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Oscar Trivia 2025



Bretagne Burris

Ontdek verschillende genomineerden voor Beste Film, Beste Actrice en Acteur, animatiefilms en Visuele Effecten kandidaten in deze leuke quiz over de awards! Kun jij ze allemaal noemen?

Dia's (24)

1 -

What Best Picture-Nominated Movie is This?

2 -

What's This Best Pictured-Nominated film?

3 -

How About This Best Picture-Nominated film?

4 -

This celebrity is up for Best Actress β€” what's her name?

5 -

Another nominee for Best Actress β€” who's this?

6 -

7 -

Can you name this Best Actress nominee?

8 -

Moving on to the Best Actor nominees β€” who's this?

9 -

Who's this Best Actor-nominated celebrity?

10 -

How about this Best Actor-nominee β€” who's this?

11 -

Up next is the Best Animated Feature nominees β€” what animated film is this?

12 -

13 -

Can you name this nominated animated movie?

14 -

How about this animated movie?

15 -

This movie is nominated for Best Animated Feature AND Best Original Score β€” what is it?

16 -

Can you name this biographical film nominated for Best Visual Effects?

17 -

How about this horror film up for Best Visual Effects, too?

18 -

19 -

Shifting to the Best Supporting Actresses β€” who's this?

20 -

Who's this Best Supporting Actress nominee?

21 -

This actor is up for the title of Best Supporting Actor β€” can you name him?

22 -

Can you name this movie up for Best Production Design?

23 -

And finally, what's the name of this other Best Picture nominated film?

24 -

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