umboniso ongasemva
ukwabelana ngenkcazo

IiNkqubo zokuFundisa ngobuchule: Bloom, Marzano, & Webb



Rhonda Murphy Johnson

Abafundi bayila imodeli yeshishini, behlola amaxabiso, ngelixa behlalutya izikhokelo zokufundisa zikaBloom kunye noMarzano. Bajongana namanqanaba ahlukeneyo e-DOK ukukhuthaza ukucinga okunzulu kwizifundo.


Izilayidi (35)

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Imagine you're a teacher. What tools or strategies do you think you’d need to help students learn effectively?

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Tell me what you recall about Bloom's Taxonomy?

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What differences do you notice about the old Bloom's Taxonomy chart and the 2001 updated chart?

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Which strategy are you the least familar with?

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Use your graphic organizer to create a cheat sheet.

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Which of Marzano’s instructional strategies helps students recognize patterns and make connections through visual tools like graphic organizers?

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How does Marzano’s strategy of "Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition" impact student motivation and achievement?

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Which of the following best describes the cognitive benefits of summarizing and note-taking in Marzano’s framework?

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Why is "Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback" crucial for student success?

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What is a best practice for ensuring feedback is meaningful and improves student learning?

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A farmer plants three types of crops. Each crop is grown in equal sections of a 12-acre field. If the farmer wants to reserve 1/4 of the field for rotation, how much land can be used for planting each crop? Which DOK level does this problem BEST represent?

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A group of students is designing a small business model and needs to determine their pricing structure. They consider cost of goods, labor, and desired profit margins to set fair prices. What makes this a DOK 4 task?

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Which framework do you understand the most?

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