Edit page title 5 Hab oo ay Professor-ku si Wanaagsan usoo Bandhigi karaan | AhaSlides
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Ma tahay kaqaybgal?

Macallimiinta qaaliga ah, waan caajisay! Waxaad ku fiicnaan kartaa AhaSlides!

Soo bandhigid

Mattie Drucker 16 Agoosto, 2022 5 wax akhri

Want to know what students think of your lessons? As a current university student, I’ve been to boring lectures after boring lecture, where the professors rarely attempt to engage with their students. I often walk away thinking, “What did I learn? Was that worth it?"

Muxaadarooyinkii ugu waxtarka badnaa ee aan kaqaybqaatay waxaa i siiya aqoonyahano si dhab ah u doonayay inay ardeydu wax bartaan oo waliba naftooda ku raaxeystaan. Aqoonyahanadeyda aan jeclahay waxay u adeegsadaan aalado kala duwan inay ku mashquulsanaadaan ardaydooda maxaa yeelay ogaanin marka ardaydu si firfircoon uga hawl galaan, ay yihiin waxbarashadamaaddada. Astaamaha 'AhaSlides' ee cajiibka ah ayaa kuu fududeynaya inaad ka mid noqoto macallimiintan fekerka iyo xiisaha badan.  

What’s one of the biggest fears as a teacher? Using technology in the classroom? Ditch this fear and embrace it - you can turn these distracting devices into your greatest teaching assets. 

AhaSlides, ardaydaadu waxay ku raadin karaan lambarkaaga soo bandhigida ee ku habboon qalab kasta oo smart ah. Iyo, BOOM waxay isla markiiba ku xiran yihiin isbadalkaaga hadda waxayna ula falgeli karaan siyaabo badan oo kala duwan. Ardaydu xitaa way ku falcelin karaan slide-ka iyaga oo jecel, aan necbayn, su'aalo waydiinaya, dhoolla caddaynaya, ama falcelin kasta oo kale oo aad doorato inaad ku darto ama aadan ku darin.

I'll go over the following features you can connect with your students below: 

  • Kediska Waxqabadka 
  • Dooro badan / Slides slides
  • Erayada Erayada
  • Q&A

Kediska Waxqabadka

I used to panic when I heard the word “QUIZ” in school - but if I knew it was an AhaSlides quiz, I would have been so excited. Using AhaSlides, you can create your own interactive quiz to share with your students. Sit back and watch as your students become intrigued when real-time results come in from their devices. In addition, you can choose to make it an anonymous quiz. That way, students can focus on the learning and not whether or not they get the answers right. Or, introduce some friendly competition and show their names so they can race to the top of the leaderboard. 

Me when the Professor doesn't use AhaSlides

Waa aalad weyn oo lagu kicinayo ficil tartan oo ardayda ka soo saari doonta qoloftooda oo ay ku raaxeysan doonaan tartanka saaxiibtinimo. 

Dooro badan iyo mid furan

Xirfadlayaashu badanaa waxay bixiyaan bandhigyo dhaadheer waxayna ardayda ka filayaan inay fiiro gaar ah siiyaan waqtiga oo dhan. Tani waligeed ma shaqeynayso, waan ogaan lahaa. Maxaad iskudaydeysaa inaad noqoto borofasoor xusuus mudan oo aad ku dhiirigeliso kaqeybgalka dhagaystayaasha?

Try AhaSlides' Multiple Choice or Open-ended slides that prompt students to answer questions on their phone! You can ask them a question on what they read the night before, a detail from the homework, or things just explained in the presentation.

Khamaaradaydu waxay ku jiraan xafladda

Not only will your students be actively engaged, but they will also retain the correct answer. The brain recalls information easier when it's introduced in varying ways. For example, if your student remembers that they got a particular fact wrong in your presentation, they will make new neuron connection and distinctly remember the correct answer. This is why people study in different environments or chew a particular brand of gum, so information can be recalled based off of where they were sitting or a flavor they connect to it.

Erayada Erayada

Aalad weyn oo ay sameyso 'AhaSlides' waa muujinta ereyga daruuraha. Tan waxaa loo isticmaali karaa duruufo badan oo kaladuwan, oo u noqon kara qalab aad u wanaagsan bartayaasha aragga ee fasalkaaga. Xirfadlayaashu waxay u adeegsan karaan inay weydiiyaan talo soo jeedin, si ay ugu sharraxaan dabeecad ama fikrad, ama ka qaataan casharka.  

Waxaa jira qaabab kale oo ardaydaada loogu jeediyo

Tusaale ahaan, waad waydiin kartaa ardayda waxay ka fikireen shaqada aqrinta xalay ee isla markiiba si aad u weydiiso waxay u maleeyeen dabeecad gaar ah, dhacdo, ama khadka qisada. Haddii dadku soo gudbiyaan isla ereyga, eraygaas ayaa ka sii muuqan doona erayga "Cloud Cloud". Waa bilow wanaagsan oo wadahadal ah iyo dariiqo qof walba codkiisa loogu daro, xitaa carruurta xishoodka ee dhabarka. 

Q + A

Do you ever get blank stares at the end of a lesson? Or when you ask if anyone has questions? You know for a fact that some students haven’t understood the lesson, but they won't speak up! Create a question slides where students can write in questions either anonymously or with their name. You can choose to vet the questions on your screen before they're displayed or have them pop up in real-time. This will allow you to see if many people have the same questions or more specific ones. This amazing tool can show you where the cracks are in your lesson and help you improve!

Muuqaalka aan jeclahay

This is my favorite tool because there are so many times where I’m too scared to participate in class. I don’t want to stand up in front of a hundred students and ask a question that might make me look dumb - but I know for a fact other people have the same question.

Ma sugi karo inaan isticmaalo AhaSlides sannad dugsiyeedka soo socda, waxaanan rajeynayaa in qaar ka mid ah aqoonyahannadayda ay aqriyaan maqaalkan iyo adeegso aalad sidoo kale.Miyaan xusin inay iyaduna bilaash tahay?