




從傳統習俗到現代樂趣,透過習俗和記憶慶祝農曆新年。當我們擁抱這個團結和繁榮的歡樂時光時,分享故事、遊戲和聯繫! 🎉🧧

幻燈片 (47)

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Let’s Get to the New Year Together!

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🎉 準備好享受歡樂吧! 🎉

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How is your energy for the upcoming Lunar New Year?

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What's your go-to Lunar New Year activity?

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Share a superstitious belief you have about New Year

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What is the primary purpose of the "Nian" legend during the Chinese New Year?

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Which of these countries celebrates Lunar New Year by making "Yu Sheng," a dish symbolizing prosperity?

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Categorize the following Lunar New Year traditions into "Food-related" and "Cultural Practices"

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Categorize the following Lunar New Year customs into "East Asia" and "Southeast Asia":

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Put the following Chinese Zodiac animals in the correct order of the cycle starting from Rat

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Arrange these Lunar New Year days in the correct sequence:

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Put these countries in the order of how they celebrate Lunar New Year by the length of festivities (shortest to longest)

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Arrange these steps of a Lion Dance performance in the correct order

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Which of the following animals is associated with the Lunar New Year in the Japanese zodiac?

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Which popular Lunar New Year game involves the use of a wooden hammer to hit a rice cake filled with sweet fillings?

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Match the Lunar New Year Animal with Its Element (2024-2027)

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Match the Lunar New Year Myth with Its Symbolism

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Categorize the following Lunar New Year customs into "Traditional Customs" and "Modern Practices"

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Categorize the following Lunar New Year practices into "China-related" and "Southeast Asia-related"

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What's one thing you wish you could change about how New Year is celebrated?

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What is your favorite Lunar New Year memory?

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Upload a fun picture from your Lunar New Year memory

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