




透過有趣的測驗和活動探索情人節的傳統、難忘的電影求婚和情歌。測試你的知識,享受這個情人節的溫馨樂趣! 💖

幻燈片 (63)

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💘 Enjoy the Valentine Fun! 💘

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What is the origin of Valentine’s Day?

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Which country is credited with creating the first Valentine’s card?

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What flower is traditionally associated with Valentine’s Day?

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When was the first box of Valentine’s chocolates introduced?

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What country celebrates “Friend’s Day” instead of Valentine’s Day?

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Order these movie couples by the release date of their films (earliest to latest):

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Arrange these chocolate-related milestones in the correct order:

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Order these Valentine’s Day traditions by how they became popular (oldest to newest)

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Order the Valentine’s Day traditions:

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Match the Famous Proposal Scene to the Movie

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Match the Love Song to Its Artist

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Which animal is known to “propose” with a pebble to its mate?

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How many conversation hearts are made every year for Valentine’s Day?

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Which romantic comedy features the famous line, “You had me at hello”?

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Which of these is a REAL Valentine’s Day card line from the early 1900s?

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What do single women in Denmark traditionally do on Valentine’s Day?

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What is the meaning of a white rose on Valentine’s Day?

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In The Notebook, what animal does Noah say he sees at the lake while on a date with Allie?

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What does Jack yell when he stands at the front of the Titanic?

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In Love Actually, what instrument does the little boy Sam learn to impress his crush?

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In Pretty Woman, what does Vivian famously do with a piece of jewelry?

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Match the Country to Its Valentine’s Day Tradition

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Match the Phrase to Its Romantic Movie

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Match the Chocolate Brand to Its Tagline

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Arrange these love songs by their release date (earliest to latest)

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Arrange these romantic comedies in order of their box office release (oldest to newest):

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Box office release

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