a hidden heart of gold. Together, they unravel a mystery that unveils the complex layers of their city and its inhabitants.

Pilem geus dipeunteun 

  • 8.0 ti 10 dina IMDb.
  • 98% on Rotten Tomat.

#6 - Cinderella (1950)

Cinderella (1950). Pilem Disney animasi

"Cinderella" (1950) nyaéta carita kalenturan, impian, sareng kapercayaan yén kahadéan anu aya. Pilem ieu ngenalkeun urang ka Cinderella anu bageur, anu hirupna janten péngkolan anu luar biasa nalika Ibu baptisna masihan anjeunna kasempetan pikeun ngahadiran bal karajaan. Ditengah-tengah magis, asmara anu abadi mekar.

This film holds a treasured place among animated Disney movies, not just for its enchanting story, but for the enduring values it imparts. It teaches us that dreams are worth pursuing and that our actions define our destiny. Whether you're discovering the magic for the first time or reliving the timeless tale, "Cinderella" continues to remind us that even in the face of challenges, a hopeful heart can create its own happily-ever-after.

Pilem geus dipeunteun 

  • 7.3 ti 10 dina IMDb.
  • 95% on Rotten Tomat.

#7 - Tangled (2010)

Kusut (2010)

"Tangled" (2010), a sparkling gem on the animated Disney movies list. It is a story of self-discovery, friendship, and breaking free from limitations, with Rapunzel, a spirited young woman with impossibly long hair, and Flynn Rider, a charming thief with a secret past. Their unlikely companionship sets off a journey filled with laughter, tears, and a lot of hair-raising moments.

One of the standout features of "Tangled" is the intricate and groundbreaking 3D animation used to depict Rapunzel's impossibly long hair. The animators faced a unique challenge in bringing Rapunzel's hair to life in a way that felt believable and visually stunning.

The film's vibrant animation, catchy songs, and relatable characters come together to create an experience that's both magical and heartwarming. 

Pilem geus dipeunteun 

  • 7.7 ti 10 dina IMDb.
  • 89% on Rotten Tomat.

#8 - Moana (2016)

Moana (2016)

"Moana" (2016) takes us on a voyage of self-discovery, bravery, and the undeniable connection between people and nature. 

At its heart, "Moana" is a tale of empowerment, exploration, and embracing one's destiny. The film introduces us to Moana, a spirited Polynesian teenager who feels a deep calling to the sea. As she sets sail to save her island, she discovers her true identity and learns the importance of preserving her culture and the environment.

This film holds a cherished place among animated Disney movies because it's a reminder that courage, determination, and respect for nature can lead to incredible transformation. Whether you're embarking on the adventure for the first time or revisiting its empowering narrative, "Moana" continues to inspire us to follow our hearts, protect our world, and discover the hero within.

Pilem geus dipeunteun 

  • 7.6 ti 10 dina IMDb.
  • 95% on Rotten Tomat.

Pilari Pilem-Themed Peuting Of Fun?

Are you in the mood for a cozy movie night but need some ideas to get started? Well, you're in luck! Whether you're planning a solo movie night, a fun get-together with friends, or a romantic date night, we've got you covered with some fantastic suggestions.

  • To kick things off, why not challenge your movie knowledge with a trivia-themed movie night? You can pick a mix of your favorite genres, like action, comedy, romance, or even animated Disney movies, and then test your friends' knowledge in Pilem Trivia Patarosan jeung Jawaban.
  • If you're in the mood for a more intimate setting, a date night movie marathon might be just the thing. You'll find a curated list of date night movie ideas that are perfect for sharing heartfelt moments together in Tanggal Peuting Pilem.

Janten, cokot popcorn anjeun, mareuman lampu, sareng ngantepkeun sulap pilem dimimitian! 🍿🎬🌟

Tip Dursasana sareng AhaSlides

Pikiran final

Dina dunya enchanting pilem Disney animasi, imajinasi weruh euweuh bounds. Pilem-pilem ieu gaduh kamampuan anu abadi pikeun ngangkut urang ka alam gaib, ngaleungitkeun émosi urang, sareng ngantepkeun dampak anu langgeng dina haté urang. Pilem Disney animasi terus jadi bagian cherished tina kahirupan urang, reminding urang yen euweuh urusan sabaraha heubeul urang, urang salawasna bisa manggihan heran jeung inspirasi dina dunya animasi.

FAQs Ngeunaan Pilem Disney animasi

Naon pilem Disney animasi ka-50?

The 50th animated Disney film is "Tangled" (2010).

Naon nomer 1 kartun Disney?

The number 1 Disney cartoon can be subjective and varies based on individual preferences. Some commonly considered top Disney classics include "The Lion King," "Beauty and the Beast," "Aladdin," and "Cinderella."

What was Disney's 20th animated movie?

Disney's 20th animated movie was "The Aristocats" (1970).

Ruj: IMDb | Omat ruksak