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10 acara TV pangalusna Pikeun 3-6 taun heubeul | Pilihan Kolot Agung | 2024 Apdet


Astrid Tran 10 Méi, 2024 9 mnt maca

Kids ti 3-6 taun deeply merlukeun kolotna méakkeun waktu maén kalawan aranjeunna. Tapi henteu gampang pikeun kolot pikeun nyaimbangkeun waktos sareng waktosna pikeun murangkalih, khususna kumargi aya padamelan tambahan anu kedah diréngsékeun, padamelan rumah tangga anu teu aya watesna, sareng acara sosial pikeun diiluan. Janten, teu aya jalan anu langkung saé tibatan ngantepkeun murangkalih ningali acara TV nyalira.

Janten, naon ari acara TV pangalusna pikeun 3-6 taun oldsto watch? What parents should know when letting kids watch TV shows without harm or addiction? Let's dive in!

Acara TV pangalusna Pikeun 3-6 taun heubeul
Kids watching movies on TV at home - What are Best TV Shows For 3-6-Year-Olds? | Image: freepik

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Cartoon Films - Best TV Shows For 3-6-Year-Olds

Cartoon films or animated movies are always kids' favorites. Here are the most-watched animated TV shows for kids.

acara tv pangalusna pikeun 3-6 taun heubeul 2023
Acara TV pangsaéna pikeun budak umur 3-6 taun 2023

#1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

  • Umur: 2 taun +
  • Dimana nonton: Disney +
  • Panjang episode: 20-30 menit

Mickey Mouse geus sabudeureun pikeun dekade sarta masih mangrupa acara TV favorit diantara barudak. Acara televisi nuturkeun perjalanan Mickey sareng réréncanganna Minnie, Goofy, Pluto, Daisy, sareng Donald nalika aranjeunna nuju petualangan pikeun ngabéréskeun masalah. Acara ieu pikaresepeun sabab ngahibur, pikaresepeun, sareng mencerahkan. Nalika Mickey sareng réréncangan ngaréngsékeun masalah éta, murangkalih tiasa diajar kaahlian ngarengsekeun masalah, prinsip matematika dasar, daya tahan, sareng kateguhan, bari tetep ngahibur ku lagu, pengulangan, sareng percanten.

#2. Bulao

  • Umur: 2 taun +
  • Dimana nonton: Disney + sareng saluran Starhub 303 sareng BBC Player
  • Panjang episode: 20-30 menit

Salah sahiji acara TV anu pangsaéna pikeun murangkalih umur 3-6 taun di 2023 nyaéta Bluey acara Australia anu lucu ngeunaan anak anjing kalayan imajinasi anu hébat sareng sikep anu pikaresepeun anu museurkeun kana kulawarga sareng dewasa. Séri animasi nuturkeun rutinitas sapopoé Bluey, kolotna, sareng adina. Anu ngajadikeun acara unik nyaéta kumaha Bluey sareng adina (pikeun dua pamimpin pahlawan) berinteraksi sareng sepuhna bari nyandak kaahlian sosial anu penting. Hasilna, murangkalih tiasa diajar rupa-rupa kaahlian sapertos ngarengsekeun masalah, kompromi, kasabaran, sareng ngabagi.

#3. The Simpsons

  • Umur: 2 taun +
  • Dimana nonton: Disney + sareng saluran Starhub 303 sareng BBC iPlayer
  • Panjang episode: 20-30 menit

The sitcom depicts American life through the eyes of the Simpson family, which comprises Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. Because of the show's simple humor, which appeals to children aged 3 to 6 years old, as well as their parents. As a result, an adult and their child can both watch the show. Furthermore, The Simpsons has a trait that no other program has: the ability to anticipate the future, making them one of the best TV shows for 3-6-year-olds of all time for kids.

acara tv pangalusna pikeun 6-8 taun olds
Acara TV pangsaéna pikeun budak umur 3-6 taun sepanjang waktos

#4. Forky Nanyakeun Patarosan

  • Umur: 3 taun +
  • Dimana nonton: Disney + 
  • Panjang episode: 3-4 menit

Forky Asks a Question nyaéta sitkom televisi animasi komputer Amérika anu diilhaman Toy Story. Kartun ieu nuturkeun Forky, hibrida sendok / garpu, nalika anjeunna naroskeun sababaraha patarosan ngeunaan kahirupan ka babaturanana. Hasilna, anjeunna bakal tiasa adaptasi hadé kana dunya stimulating sabudeureun anjeunna. Forky, khususna, nunjukkeun masalah penting ngeunaan kumaha alam semesta jalan, sapertos: naon cinta? Naon kahayang téh waktu? Barudak henteu bosen ku topik sabab katutupan dina waktos anu pondok.

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Ngamimitian haratis

Education shows - Best TV Shows For 3-6-Year-Olds

Acara TV Pangalusna Pikeun budak umur 3-6 taun ngalibatkeun acara pendidikan dimana murangkalih diajar sadayana di sabudeureunana ku cara anu paling ramah sareng pikaresepeun.

#5. Coco Melon

  • Umur: 2 taun +
  • Dimana nonton: Netflix, YouTube
  • Panjang episode: 30-40 menit

What are good TV shows for toddlers? Cocomelon is also one of the best TV shows for 3-6-year-olds on Netflix in terms of education. It is the narrative of JJ, a three-year-old boy, and his family's life from home to school. Cocomelon's videos are intended to be entertaining and instructive, and they frequently include positive themes and stories.  The videos are also suitable for people of all ages, not just those aged 3-6, and are completely safe to view. Cocomelon may help develop a child's literacy skills through regular repetition of words, appealing songs, and colorful graphics.

acara tv populér pikeun 3 taun olds
acara TV pangalusna pikeun 3-6 taun olds on Netflix

#6. Galaksi kreatif

  • Umur: utamana preschool
  • Dimana nontonna: Amazon Prime 
  • Panjang episode: 20-30 menit

One of the best TV shows for 3-6-year-olds, Creative Galaxy is an animated science-fiction web television program for children. We'll follow Arty, a creative preschool alien who lives in the Creative Galaxy (a galaxy made up of several art-inspired planets) with his parents, baby sister, and his shape-shifting sidekick, Epiphany. As a producer's destiny, they want the kid, from 3 to 6 years old, to be an educational and creative artist. Kids can easily learn about action painting and Pointillism while watching. Even better, when we switch off the television, the show always motivates the toddler to produce some art. 

#7. Blippi's Adventures

  • Umur: 3+ taun
  • Dimana nonton: Hulu, Disney +, sareng ESPN +
  • Panjang episode: 20-30 menit

Blippi is a popular educational TV show for 3-year-olds. Join Blippi as he embarks on an adventurous journey to a farm, an indoor playground, and much more! Kids will learn colors, shapes, numbers, the letters of the alphabet, and lots more with Blippi's wonderful videos for kids! That is an amazing way to help children's understanding of the world and encourage vocabulary development.

#8. Hey Duggee

  • Umur: 2+ taun
  • Dimana nonton: Paramount Plus, Paramount Plus Apple TV Channel, Paramount + Amazon Channel 
  • Durasi episode: 7 menit

Héy, Duggee mangrupikeun program televisi animasi Inggris anu tujuanana pikeun ngajar budak prasakola dina waktos anu caket. Hei, Duggee teu gaduh rentang umur anu disarankeun. The Live Teater Tembongkeun bisa jadi nikmat keur barudak yuswa 3 ka 6. Unggal episode dimimitian ku Duggee ngabagéakeun Bajing, sakelompok jalma leutik panasaran dibawa ka klub ku kolotna. Éta mangrupikeun awal kasenangan sareng diajar nalika aranjeunna mendakan hal-hal énggal ngeunaan lingkunganana. Hei Duggee nyorong kagiatan fisik, diajar, sareng kanikmatan! Éta ogé nyieun video kaulinan online, kaasup kaulinan kuis, pikeun ajak barudak ngora maén tur leuwih jéntré.

Talk Shows - Best TV Shows For 3-6 Years Old

Naha budak tiasa ngartos acara ngobrol? Pasti, akrab sareng acara ngobrol pikeun murangkalih ti saprak mimiti aya mangpaatna pikeun kamekaran otak sareng kréativitasna. Sababaraha acara TV pangalusna pikeun 3-6 Taun-Olds disebutkeun di handap:

#9. Saeutik Big Shots

  • Umur: Sadaya umur
  • Dimana nonton: HBO Max atanapi Hulu Plus 
  • Panjang episode: 44 menit

Little Big Shots is all about introducing you to some of the most brilliant and amusing children from around the world. It's not like the other shows I've said; it's a surprising and amusing interaction between Steve and gifted children. It is not just about teaching children the necessity of discipline, enthusiasm, and knowledge, but also about demonstrating the worth of parental support and encouragement. It is fantastic if parents watch alongside their children to encourage them to explore themselves.

acara TV pangalusna pikeun 3-6 Taun-Olds di AS | gambar: tvinsider

#10. Barudak Janten Barudak dina The Ellen Show

  • Umur: Sadaya umur
  • Dimana nonton: HBO Max atanapi Hulu Plus 
  • Panjang episode: 44 menit

What are good TV shows for toddlers to be on? Best TV shows for 3-6-year-olds like Kids Being Kids on 'The Ellen Show' is so far a good option. This show features the meeting of Ellen with an adorable and intelligent little guess who is the smallest guest just 2 years old. It is perfectly appropriate for all ages; you can select an episode with guests the same age as your child.

Takeaways Key

These best TV Shows For 3-6-Year-Olds are incredible options for kids' entertainment and mental development while giving parents time to rest and relax. However, there are other options that can be added to help kids improve themselves such as trivia quiz, riddles, and brain teasers.

💡 Naon anu anjeun angkat salajengna?Parents can also ignite kids' curiosity with interactive learning via quizzes and games. Check out AhaSlidesgeura-giru diajar kumaha carana sangkan barudak kalibet dina diajar bari senang.

Patarosan remen tanya

Parents still have many questions to ask. We've got you covered!

Éta OK pikeun 3 taun heubeul nonton TV?

Barudak Barudak umur 18 dugi ka 24 bulan tiasa mimiti ngaraosan waktos layar sareng indung bapa atanapi wali. Nalika sawawa aya pikeun ngajelaskeun palajaran, barudak umur ieu tiasa diajar. Dina umur dua atawa tilu taun, éta bisa ditarima pikeun barudak lalajo nepi ka hiji jam tina kualitas luhur televisi instruksional unggal poe.

Acara naon anu cocog pikeun budak umur 6 taun?

Anjeun kedah mendakan séri pendidikan ngeunaan sagala jinis sato liar sareng acara anu pikaresepeun ngeunaan petualangan kalayan karakter kartun anu lucu sareng bageur. Atanapi acara anu dipimpin ku host anu pikaresepeun sareng lucu anu tiasa ngajarkeun budak ngeunaan bentuk, warna, matematika, karajinan… 

Mana di handap ieu acara TV populér pikeun barudak prasakola?

Pilem pangsaéna pikeun murangkalih umur dua dugi ka lima taun kedah nyumponan sarat anu ketat. Kabéh film merlukeun sababaraha nurun konflik, tapi lamun pilem balita teuing pikasieuneun atawa karakter dina bahaya teuing, éta bisa ngirim kids scurrying pikeun panto. Kolot kedah milih séri pendidikan sapertos Creative Galaxy atanapi acara anu diideuan sapertos The Little Big Shot.

Ruj: Mumjunction