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Lineako HR tailerrak | 12an antolatzeko 2024 ideia baino gehiago


Astrid Tran Urtarrilaren 16, 2024 6 irakurri min

Zein da sarean onena HR tailerrazure langileentzat?

For decades, talent has always been considered one the most important core of the business property. Thus, it is understood that various companies spend huge capital on employee recruitment and training, especially online Hr workshops. If you have watched "The Apprentice" series by Donald Trump, you will be amazed at how wonderful it is to have the best employees in your company.

For many international and remote companies, it is important to have regular onliane HR workshops to improve employee engagement and commitment, as well as show your care about employees' benefits and development. If you are looking for the best online HR workshop ideas, here it is.

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Hr tailerra
Doako HR tailerra

#1. Agile HR tailerra

The secret of successful people is discipline and remaining good habits, which is shown clearly in time management. If you have ever read about Tesla's president, Elon Musk, you may also have heard about some of his interesting facts, he is so serious about time management, and so do his employees. In recent years, Agile time management is one of the most supportive HR workshops that many employees desire to participate in.

Time Boxing Teknika - 2023an erabiltzeko gida

#2. HR workshop - Educational Training Program

Most of the employees' concern is about their personal development. About 74% of employees are worried about missing a chance for career growth. Meanwhile, approx. 52% of workers fear being replaced if they don't upgrade their skills frequently. Offering your employees professional development opportunities is a great reward for their effort. Plus, it can boost employee engagement by encouraging them to develop their leadership and management skills and expertise knowledge on industry trends and best practices.

#3. HR workshop - Company Culture Seminar

Langileek zure enpresa berrian denbora gehiago egon nahi duten ala ez jakin nahi baduzu, kultura-tailer bat egon beharko litzateke etorri berriak orientatzen laguntzeko, enpresa baten kultura egokitzen zaien jakiteko. Enpresari eskaini aurretik, langile bakoitzak antolakuntza-kulturak eta lantokia ezagutu behar ditu, batez ere etorri berriak. Horrelako langile berrien barneratze-tailer bat hasiberriei ingurune berri batera azkar egokitzen laguntzeaz gain, liderrak beren menpeko berriak hobeto ezagutzeko eta, aldi berean, zoratuta egoteko aukera bikaina da.

#4. Enpresaren HR Tech Tailerra

In the era of the internet and technology, and AI is being implemented in many industries, there are no excuses for being left behind just because of lacking basic digital skills. However, many people don't have enough time and resources to learn these skills during campus time and now some of them begin to regret it.

An HR tech workshop can be their lifesaver. Why not open short-term tech training seminars and courses to equip your employees with useful skills such as analytics skills, coding, SEO, and office skills... . When employees become more competent might lead to an increase in productivity and quality of work. According to the World Economic Forum in its 2021 report, upskilling could increase the global GDP by as much as $6.5 trillion by 2030.

# 5. Talent Acquisition HR tailerra

Headhunters-en ingurune lehiakor batean, Talentuaren Eskuratzearen eremua ulertzea beharrezkoa da HR edozein arduradunentzat. Langile orokorrek ikasi behar ez ezik, HR langileek trebetasun eta ezagutza berriak eguneratu behar dituzte hautaketa- eta kontratazio-prozesua berrikusteko, baita trebakuntza-programak eta talde-loturako ekitaldiak eraginkortasun eta eraginkortasun handiagoarekin eraikitzeko.

#6. HR Tailer dibertigarriak

Sometimes, it is necessary to organize an informal workshop or seminar. It will be a chance for juniors and seniors to share and chitchat, even doing some exercises for their mental health and physical health. For improving work-life balance, some hobby and craft live online courses or yoga, meditation, and self-defense courses.... seem to attract tons of employees to join.

hr tailerra dibertigarria
HR tailer dibertigarriak

#7. Langileentzako 12 lantegiko ideia nagusiak

  1. Denboraren kudeaketa: partekatu denbora kudeatzeko teknika eraginkorrak langileei produktibitatea areagotzen eta estresa murrizten laguntzeko.
  2. Komunikaziorako gaitasunak: komunikaziorako, entzuteko eta gatazkak konpontzeko gaitasunak hobetzeko ariketa interaktiboak antolatu.
  3. Sormenezko lan-ingurunea: Langileak ideia sortzaileak sor ditzaten bultzatu inspirazio-jarduerak antolatuz.
  4. Talde-lan eraginkorra: talde-laneko jolasak eta jarduerak antolatu taldeen lankidetza eta errendimendua hobetzeko.
  5. Lanbide-plana: orientatu langileak karrera-plan bat eraikitzeko eta helburu pertsonalak ezartzeko.
  6. Segurtasun eta osasunerako prestakuntza: Laneko segurtasun eta osasunaren mantentze-neurriei buruzko informazioa ematen du.
  7. Estresa nola kudeatu: Estresa murrizten eta lan-bizitzaren arteko oreka nola sustatzen ikasi.
  8. Lan-fluxu eraginkorra: lan-fluxuak optimizatzeko eta produktibitatea areagotzeko prestakuntza.
  9. Produktu eta zerbitzuen ezagutza areagotu: produktu edo zerbitzu berriei buruzko informazio zehatza eman langileen ulermena hobetzeko.
  10. Gaitasun bigunen trebakuntza: trebetasun bigunei buruzko saioak antolatu, hala nola aldaketaren kudeaketa, talde lana eta arazoen ebazpena.
  11. Langileen konpromisoa hobetu: langileen konpromisoa eta ekarpena sustatzen dituen lan-ingurune bat sortzeko prestakuntza.
  12. Tresna teknologikoa eta software berriak modu eraginkorrean erabiltzeko.

Gogoratu, garrantzitsuena prestatzaileek saioak pertsonalizatu behar dituztela enpresaren zein langileen helburu eta behar zehatzetara egokitzeko.

Begiratu: 15+ prestakuntza-adibide korporatibo motak industria guztientzat 2024an

Beheko lerroa

Why are more and more workers quitting their jobs? Understanding the employees' motivations can help employers and leaders have better strategies to enhance talent retention. Besides high salaries, they also emphasize other demands such as flexibility, career growth, upskilling, and well-being, co-worker relationships. Therefore, along with improving the quality of training and workshop, there is a critical point to flexibly combine with other teambuilding activities.

Guztiz posible da edozein HR tailerra online antolatzea, asperduraz eta sormen faltaz kezkatu gabe. Zure tailerra apain dezakezu aurkezpen-tresnekin AhaSlideseskuragarri dauden txantiloi erakargarriak eta jokoekin eta galdeketekin integratutako soinu-efektu interesgarriak eskaintzen dituena.