AhaSlides integrations for frictionless workflow

Cut through the hassle of switching tabs with AhaSlides integrations, making audience engagement easier and faster than ever!

ahaslides onse kuphatikiza

Kuphatikiza kwa PowerPoint

Njira yachangu kwambiri yopangira PowerPoint yanu kuti igwirizane. Onjezani mavoti, mafunso ndi Q&A paupangiri wanu pogwiritsa ntchito chowonjezera ichi.

AhaSlides powerpoint integration
microsoft matimu kuphatikiza-ahaslides

Kuphatikiza kwa Microsoft Teams

Bring robust interactions to Teams meetings with AhaSlides' activities, perfect for icebreaking, pulse checks and regular meet-ups.

Kuphatikiza makulitsidwe

Banish Zoom gloom with AhaSlides integration - helping presenters not become the only ones talking.

kuphatikiza makulitsidwe ahaslides

Zophatikiza zina

Pangani chibwenzi nthawi iliyonse, kulikonse.