





幻燈片 (45)

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Let’s get to our Valentine's day

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🎉 Get Ready to Ring in the Fun! 🎉

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Are you looking forward to the Valentine's Day?

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What’s your Valentine’s Day treat?

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A gift that you would like to receive on Valentine's Day?

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The symbol of Cupid originates from which mythology?

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Which food is often referred to as the “food of love” in many cultures?

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Love Songs or Breakup Songs?

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What Romantic Movie Was Released First?

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Correct Order:

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Put these chocolate brands in order of price, from the most affordable to the most expensive

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Correct Order:

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Order these chocolate brands by how long they’ve been around, from the oldest to the newest.

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Correct Order:

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What Romantic Movie Released First?

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Correct Order:

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In A Star is Born (2018), what is the song that Lady Gaga’s character, Ally, performs at the music awards that becomes a major moment in her career?

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"Shallow" won an Academy Award for Best Original Song.

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In Your Name (2016), what mystical connection do the two main characters, Taki and Mitsuha, share?

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Match the Romantic Movie to Its Main Lead Character

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Match the Chocolate Brand to Its Country of Origin

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Categorize these famous Valentine Traditions:

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Categorize the following Movies:

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What’s the most meaningful or creative act of kindness you’ve experienced or done for someone else?

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What is your favorite Valentine memory?

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Upload a fun picture from your Valentine memory

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