
PowerPoint 的替代品 | 2024 年比較揭曉!


武先生 26 March,2024 21 閔紅

可以用什麼代替 PowerPoint?您在尋找嗎 Powerpoint 的替代品,像Powerpoint這樣的應用程式?有些革命發生在一瞬間;有些革命發生在瞬間。其他人則慢慢來。 PowerPoint 革命絕對屬於後者。

Despite being the world's most-used presentation software (89% 的演講者仍在使用它!),沉悶的演講、會議、課程和培訓研討會的論壇正在長期消亡。

如今,其單向、靜態、不靈活且最終缺乏吸引力的簡報模式被越來越多的 PowerPoint 替代方案所掩蓋。 PowerPoint 之死正成為死亡 of PowerPoint; audiences won't stand for it any longer.

當然,除了PowerPoint之外,還有其他簡報軟體。在這裡,我們列出了 3 個有錢(也沒有錢)可以買到的 PowerPoint 最佳替代品。這三個是最好的 3個不同的演講領域: fun + interactive, visual + non-linear and simple + quick. So let's check out the main PowerPoint side-by-side comparison as below!


PowerPoint 是什麼時候創建的?1987
Powerpoint 在 90 年代賺了多少錢? 每年$ 100百萬
Powerpoint 的主要競爭對手?與機身相同顏色
ACEWAY 的 PowerPoint的替代品





告別無聊的 PowerPoint - 你好,AhaSlides - 最好的免費程序,如 PowerPoint!

🚀 免費註冊☁️

1. 幻燈片

👊 最適合: Top PowerPoint alternatives - as the fun + 互動演示

啊哈幻燈片PowerPoint中AhaSlides 與 PowerPoint
整體 4.5 3.3啊哈幻燈片
Comparison between AhaSlides and Powerpoint - Best alternatives to ppt!

If you've ever had a presentation fall on deaf ears, you'll know it's a complete confidence destroyer. Seeing rows of people clearly more engaged with their phone than they are with your presentation is a horrible feeling.

參與的觀眾是有事可做的觀眾 do,這是 啊哈幻燈片 進來。

AhaSlides 是 PowerPoint 的替代品,它允許用戶創建 互動式、沉浸式互動演示. 它鼓勵您的觀眾回答問題,貢獻想法並玩超級有趣的問答遊戲,只使用他們的手機。

提示: 使用即時問答 有助於提高聚會的參與度!

AhaSlides 上的多項選擇幻燈片,PowerPoint 的最佳替代品之一
一個包含 25 個觀眾回答的多項選擇題 -AhaSlides - Best alternatives to Powerpoint

在課程、團隊會議或培訓研討會中的 PowerPoint 演示可能會在年輕的臉上出現呻吟和明顯的痛苦,但 AhaSlides 演示更像是一個事件。 查一些民意調查, 詞云, 量表評級, 腦力激盪會議、問答或 測驗問題 directly into your presentation and you'll be amazed at how much of your audience is 完全調諧..

Like most great alternatives to PowerPoint, AhaSlides works 100% offline, online or in a hybrid situation. Unlike most, however, AhaSlides has a super generous free plan and the market's most affordable paid plans for audiences of more than 7!


AhaSlides - Best alternatives to Powerpoint - Gather Annonymous Feedbacks Effectively

現在就點擊這裡 免費註冊 到 AhaSlides!

Best Feature - Best Alternatives to PowerPoint

AhaSlides' top feature helps long-term PowerPoint users break ties with software like PowerPoint, in a seamless, harmless, "it's not me, it's definitely you" 一種方式。

AhaSlides 的用戶,即使是免費計劃,也可以 直接導入他們的 PowerPoint 演示文稿。從這裡,他們可以在整個演示過程中追蹤一些互動式幻燈片,以便當觀眾通過向 現場投票、腦力激盪、文字雲、完整的問答遊戲等等。

使用 AhaSlides 上的詞云功能製作交互式 PowerPoint
AhaSlides - Best alternatives to Powerpoint

PowerPoint presentations of up to 100 slides can be imported for totally free, although honestly if you're making presentations anywhere near 100 slides then you're 當然 迫切需要交互式演示軟件。

Unlike other alternatives to PowerPoint, there's 沒有限制 on the number of interactive slides you can integrate into your presentation. So, if you want 4 interactive slides to every 1 PowerPoint slide you make, no one's going to stop you (not least your interaction-craving audience!)

了解更多: 40 個最佳李克特量表示例 | 2024 年更新

💡 想讓您的 PowerPoint 具有交互性? 查看我們的指南 關於如何在 5 分鐘內做到這一點!

2。 Prezi

👊 最適合:視覺+非線性演示

Prezi 的演示文稿,提供 PowerPoint 的眾多替代方案之一
Prezi - Alternatives to Powerpoint

Is Prezi better than Powerpoint? Yes, visually! Pretty much, Prezi like Powerpoint! If you've never used Prezi 之前,您可能會困惑為什麼上面的圖片看起來像是一個雜亂房間的模型圖像。 請放心,這是簡報的螢幕截圖。

在談到 PowerPoint 的替代品時,已經有很多關於 Prezi 的文章。 事實上,Prezi 是新呈現方式的最長期倡導者之一,它專注於清晰、有吸引力的視覺效果,而不是冗長乏味的文本洪流。

And it's something that Prezi does very well. Prezi puts visuals at the very centre of its presentations and helps users shape their content around things that are nice to look at, which probably goes without saying, is a big step up from walls of words in 6-point font.

Prezi是一個例子 非線性呈現,這意味著它摒棄了以可預測的一維方式在幻燈片之間移動的傳統做法。 相反,它為用戶提供了一個廣闊的畫布,幫助他們構建主題和副主題,然後將它們連接起來,以便通過從中央頁面單擊來查看每張幻燈片:

Prezi 上的演示模板
Prezi -PowerPoint的替代品

在視覺和導航方面,您已經可以看到為什麼像 Prezi 這樣的演示軟件是頂級 PowerPoint 替代品之一。 它的外觀和感覺幾乎不像 PowerPoint 是其最大的優勢之一,這強化了 PowerPoint 的外觀和感覺像 PowerPoint 是其最重要的弱點之一這一事實。

For intermittent presenters who need a good alternative to PowerPoint for a few presentations, the 5 allowed on Prezi's free plan is enough. However, those who are looking to engage audiences on the regular, with access to features like PowerPoint import, offline-friendly desktop app and privacy controls will have to shell out at least $14 per month ($3 per month for educators and students) - not a princely sum by any means, but higher than some other software similar to PowerPoint. Therefore, AhaSlides is the best free alternative to Prezi.

PreziPowerPoint中Prezi 與 PowerPoint
整體 4 3.3Prezi
Prezi 和 Powerpoint 之間的主要區別


A big plus point for Prezi is that a subscription to its presentation services also gets you two more services - Prezi Video and Prezi Design. Both are good tools, but the star of the show is 普雷茲視頻.

Prezi Video 對未來有著非常敏銳的眼光。 虛擬演示和視頻媒體都在興起,Prezi Video 將這兩種意圖與一個易於使用的工具相匹配,該工具可幫助您在錄製之前用流暢的視覺效果和圖像來說明您的口頭演示。

使用 Prezi Video 上的視頻功能
剪輯禮貌 Prezenter - Programs like Prezi

它缺乏的是輕鬆添加圖表、信息圖表或其他任何可以幫助您形象化觀點的東西的能力。 儘管如此,這種特殊的鬆懈是由 Prezi 設計,它專注於簡單的圖形設計,以創建您可能想要添加到演示文稿中的那種豐富多彩的數據可視化。

One con to all of this is that it's easy to spend so much time flitting between the 3 bits of software that at the end of 5 hours, you might have only created one very visually indulgent slide. The learning curve is steep, but it's fun if you've got time to invest.

3。 Haiku Deck

👊 最適合: Simple + quick presentations, as it's the free PowerPoint software!

Sometimes, you don't need the Prezi-level complexity of 3 full suites to create one presentation. When you've got the confidence to present with your voice, all you need for support is a background and a bit of text.

這是 ku句甲板. It's a stripped-back alternative to PowerPoint that doesn't overbear its users with features. It works on as simple a principle as picking an image, picking a font and combining both into a slide.

The vast majority of presenters simply don't have time to spend creating a full deck of slides that look beautiful and transition more beautifully still. Haiku Deck fits the huge group of professionals who want nothing more than a library of templates, backgrounds and images, as well as the means to embed YouTube and audio clips and see analytics once a presentation is done.

Haiku Deck 上的編輯器,PowerPoint 的最佳替代品之一
Check out Haiku deck promo code -Powerpoint haiku -PowerPoint的替代品

For such no-frills software, you'd be forgiven for expecting a no-frills price tag. Well, Haiku Deck might cost you more than that - it's a minimum of $9.99 a month. Not too bad in itself, but you'll also be locked into an annual plan and can't even register for the free trial without entering your card details.

Another downside to Haiku Deck is that you might also find the features to be as inflexible as the pricing structure. There's not a lot of room for customisation, meaning that if you don't like one element of a background (say, the shading or the opacity), you'll have to ditch the whole thing and go with another background entirely.

我們最後的抱怨是 Haiku Deck 似乎 意圖讓您註冊付費帳戶。 免費註冊的選項被隱藏在定價頁面的深處,免費計劃僅限於一次演示。

ku句甲板PowerPoint中Prezi 與 PowerPoint
整體 3.13.3PowerPoint中
Haiku Deck - Alternatives to Powerpoint


Haiku Deck's "best feature" is actually a combination of 2 features that make up one great idea: 外賣介紹.

作為演示者,您可以首先使用 音頻 功能來錄製您的演示文稿或上傳它的先前錄音。 您可以將這些附加到每張單獨的幻燈片,以進行完整的敘述演示,而無需您現場演示。

After you've recorded it all, you can use the 保存視頻 將您的敘述演示文稿導出為視頻的功能。

如何在 Haiku Deck 上添加音頻和保存視頻

This may seem quite a bit less engaging for an audience, but it's highly convenient for simple webinars and explainer videos. The drawback is that this is only available on the pro account, which costs a minimum of $19.99 per month. For that money and the time you'll spend earning it, you're maybe better off using Prezi.

4. Canva


If you are looking for a treasure trove of diverse templates for your presentation or project, Canva is an epic pick. One of Canva's key strengths lies in its accessibility and ease of use. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and pre-designed templates make it accessible to users of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced designers.

雖然 PowerPoint 最初看起來可能具有挑戰性,但其複雜性使用戶能夠對設計過程進行廣泛的控制。它透過高級功能和自訂選項無縫滿足多樣化和複雜的演示要求,特別是在動畫、過渡和格式方面。

Canva 憑藉其協作功能使團隊合作變得輕鬆,讓用戶可以隨時隨地即時協作。 PowerPoint 還允​​許透過其雲端服務進行協作,但 Canva 因其與社交媒體和雲端儲存的無縫整合而脫穎而出,使工作流程更加順暢且更易於存取。

Canva provides a free version with basic features and budget-friendly paid plans. (US$119.99/year for one person; US$300/ year total for the first 5 people). Even though Canva might cost a bit more than PowerPoint, it's worth it for all the cool stuff you can do with it. 

CanvaPowerPoint中Canva 與 PowerPoint
整體 4.13.3Canva
Canva – Powerpoint 的替代品


Canva is like, super awesome for making cool designs and stuff. One of the best things about it is the pre-made templates. They have templates for everything, like Instagram posts, presentations, posters, and more. It's so easy to use, even if you're not, like, a pro at design.

您只需將內容拖放到您的設計中,然後,它看起來棒極了!您可以做很多事情來使您的設計變得獨特,例如更改顏色、添加文本,甚至添加酷炫的動畫。另外,您可以與朋友同時處理項目,這很方便。 Canva 將為您完成所有艱苦的工作,因此您可以專注於讓您的報告看起來很棒。

5. Visme 


您是否正在尋找一種工具來豐富您的視覺效果並使它們變得更有趣? Visme 正是您所需要的!

Visme also has tons of templates and design options, just like Canva. But the cool thing is, they're all made to be fun and interactive. So whether you're working on a school project or a presentation for work, you can make it look awesome with Visme.

And if you're working with friends, Visme makes collaboration become so easy. You can all work together on your project at the same time, and even give feedback to each other. It's super easy and makes group projects way more fun!

Visme's free version limits access to premium features, encouraging users to upgrade for full access to templates and advanced tools. However, paid plans, while offering valuable features, may be costlier than competitors, possibly straining budgets. Visme's pricing starts at $12.25/month for Starter and $24.75/month for Plus, slightly more than PowerPoint.

VismePowerPoint中Visme 與 PowerPoint
整體 4.03.5Visme
Visme – Powerpoint 的替代品


What makes Visme shine is its knack for bringing your visuals to life. You can jazz up your pictures with all sorts of fun elements like animations and interactive charts. It's a surefire way to make your projects pop and wow your friends and teachers! 

與傳統的靜態設計不同,Visme 使用戶能夠整合動畫、轉場和互動式元素,如可點擊按鈕和嵌入式多媒體。這些功能吸引了觀眾,增強了簡報、資訊圖表、報告和各種其他形式的視覺傳達的參與。透過促進動態和沈浸式體驗的創建,Visme 成為旨在提供有影響力的視覺內容的個人和企業的首選。

了解更多:使用 AhaSlides 隨機團隊產生器 劃分團隊以進行更好的腦力激盪會議!

6. Powtoon 


Powtoon 憑藉其多樣化的動畫、過渡和互動元素,在創建動態動畫演示方面表現出色。這使其與主要專注於靜態投影片的 PowerPoint 不同。 Powtoon 非常適合需要高視覺吸引力和互動性的演示,例如銷售宣傳或教育內容。

While PowerPoint may have a slight advantage in ease of use for users familiar with Microsoft Office, Powtoon offers a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop tools and ready-made templates, catering to beginners. Both Powtoon and PowerPoint offer cloud-based collaboration features, but Powtoon's seamless integration with social media and cloud storage enhances workflow accessibility.

在成本方面,Powtoon 提供各種定價計劃,包括免費版本,而 PowerPoint 通常需要訂閱或購買授權。 Lite版15美元/月,專業版40美元/月,代理版70美元/月(不同期間有特價) 

總體而言,Powtoon 是創建動態且引人入勝的動畫簡報的首選,而PowerPoint 對於喜歡熟悉的介面和廣泛的功能集的用戶(尤其是已經使用Microsoft Office 產品的用戶)來說仍然是一個不錯的選擇。

PowtoonPowerPoint中Powtoon 與 PowerPoint
整體 3.73.6Powtoon
Powtoon – Powerpoint 的替代品


With Powtoon, you can check out how well your presentations are doing with these awesome analytics and tracking tools. You can see stuff like how many people watched your presentation, how much they liked it, and if they clicked on anything. It's like having your own personal detective to see what's working and what's not!

And that's not all! You can also record your voice to go along with your presentation! This makes it way more exciting because you can explain things while people watch. It's like being the narrator of your own movie! Voiceover recording lets you make your presentations super cool and engaging; everyone will talk about them afterwards!

7. 滑狗 


將 SlideDog 與 PowerPoint 進行比較時,SlideDog 作為多功能簡報工具脫穎而出,可無縫整合各種媒體格式。

雖然 PowerPoint 主要專注於幻燈片,但 SlideDog 允許使用者將幻燈片、PDF、視訊、網頁等混合到單一的、有凝聚力的簡報中。這種靈活性使簡報者能夠製作超越傳統投影片的引人入勝的互動式簡報。

A notable advantage of SlideDog lies in its user-friendly interface, making it accessible to users of all proficiency levels. In contrast to PowerPoint's complexity, SlideDog simplifies the presentation creation process, empowering users to concentrate on content rather than technical complexities.

Regarding collaboration, both SlideDog and PowerPoint offer cloud-based collaboration features. Nevertheless, SlideDog's emphasis on multimedia integration fosters creativity and teamwork, as users can seamlessly share and collaborate on presentations containing diverse media elements.

此外,SlideDog 為尋求創建豐富多媒體簡報的用戶提供了經濟高效的解決方案。 SlideDog 具有靈活的定價選項和免費版本,可在不影響特性或功能的情況下提供實惠的價格。相反,PowerPoint 通常需要訂閱或購買授權作為 Microsoft Office 套件的一部分。

    滑狗PowerPoint中SlideDog 與 PowerPoint
SlideDog – Powerpoint 的替代品


SlideDog is your ultimate sidekick when it comes to presentations. Imagine you've got all these different things you want to show – slides, videos, PDFs, and web pages. Usually, it's a headache trying to switch between them without losing your audience's attention.

But with SlideDog, it's like having a superpower. You can throw all these elements together seamlessly, creating a presentation that's not just informative but engaging too. It's like having a magic wand that turns your boring slides into a dynamic show that keeps everyone on the edge of their seats. So, forget about boring presentations – with SlideDog, yours will be the one everyone remembers!

8. 瀝青

👊最適合: 互動和協作演示

Pitch 提供了一系列互動式工具和功能,使簡報超越了傳統投影片。透過 Pitch,用戶可以使用嵌入式影片、互動式圖表和即時民意調查來建立動態演示,從而增強觀眾的參與度和互動。這使得 Pitch 與 PowerPoint 不同,後者主要專注於靜態投影片,可能缺乏相同程度的互動性。

While PowerPoint boasts extensive features, Pitch offers competitive pricing, starting at $20 per month for the Pro tier and $80 per month for the Business tier. Despite being higher than some PowerPoint subscriptions, Pitch's affordability, combined with its interactive and collaborative features, makes it an attractive option for budget-conscious users seeking impactful presentations.

瀝青PowerPoint中推介與 PowerPoint
推廣 – Powerpoint 的替代品


Pitch is the ultimate tool for making presentations that pop! It's perfect for when you need to show off your ideas in a way that's super eye-catching and unforgettable. With Pitch, you can create slides that are as unique as you are, with cool designs and fun features that make your presentations stand out from the rest.

And the best part? Pitch excels in collaboration, allowing users to work together in real-time on presentations. Pitch's collaborative features are designed to streamline teamwork and enhance productivity. Pitch's seamless integration with cloud storage services and social media platforms further enhances collaboration, making it easier for teams to collaborate from anywhere.

9. 埃瑪茲


While PowerPoint is a classic choice for presentations, Emaze stands out for its user-friendly interface and visually appealing templates. Emaze simplifies the design process with intuitive drag-and-drop tools and a wide selection of pre-designed templates, catering to users of all skill levels. In contrast, PowerPoint's initial complexity may present a barrier for beginners, although it offers extensive control over design elements.

Emaze offers collaborative features similar to PowerPoint's cloud service, but it distinguishes itself with seamless integration with social media platforms and cloud storage services, enhancing workflow efficiency and accessibility.

Emaze 的一個突出特點是其多樣化的模板和自訂選項。用戶可以透過具有視覺吸引力的設計、動畫和過渡輕鬆創建引人入勝的簡報。

Additionally, Emaze offers affordability, with a free version and budget-friendly paid plans with three pricing for different users: the Student plan at $5/user/month, the EDU PRO plan at $9/user/month for educational institutions, and the Pro Plan at $13/month for advanced features. These options ensure accessibility to Emaze's innovative presentation tools for students and professionals alike.

埃瑪茲PowerPoint中Emaze 與 PowerPoint
整體⭐3.6⭐3.6Emaze 和 PowerPoint
Emaze – Powerpoint 的替代品


Emaze's templates offer an incredible range of options for your presentations. It's like having access to a vast wardrobe full of different styles, from classic and refined to playful and bold. Whether you're preparing for a formal business pitch or a creative project, there's a template that perfectly complements your vision.

And the best part? They're incredibly user-friendly – just select the template that resonates with you, add your content, and voila! You're ready to impress your audience. It's like having a personal stylist for your presentations, ensuring you always look polished and professional.

為什麼要選擇 PowerPoint 的替代品?

If you're here of your own accord, you're probably well-versed in the problems of PowerPoint.

Well, you're not alone. Actual researchers and academics have been working for years to prove that PowerPoint. We're not sure whether that's just because they're sick of sitting through 50 PowerPoints in every 3-day conference they attend.

  • 根據一個 Desktopus 的調查,演示文稿中觀眾的前 3 個期望之一是 相互作用. A well-meaning 'how are you guys doing?' at the start probably won't cut the mustard; it's best to have a regular stream of interactive slides embedded directly into your presentation, related directly to the content, so that audiences can feel more connected and more engaged. This is something that PowerPoint doesn't allow but something that 啊哈幻燈片 做得非常好。
  • 根據本 華盛頓大學, after 10 minutes, an audience's 注意 to a PowerPoint presentation will 'plummet to near zero'. And those studies weren't conducted exclusively with presentations on unit-linked insurance planning; these were, as described by professor John Medina, 'moderately interesting' subject matter. This proves that attention spans are becoming ever-shorter, which demonstrates that PowerPoint users need a fresh approach and also that Guy Kawasaki's 10-20-30規則 可能需要更新。


就像我們在開始時所說的那樣,PowerPoint 革命將需要幾年時間。

在 AhaSlides、Prezi 和 Haiku Deck 等越來越令人印象深刻的 PowerPoint 替代品中,每個都提供了自己獨特的終極演示軟件。 他們每個人都看到了 PowerPoint 盔甲的破綻,並為他們的用戶提供了一種簡單、負擔得起的出路。

So, let's check out few presentation alternatives, replacement to Powerpoint as below!

最有趣的 PowerPoint 簡報替代方案?

啊哈幻燈片 - Instead of Powerpoint, you can try AhaSlides, the best alternatives to Powerpoint and Prezi. It is great value for those looking at making their presentations 更多樂趣 通過仍然很大程度上未開發 互動的力量. 民意調查、詞云、開放式幻燈片、評分、問答和大量測驗問題都非常容易設置,甚至更容易讓您的觀眾與之互動。 它的幾乎所有功能都可以在免費計劃中使用,其他功能位於每月 1.95 美元的微型付費專區的另一側(或一次性活動 2.95 美元)。

Powerpoint 的最佳視覺簡報替代品?

Prezi - If you're taking the visual route to presentations, then Prezi is the way to go. High levels of customisation, integrated image libraries and a unique presentation style that makes PowerPoint look practically Aztec. You can get it for cheaper than PowerPoint; when you do, you'll get access to two other tools to help you make the best-looking presentation possible.

Top Best General Platform - Rather Than Powerpoint?

ku句甲板 - Not all alternatives to PowerPoint wear capes or fancy accessories. Some are simple, easy to use, and can help you make presentations much faster than similar PowerPoint software. Haiku Deck is all of that. And although it may cost a bit more and be a bit more restrictive than it should, it's still a worthwhile option for presenters in a hurry.