fon taqdimoti
taqdimot almashish

Axloq kodeksi - CLT




RBTlar halol, maxfiylikni saqlaydi, faqat nazorat ostidagi xizmatlarni taqdim etadi, manfaatlar to'qnashuvidan qochadi va o'z amaliyotida axloqiy me'yorlar va qonuniy talablarga rioya qiladi.


Slaydlar (23)

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1.01 RBTs are honest and work to support an environment that promotes truthful behavior in others. They do not lead others to engage in fraudulent, illegal, or unethical behavior. They follow the law and the requirements of their professional community (e.g., BACB, employer, supervisor)

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1.02 RBTs conduct themselves in a professional manner, are accountable for their actions, and make an effort to follow through on work and contractual commitments. When commitments cannot be met, RBTs work with their supervisors to address the situation in the best interest of clients

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1.03 RBTs only provide services under their RBT certification within a clearly defined role under close, ongoing supervision.

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1.04 RBTs are never employers of their supervisor. RBTs who are also trainees (i.e., accruing supervised fieldwork toward a future BCBA or BCaBA certification application) may separately contract for those supervision services.

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1.05 RBTs do not knowingly make false, misleading, or exaggerated statements about their qualifications or behavior technician services. They provide a current and accurate set of relevant credentials to employers and supervisors upon request.

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1.06 RBTs provide behavior-technician services only after their supervisor confirms that they have demonstrated competence. They work with their supervisor to continually evaluate their competence.

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1.07 RBTs work directly with their supervisor to ensure that they are culturally responsive in their work. They actively work to evaluate their own biases and ability to work with individuals with diverse needs/backgrounds

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1.08 RBTs do not harass or discriminate against others (e.g., clients, coworkers). They behave toward others in an equitable and inclusive manner regardless of any aspects of a person's status or identity.

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1.09 RBTs are aware that their personal biases or challengesmay impact their ability to effectively carry out their behavior-technician services. If their biases or challenges may impact services, they take steps to resolve the issue and document these actions.

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1.10 RBTs avoid multiple relationships with clients, coworkers, and supervisors. Multiple relationships occur when there is a mixing of two or more relationships (e.g., friend, family member, employee/employer) that may result in conflicts of interest and risk of harm to the client.

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1.11 Because the exchange of gifts can lead to conflicts of interest and multiple relationships, RBTs do not give gifts to or accept gifts from clients, stakeholders, or supervisors with a value of more than $10 US dollars. A gift is acceptable if it is an occasional expression of gratitude

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1.12 RBTs do not engage in romantic or sexual relationships with current clients, stakeholders, or supervisors. They do not engage in romantic or sexual relationships with former clients or stakeholders for a minimum of two years from the date the professional relationship ended.

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2.02 RBTs follow the direction of their supervisors, accurately implement behavior-technician services, and accurately complete all required documentation (e.g., client data, billing records).

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2.03 RBTs conduct themselves in a professional manner during all work activities (e.g., delivering services, receiving training or supervision). They take action to improve their performance following feedback from supervisors

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2.04 RBTs do not use unfamiliar interventions or provide services to unfamiliar client populations unless they have received proper training.

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2.05 RBTs implement restrictive or punishment-based procedures only when included in a documented behavior-change plan and after their supervisor has verified their competence.

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2.06 RBTs direct any questions or concerns that they or others (e.g., caregivers, coworkers) have about their behavior technician services to their supervisor.

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2.08 RBTs protect the confidentiality and privacy of their clients, stakeholders, and others in the workplace by following all related requirements established by the BACB, employers, and the law. RBTs maintain confidentiality when interacting with client info. and records

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2.09 RBTs do not share identifying information (e.g., photos, videos, written information) about clients on social media or websites

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2.10 RBTs only discuss confidential client information under the direction of their supervisor unless allowed by law for a valid reason (e.g., protecting the client or others from harm). RBTs only share necessary client information in their job-related communications (e.g., emails, documentation).

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3.01 RBTs comply with all requirements of the BACB and their supervisor, including, but not limited to, supervision, documentation of supervision, and audits.

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3.03 RBTs do not cheat or help others cheat on RBT competency assessments or RBT examinations

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