presentasi latar tukang
babagi presentasi




Arleigh Breedwell

HHS sareng DKA mangrupikeun komplikasi serius tina diabetes. Ajar pasien anyar ngeunaan jinis insulin, target A1C, cek suku sapopoé, pedoman diet, sareng monitor komplikasi sareng sindrom métabolik.


Slides (25)

1 -

Naon ari diabetes?

2 -

What is the normal blood sugar range

3 -

Naon diabetes tipe 1?

4 -

Naon diabetes tipe 2?

5 -

What are some complications of diabetes that require immediate medical attention? Select all that apply.

6 -

What are some potential long term effects of diabetes? Select all that apply.

7 -

Naon sindrom métabolik?

8 -

What blood pressure range is common in patients with metabolic syndrome?

9 -

In inches, how big is the abdomen in patients with metabolic syndrome?

10 -

What is the HDL range seen in patients with metabolic syndrome?

11 -

What should be monitored frequently in patients with diabetes?

12 -

What part of the body should be checked daily in patients with diabetes?

13 -

What does a diabetic plate look like? Select all that apply.

14 -

What is the normal A1C range?

15 -

What is the A1C range in pre diabetes?

16 -

What is the A1C range in diabetes?

17 -

What is the onset, peak, and duration of rapid-acting (aspart) insulin?

18 -

What is the onset, peak, and duration of short-acting (regular) insulin?

19 -

What is the onset, peak, and duration of intermediate-acting (NPH) insulin?

20 -

What is the onset, peak, and duration of long-acting (glargine) insulin?

21 -

What is the onset, peak, and duration of ultra-long-acting (degludec) insulin?

22 -

What is the only insulin that can be given IV?

23 -

What should we teach our patients when they have just been diagnosed with diabetes? Select all that apply.

24 -

What is diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)?

25 -

What is hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar state (HHS)?

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