




與我們一起透過遊戲、傳統和樂趣來慶祝農曆新年!探索符號、食物和文化習俗,同時反思新的開始和好運。和我們一起慶祝吧! 🎉

幻燈片 (48)

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🎉 準備好享受歡樂吧! 🎉

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What is your favorite thing about Lunar New Year?

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What's one New Year tradition you most look forward to?

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What animal represents the Lunar New Year in 2025?

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In which country is the Lunar New Year also referred to as "Seollal"?

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Which of these foods is typically eaten during Lunar New Year celebrations to symbolize wealth?

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Match the Lunar New Year symbols to their meanings

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Match the food items to their symbolic meaning during Lunar New Year celebrations:

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Match the Lunar New Year practices to their cultural significance:

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What is your favorite Lunar New Year game?

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What is your favorite Lunar New Year food?

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What's the most challenging aspect of celebrating New Year for you?

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What's your favorite New Year decoration and why?

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Which flower is commonly associated with good luck during Lunar New Year in many Asian cultures?

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In which year did the Chinese government officially declare Lunar New Year a public holiday?

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Which traditional drink is commonly served during Lunar New Year in Vietnam?

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Which of the following regions celebrates Lunar New Year with a unique tradition called "Chun Jie"?

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Match the Lunar New Year animal to the corresponding year in the Chinese Zodiac

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Match the traditional Lunar New Year decoration to its symbolism

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Match the Lunar New Year date to the corresponding event or festival

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