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Pilari ka tukang, maju ka hareup: Pitunjuk Refleksi Tim



Tim Dursasana

Sesi dinten ieu museurkeun kana prestasi konci, tanggapan anu tiasa dilaksanakeun, sareng ngarobih tantangan janten kasempetan diajar, nekenkeun refleksi tim sareng akuntabilitas pikeun perbaikan.

Slides (39)

1 -

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What is Team Reflection?

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Why Team Reflection Matters

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When to conduct a Team Reflection

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Stages of a Team Reflection

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Tahap 1: Persiapan

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What is the ONE goal you want to reflect on in this session?

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On the scale from 1 to 5...

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List one key piece of data or feedback that you think is important to review today.

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Tahap 1: Persiapan

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Stage 2: Reviewing Successes

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What is the ONE accomplishment that you want to reflect on in this session?

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What is one accomplishment from this period that made you feel proud?

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Match each success to what made it possible.

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Spin the wheel to share a recent success story!

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Tahap 1: Persiapan

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Stage 3: Identifying Challenges and Areas for Improvement

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Which of these challenges affected our team the most?

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Drag and drop challenges into ‘Controllable’ vs. ‘Uncontrollable.’

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On a scale from 1 to 5

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Tahap 1: Persiapan

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Stage 4: Learning and Insight Generation

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Describe one key lesson from this period in a single word.

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Arrange the steps in how we can turn challenges into learning opportunities.

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Tahap 1: Persiapan

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Stage 5: Action Planning and Moving Forward

35 -

Dina skala ti 1 nepi ka 5 ...

36 -

What specific actions should we take immediately to improve our work?

37 -

Sort the following into ‘Short-Term’ vs. ‘Long-Term’ Action Items.

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Tahap 1: Persiapan

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