تعليم - Assessment

A fun way to assess students' knowledge without putting them on stress test.

Who said assessments have to be stressful? With AhaSlides, you can create interactive quizzes and polls that make synchronous and asynchronous assessment easy-peasy for students.


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ahaslides classroom assessment

دنيا جي اعلي ادارن مان 2M+ صارفين طرفان قابل اعتماد

يونيورسٽي آف ٽوڪيو لوگو
اسٽينڊفورڊ لوگو
يونيورسٽي آف ڪيمبرج لوگو

توهان ڇا ڪري سگهو ٿا

Create formative assessments that are not only informative but also fun and engaging

Make use of fun quizzes to reduce students' stress over test.

Avoid the 'um' and 'ergh' by letting the students collectively join the brain dump.

Test your student before, during and after your class with different quiz modes.


Discover the truly innovative ways to assess your students.

  • Don't settle for mundane assessments that instantly put the students' energy to zero.
  • Run fun سوال آهي with leaderboards for thrill.
  • Get students on the same page with formative assessments using open-ended, multiple-choice, match the pairs, and much more.

Say goodbye to stacks of paper and tedious grading.​

AhaSlides gives you real-time reports into student understanding and automatic grading to save you time. See where they're nailing it, where they're getting tripped up, and tailor your teaching accordingly.

ڏسو ڪيئن AhaSlides تعليم ڏيندڙن کي بهتر مشغول ڪرڻ ۾ مدد ڪن ٿا

45K پريزنٽيشنز ۾ شاگردن جي وچ ۾ رابطي.

8K AhaSlides تي ليڪچررز پاران سلائڊ ٺاهيا ويا.

سطح جا مصروفيت شرمناڪ شاگردن کان ڌماڪو ٿيو.

ريموٽ سبق هئا ناقابل يقين حد تائين مثبت.

شاگردن سان گڏ کليل سوالن جي ٻوڏ بصيرت وارا جواب.

شاگرد وڌيڪ ڌيان ڏيڻ سبق جي مواد ڏانهن.

Get Started with Assessment Templates

مزيدار امتحان جي تياري

موضوع جو جائزو

وچان وچان سوال ڪرڻ

I don't want students to look at each other's tests. Can I randomise the question?​

Yes, you can go to 'Settings' and turn on 'Shuffle options' to randomise the question in the quiz.​


I don't want students to see the final score; how can I hide the results?​

You can hide results by simply deleting the leaderboard. The students will be able to see their answers but not their score.​


Interactive assessments that inspire growth.