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10 Sioe Deledu Orau i Blant 3-6 Oed | Dewisiadau Rhieni Goruchaf | Diweddariadau 2024


Astrid Tran 10 Mai, 2024 9 min darllen

Mae gwir angen rhieni ar blant 3-6 oed i dreulio amser yn chwarae gyda nhw. Ond nid yw byth yn hawdd i rieni gydbwyso eu hamser a'u hamser i blant, yn enwedig gan fod gwaith ychwanegol i'w orffen, gwaith tŷ diddiwedd, a digwyddiadau cymdeithasol i ymuno â nhw. Felly, nid oes ffordd well na chaniatáu i blant wylio sioeau teledu ar eu pen eu hunain.

Felly, beth yw'r sioeau teledu gorau ar gyfer plant 3-6 oedto watch? What parents should know when letting kids watch TV shows without harm or addiction? Let's dive in!

Y Sioeau Teledu Gorau ar gyfer Plant 3-6 oed
Kids watching movies on TV at home - What are Best TV Shows For 3-6-Year-Olds? | Image: freepik

Tabl Cynnwys

Cartoon Films - Best TV Shows For 3-6-Year-Olds

Cartoon films or animated movies are always kids' favorites. Here are the most-watched animated TV shows for kids.

sioeau teledu gorau ar gyfer plant 3-6 oed 2023
Sioeau teledu gorau ar gyfer plant 3-6 oed 2023

#1. Clwb Mickey Mouse

  • Oedran: 2 oed +
  • Ble i wylio: Disney+
  • Hyd y cyfnod: 20-30 munud

Mae Mickey Mouse wedi bod o gwmpas ers degawdau ac mae'n dal i fod yn hoff sioe deledu ymhlith plant. Mae’r sioe deledu yn dilyn taith Mickey a’i ffrindiau Minnie, Goofy, Pluto, Daisy, a Donald wrth iddynt fynd ar anturiaethau i ddatrys problemau. Mae'r sioeau hyn yn apelio oherwydd eu bod yn ddifyr, yn ddiddorol ac yn addysgiadol. Wrth i Mickey a'i ffrindiau ddatrys y broblem, gall plant ddysgu sgiliau datrys problemau, egwyddorion mathemateg sylfaenol, gwytnwch, a dycnwch, tra'n dal i gael hwyl gyda chaneuon, ailadrodd, a gwneud-credu.

#2. Gleision

  • Oedran: 2 oed +
  • Ble i wylio: sianel Disney+ a Starhub 303 a BBC Player
  • Hyd y cyfnod: 20-30 munud

Un o'r sioeau teledu gorau i blant 3-6 oed yn 2023 yw Bluey, sioe giwt o Awstralia am gi bach gyda dychymyg gwych ac agwedd ddymunol dda sy'n canolbwyntio ar deulu a thyfu i fyny. Mae'r gyfres animeiddiedig yn dilyn arferion dyddiol Bluey, ei rieni, a'i chwaer. Yr hyn sy'n gwneud y sioe yn unigryw yw sut mae Bluey a'i chwaer (ar gyfer dau arweinydd arwres) yn rhyngweithio â'u rhieni ymarferol wrth gaffael sgiliau cymdeithasol allweddol. O ganlyniad, gall plant ddysgu amrywiaeth o sgiliau fel datrys problemau, cyfaddawdu, amynedd, a rhannu.

#3. Y Simpsons

  • Oedran: 2 oed +
  • Ble i wylio: sianel Disney+ a Starhub 303 a BBC iPlayer
  • Hyd y cyfnod: 20-30 munud

The sitcom depicts American life through the eyes of the Simpson family, which comprises Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. Because of the show's simple humor, which appeals to children aged 3 to 6 years old, as well as their parents. As a result, an adult and their child can both watch the show. Furthermore, The Simpsons has a trait that no other program has: the ability to anticipate the future, making them one of the best TV shows for 3-6-year-olds of all time for kids.

sioeau teledu gorau i blant 6-8 oed
Y sioeau teledu gorau erioed ar gyfer plant 3-6 oed

#4. Mae Forky yn Gofyn Cwestiwn

  • Oedran: 3 oed +
  • Ble i wylio: Disney+ 
  • Hyd y cyfnod: 3-4 munud

Mae Forky Asks a Question yn gomedi sefyllfa deledu animeiddiedig gyfrifiadurol Americanaidd a ysbrydolwyd gan Toy Story. Mae’r cartŵn yn dilyn Forky, hybrid llwy/fforc, wrth iddo ofyn cwestiynau amrywiol i’w ffrindiau am fywyd. O ganlyniad, bydd yn gallu addasu'n well i'r byd ysgogol o'i gwmpas. Mae Forky, yn arbennig, yn codi materion hanfodol ynghylch sut mae'r bydysawd yn gweithio, megis: beth yw cariad? Beth yn union yw amser? Nid yw plant bach yn diflasu ar y pwnc oherwydd ei fod yn cael sylw mewn cyfnod mor fyr.

Cynghorion gan AhaSlides

Cynhaliwch Cwis 20 Cwestiwn i Blant gydag AhaSlides

Testun Amgen

Gwnewch Eich Cwis Eich Hun a'i Gynnal yn Fyw.

Cwisiau am ddim pryd bynnag a lle bynnag y mae eu hangen arnoch. Gwên gwreichionen, ennyn dyweddïad!

Dechreuwch am ddim

Education shows - Best TV Shows For 3-6-Year-Olds

Y Sioeau Teledu Gorau Ar gyfer plant 3-6 oed mae sioeau addysgol lle mae plant yn dysgu popeth o'u cwmpas yn y ffyrdd mwyaf cyfeillgar a chymhellol.

#5. Coco Melon

  • Oedran: 2 oed +
  • Ble i wylio: Netflix, YouTube
  • Hyd y cyfnod: 30-40 munud

What are good TV shows for toddlers? Cocomelon is also one of the best TV shows for 3-6-year-olds on Netflix in terms of education. It is the narrative of JJ, a three-year-old boy, and his family's life from home to school. Cocomelon's videos are intended to be entertaining and instructive, and they frequently include positive themes and stories.  The videos are also suitable for people of all ages, not just those aged 3-6, and are completely safe to view. Cocomelon may help develop a child's literacy skills through regular repetition of words, appealing songs, and colorful graphics.

sioeau teledu poblogaidd i blant 3 oed
Sioeau teledu gorau ar gyfer plant 3-6 oed ar Netflix

#6. Galaxy Creadigol

  • Oedran: cyn-ysgol yn bennaf
  • Ble i wylio: Amazon Prime 
  • Hyd y cyfnod: 20-30 munud

One of the best TV shows for 3-6-year-olds, Creative Galaxy is an animated science-fiction web television program for children. We'll follow Arty, a creative preschool alien who lives in the Creative Galaxy (a galaxy made up of several art-inspired planets) with his parents, baby sister, and his shape-shifting sidekick, Epiphany. As a producer's destiny, they want the kid, from 3 to 6 years old, to be an educational and creative artist. Kids can easily learn about action painting and Pointillism while watching. Even better, when we switch off the television, the show always motivates the toddler to produce some art. 

#7. Blippi's Adventures

  • Oedran: 3+ oed
  • Ble i wylio: Hulu, Disney +, ac ESPN +
  • Hyd y cyfnod: 20-30 munud

Blippi is a popular educational TV show for 3-year-olds. Join Blippi as he embarks on an adventurous journey to a farm, an indoor playground, and much more! Kids will learn colors, shapes, numbers, the letters of the alphabet, and lots more with Blippi's wonderful videos for kids! That is an amazing way to help children's understanding of the world and encourage vocabulary development.

#8. Hei Duggee

  • Oedran: 2+ oed
  • Ble i wylio: Paramount Plus, Paramount Plus Apple TV Channel, Paramount + Amazon Channel 
  • Hyd y cyfnod: 7 munud

Mae Hey, Duggee yn rhaglen deledu animeiddiedig Brydeinig sy'n anelu at ddysgu plant cyn-ysgol yn y dyfodol agos. Hei, nid oes gan Duggee ystod oedran a argymhellir. Gall y Sioe Theatr Fyw fod yn bleserus i blant rhwng 3 a 6 oed. Mae pob pennod yn dechrau gyda Duggee yn croesawu'r Gwiwerod, grŵp o bobl bach chwilfrydig y mae eu rhieni'n dod â nhw i'r clwb. Dyna ddechrau eu hwyl a’u dysgu wrth iddynt ddarganfod pethau newydd am eu hamgylchoedd. Mae Hey Duggee yn annog gweithgaredd corfforol, dysgu a mwynhad! Maen nhw hefyd yn creu gemau fideo ar-lein, gan gynnwys gêm cwis, i annog plant ifanc i chwarae a dysgu mwy.

Talk Shows - Best TV Shows For 3-6 Years Old

Ydy plant yn gallu deall sioeau siarad? Yn sicr, mae dod yn gyfarwydd â sioeau siarad i blant ers amser cynnar yn fuddiol i ddatblygiad eu hymennydd a'u creadigrwydd. Crybwyllir rhai o'r sioeau teledu gorau ar gyfer plant 3-6 oed isod:

#9. Ergydion Bach Mawr

  • Oedran: Pob oed
  • Ble i wylio: HBO Max neu Hulu Plus 
  • Hyd y cyfnod: 44 munud

Little Big Shots is all about introducing you to some of the most brilliant and amusing children from around the world. It's not like the other shows I've said; it's a surprising and amusing interaction between Steve and gifted children. It is not just about teaching children the necessity of discipline, enthusiasm, and knowledge, but also about demonstrating the worth of parental support and encouragement. It is fantastic if parents watch alongside their children to encourage them to explore themselves.

Sioeau teledu gorau ar gyfer plant 3-6 oed yn yr UD | Image: tvinsider

#10. Kids Being Kids ar The Ellen Show

  • Oedran: Pob oed
  • Ble i wylio: HBO Max neu Hulu Plus 
  • Hyd y cyfnod: 44 munud

What are good TV shows for toddlers to be on? Best TV shows for 3-6-year-olds like Kids Being Kids on 'The Ellen Show' is so far a good option. This show features the meeting of Ellen with an adorable and intelligent little guess who is the smallest guest just 2 years old. It is perfectly appropriate for all ages; you can select an episode with guests the same age as your child.

Siop Cludfwyd Allweddol

These best TV Shows For 3-6-Year-Olds are incredible options for kids' entertainment and mental development while giving parents time to rest and relax. However, there are other options that can be added to help kids improve themselves such as trivia quiz, riddles, and brain teasers.

💡 Beth yw eich cam nesaf?Parents can also ignite kids' curiosity with interactive learning via quizzes and games. Check out AhaSlidesar unwaith i ddysgu sut i wneud i blant gymryd rhan mewn dysgu wrth gael hwyl.

Cwestiynau Cyffredin

Parents still have many questions to ask. We've got you covered!

Ydy hi'n iawn i blentyn 3 oed wylio'r teledu?

Plant Bach Gall plant rhwng 18 a 24 mis oed ddechrau mwynhau amser sgrin gyda rhiant neu ofalwr. Pan fydd oedolyn yno i esbonio gwersi, gall plant yr oedran hwn ddysgu. Erbyn dwy neu dair oed, mae'n dderbyniol i blant wylio hyd at awr o deledu cyfarwyddiadol o ansawdd uchel bob dydd.

Pa sioeau sy'n briodol ar gyfer plant 6 oed?

Dylech ddod o hyd i gyfres addysgol am bob math o anifeiliaid gwyllt a sioe gyffrous am anturiaethau gyda chymeriadau cartŵn ciwt a charedig. Neu’r sioe sy’n cael ei harwain gan westeiwr twymgalon a doniol sy’n gallu dysgu plant am siâp, lliw, mathemateg, crefft… 

Pa un o'r canlynol sy'n sioe deledu boblogaidd i blant cyn oed ysgol?

Rhaid i'r ffilmiau gorau ar gyfer plant dwy i bum mlwydd oed fodloni set o ofynion llym. Mae angen rhyw fath o wrthdaro ar bob ffilm, ond os yw ffilmiau plant bach yn rhy frawychus neu os yw'r cymeriadau mewn gormod o berygl, efallai y bydd yn anfon plant yn sgwrio am y drws. Dylai rhieni ddewis cyfresi addysgol fel Creative Galaxy neu sioeau ysbrydoledig fel The Little Big Shot.

Cyf: Mwmcyffordd