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O le a le Sone Faamafanafana | Lelei pe Leaga | 2024 Faaalia

Tuuina atu

Astrid Tran 05 Fepuari, 2024 10 minu e faitau

O le a le Sone Faamafanafana i le olaga?

When you are stuck at a dead-end job you hate, or when you expect to lose 5 kilos within 3 months but you procrastinate, many say, "Let's get out of your comfort zone. Don't let fear make your decision for you." What they mean is, try something new! 

In almost every case, people advise you to start taking discomfort to achieve something bigger when it comes to doing anything that isn't within your comfort zone. So, What is Comfort Zone? Is Comfort Zone good or bad? Let's find out the answer now!

What is Comfort Zone? - Image: Shutterstock

Lisi o Mataupu

O le a le Sone Faamafanafana?

O le a le sone mafanafana i le olaga? Sone Faamafanafana ua faauigaina o "se tulaga faʻale-mafaufau lea e masani ai mea i se tagata ma o loʻo nofo filemu ma pulea o latou siosiomaga, o loʻo feagai ma tulaga maualalo o le atuatuvale ma le le mautonu."

O le mea lea, e mafai ona fa'apea o le la'a i fafo o lou sone mafanafana e ono fa'ateleina ai le popole ma fa'atupu ai le fa'alavelave. Ioe, e moni i se tulaga patino. Fai mai Alasdair White, ina ia ausia le maualuga o le faatinoga, e tatau ona oo i se tasi le tele o le mamafa.

The concept is about fear. When you choose to stay in your comfort zone, you are likely familiar with this situation and know exactly how to deal with the problem with confidence. It is a good sign, but it won't last long because change will happen even if you try to anticipate it.

And comfort zone here means using the same approach or mindset to deal with unfamiliar problems, you feel bored and unfulfilled, avoid risks, and don't want to take challenges when taking different solutions. And it's time to get outside of your comfort zone and look for fresh solutions.

O le a le Fa'ata'ita'iga Sone Faamafanafana ma Ituaiga Ta'itasi

O le a le uiga o le Comfort Zone i vaega eseese o le olaga? Ina ia malamalama atili i le manatu, o se faʻamatalaga puupuu ma faʻamatalaga o ituaiga o sone mafanafana ma faʻataʻitaʻiga moni o le lalolagi. A e iloa po o fea le setete o loʻo e i ai, e faigofie atu ona taulimaina.

Sone mafanafana fa'alagona

O le a le Sone Faamafanafana e fesootai ma lagona? Ole Emotional Comfort Zone e fa'atatau i se tulaga e lagona ai e tagata le saogalemu fa'alagona, fa'alogo i lagona masani ma aloese mai tulaga e ono fa'atupu ai le le to'a po'o le vaivai.

People within their emotional comfort zones may resist confronting challenging feelings or engaging in emotionally demanding interactions. Recognizing and understanding one's emotional comfort zone is essential for lagona faalemafaufauma tuputupu ae patino.

Mo se faʻataʻitaʻiga, o se tagata e musu e faʻaalia le fiafia pe faia ni uo fou ona o le fefe neʻi teena. Ma afai e faʻaauau lenei mea, e ono maua e lenei tagata i latou lava i se mamanu o le faʻaesea, misia ni fesoʻotaʻiga aoga ma aafiaga.

Sone fa'amalie manatu

The Conceptual Comfort Zone encompasses an individual's cognitive or intellectual boundaries. It involves staying within familiar thoughts, beliefs, and paradigms, avoiding exposure to ideas that challenge or contradict existing perspectives.

E taua le alu ese mai le sone mafanafana manatu e talia le eseesega o le mafaufau, suʻesuʻe manatu fou, ma avea tatala i isi manatu. O iina e faafaigofieina ai le fatufatua'i, mafaufauga faitio, ma le tele o aoaoga.

For example, if you own a business, you might notice that for every positive thing that happens, there is a negative occurrence. For instance, you might gain a new client, but then lose an existing one. Just as you start to feel like you're making progress, something comes along that sets you back. It signifies that it is time to change perspectives and conceptualization.

Sone mafanafana masani

The Practical Comfort Zone relates to one's day-to-day activities, routines, and behaviors. It involves sticking to familiar or predictable patterns, routines, and methods in various aspects of life, such as work, relationships, and daily tasks.

When you're ready to eliminate your practical comfort zone, you're ready to try new approaches, take on unfamiliar challenges, and embrace change in practical aspects of life. It is vital for personal and professional development, as well as adaptability to evolving circumstances.

For instance, an individual takes the same route to work, dines at the same restaurants, hasn't learned a new skill for years, and socializes in the same circles. It is a perfect example of staying within your

Sone Fa'amafanafanaga Fa'atino. O le mea moni afai e manaʻo lenei tagata e tuputupu aʻe ma ni poto masani sili atu, e tatau ona ia tuuto atu i ai suia nei mausa.

O le a le sone mafanafana?
O le a le sone mafanafana?

Aisea e Matautia ai le Sone Faamafanafana?

The comfort zone is dangerous if you stay within it for a long time. Here are 6 reasons why you shouldn't staying comfort zone too long without making a change.


Remaining in the comfort zone fosters complacency. "Complacent" refers to a state of being self-satisfied, content, and unconcerned with potential challenges or improvements. The familiar and routine nature of the comfort zone can lead to a lack of motivation and a diminished drive for personal and faaleleia faapolofesa. Faʻamalieinae fa'alavelaveina le tulituliloaina o le tulaga lelei ma taofia ai le naunau e ausia atili.

Avanoa e sui

O tagata e fiafia i le avanoa o loʻo i ai nei e masani lava ona tetee i suiga. E ui ina maua ai se lagona o le mautu, e tuua ai foi tagata e le o saunia e feagai ma suiga e lei faamoemoeina. I le aluga o taimi, o lenei teteʻe e mafai ona faʻaleagaina tagata taʻitoʻatasi i tulaga e manaʻomia ai le fetuutuunai ma le fetuutuunai.

Leai se tulaga lamatia, leai se taui

It is a colloquial saying meaning "if you don't take chances then you'll never reap the benefits." Growth and success often come from taking calculated risks. It emphasizes the idea that playing it safe and staying within one's comfort zone may prevent opportunities for significant achievements. Taking fua faʻatataue aofia ai le faia o fa'ai'uga fa'apitoa ma fa'ata'atia e, a'o iai se tulaga o le le mautonu, e ono maua ai ni fa'ai'uga lelei.

Faʻaitiitia le faʻaogaina o faʻafitauli

O le laa ese mai lou sone mafanafana e taua tele pe a feagai ma faʻafitauli, pe fesoʻotaʻi ma le olaga, galuega, poʻo mafutaga. E fai lava si mata'utia le taofi o le mafaufau tuai po'o le masani o le foia o faafitauli a'o suia le siosiomaga, aemaise lava i lenei vaitau. E ono o'o atu ai i le tuai i le fetuuna'i i faiga fou, lu'i fa'atupu, ma avanoa fa'asolosolo.

E le gata i lea, o le lalolagi ua sili atu ona fesoʻotaʻi nai lo se isi lava taimi, faʻatasi ai ma le faʻavaomalo o loʻo aʻafia ai tamaoaiga, aganuu, ma mafutaga. Faʻafitauli faʻafitaulii lenei tulaga fa'alelalolagi e mana'omia ai le naunau e malamalama i va'aiga eseese ma fa'afetaui i le natura feso'ota'i o tatou sosaiete.

Misia avanoa e faalautele ai lou sone mafanafana

O se tasi o mafuaaga sili ona malosi e laa ese ai mai lau sone mafanafana o le faʻalauteleina lea. A e fa'alavelave, talia le le to'a ma le masalosalo, ma i'u ai ina manuia, e le gata ina e fa'aleleia atili lou tomai fa'aopoopo ae fa'ateleina ai lou mautinoa. O le tele o lou lu'iina o oe lava i ni gaoioiga fou ma faigata, o le sili atu foi lea o le fa'alelei ma le fa'anatura, fa'asolosolo fa'alauteleina lou sone fa'alelei i itu tetele ma tetele.

Leai se avanoa e tupu ai

Afai e te manaʻo moni e faʻateleina le tuputupu aʻe ma faʻaleleia atili, e leai se auala sili atu nai lo le laa i fafo atu o lau sone mafanafana. "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."— Neale Donal Walsch. Tony Robbins also says:" All growth starts at the end of your comfort zone". If you refuse to leave your comfort, you are limiting your abilities and potential, to explore your hidden talents and build a better version of yourself. It's akin to staying in a stagnant pond when the vast ocean of possibilities awaits exploration.

E fa'afefea ona e alu ese mai lou sone fa'amafanafana?

How long have you made a change in daily habits and comfort, 3 months, 1 year, or more than 5 years? Let's spend some time to be aware and reflect on yourselves to see what has been holding you back.  

laasaga e alu ese ai mai lou sone mafanafana
O le a le Sone Faamafanafana ma laasaga e 3 e alu ese ai mai lau Sone Faamafanafana -Ata: Freepik

Toe iloilo lou taimi ua tuanai

Did everyone around you have a "normal" job while you were growing up? Were you constantly told that you should work just to make ends meet and that's all there is to it? Do you find it unhappy when someone says you and your life look exactly the same as you 10 years ago?

Fa'ataga oe lava e laa atu i le le fiafia

The most crucial step - accept discomfort and stress when you break out of your comfort zone. Consider the worst-case scenario if you try something new. There is no other path to go, it is tough, but if you overcome it, there will be a wealth of rewards and personal growth waiting for you on the other side.

Seti ni sini fou

After identifying the main cause and problem, let's start having a clear and defined goal written down. It can be a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly goal. Don't make it complicated. Getting out of your comfort zone isn't about saving the world with superpowers, start with simple targets and take action immediately. There is no room for procrastination. Breaking down your larger goal into smaller, manageable steps makes the process more approachable and less overwhelming.

Key Takeaway

O le a le sone mafanafana i lou olaga? Aoao e uiga ia te oe lava ma faia ni faʻaleleia e le o tuai.

💡Mo nisi musumusuga, siaki AhaSlides i le taimi lava lena! Suia le auala masani e tuʻuina atu ai se PPT sili atu ona fou ma faʻaogaina ma le AhaSlides meafaigaluega faʻaalia.Fai se su'ega tuusa'o, faia ni palota fefa'asoaa'i, fa'atino manatu palepalealuga, ma fa'atupu manatu lelei ma lau 'au!

Fesili e Masani ona Fesiligia

O le a le faafeagai o le sone mafanafana?

Fai mai o le faafeagai o le Sone Faamafanafana o le Danger Zone, lea e faasino i se avanoa po o se tulaga e faateleina ai tulaga lamatia, luitau, po o tulaga lamatia e ono tulai mai. Ae ui i lea, e manatu le toʻatele o le Growth Zone, lea e fetuutuunaʻi ai tagata taʻitoʻatasi ma aʻoaʻoina tomai fou ma poto masani, ma le tumu i le faʻamoemoe ma le fiafia mo le lumanaʻi.

O le a se upusii lauiloa e uiga i sone mafanafana?

O nisi nei o upusii musuia e faʻamalosia oe e alu ese mai lau sone mafanafana:

  • “The sooner you step away from your comfort zone you'll realize that it really wasn't all that comfortable.” — Eddie Harris, Jr. 
  • "O mea sili e leʻi sau mai sone mafanafana." 
  • O nisi taimi e tatau ona tatou laa ese mai o tatou sone mafanafana. E tatau ona tatou soli tulafono. Ma e tatau ona tatou iloa le tuinanau o le fefe. E tatau ona tatou feagai, lu’i, sisiva ma.” — Kyra Davis
  • “O se vaa i totonu o le uafu e saogalemu, ae e le o le mea lena e fausia ai se vaa.” — Ioane Aokuso Shedd

Faʻamata: Peopledevelopment magazine | Forbes