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Zure eserlekuaren ertzean mantentzeko 5 thriller film onenak | 2024ko agerraldia


Jane Ng 11 apirila, 2024 5 irakurri min

If you're a fan of cinematic experiences that keep you guessing until the very last frame, then you're in for a treat. In this blog post, we've curated a list of the 5 thriller film onenakhorrek bidaia ahaztezin batera eramango zaitu, buru-makurtze psikologikoetatik bihotz-lasterketaz beteriko narrazioetaraino.  

Has dadila sustoa!

Edukien taula 

#1 - Se7en (1995) 

Se7en (1995). Thriller Filmak

Thriller zinemazaleak, pentsatu al duzu inoiz zazpi bekatu hilgarrietan?

In "Se7en," two detectives, played by Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman, are faced with a series of gruesome murders that revolve around the seven deadly sins. As they hunt down a meticulous and cunning serial killer, the tension builds, and the twists keep you guessing until the shocking conclusion.

The movie's dark and gritty visuals match the intensity of the narrative, making every moment count. It is into the depths of human nature and the lengths people can go to fulfill their twisted desires.

If you're seeking thriller movies that will haunt your thoughts long after the credits roll, "Se7en" should be at the top of your must-watch list.

#2 - Mulholland Drive (2001)

Mulholland Drive (2001)

In "Mulholland Drive," a woman with amnesia tries to uncover the truth about her identity while delving into the darker corners of Los Angeles. As the layers of the story peel back, you'll find yourself entangled in a web of surrealism, dreams, and characters that fight traditional storytelling.

For lovers of thriller movies, "Mulholland Drive" offers a mixture of suspense and psychological intrigue. It's not just about thrills; it's about unraveling a complex tapestry of emotions and mysteries. 

The film's ability to keep you engaged and guessing is a testament to its brilliance in storytelling.

#3 - Hereditary (2018) 

Oinordekoa (2018) 

A chilling masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of traditional horror, "Hereditary" (2018) is an unforgettable cinematic experience that demands the attention of every thriller enthusiast.

In a genre often saturated with jump scares and formulaic plots, "Hereditary" shines as a beacon of intellectual horror. The story is like a complicated puzzle that you have to put together, and the creepy images make you really think about what's happening. This movie isn't just about scaring you for a moment; it's like a puzzle that messes with your mind, making you face your own fears and weaknesses.  

If you're into movies that make you think and feel scared in a different way, "Hereditary" is definitely for you. 

#4 - Midsommar (2019)

If you're into movies that keep you guessing, then you shouldn't miss "Midsommar" (2019) from A24 Studios. "Midsommar" takes the thriller movies to a whole new level with its psychological twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat. 

In "Midsommar," things might seem sunny and calm, but underneath, something horrible is going on. What makes "Midsommar" different is how it gets inside your thoughts. It's valuable because it mixes stories about beliefs, human loneliness, and complex psychological developments.

#5 - The Black Phone (2021)

Ethan Hawke-k aldi berean beldurgarria eta erakargarria den pertsonaia bat sortzen du.

"The Black Phone" stands out for its ability to fuse supernatural elements with psychological horror. 

The story follows a young boy who becomes imprisoned by a serial killer in a nightmarish basement. It weaves a narrative that forces audiences to confront their deepest fears while exploring themes of trauma, resilience, and the power of human connection. The film's unique premise, paired with Derrickson's directorial prowess, offers a fresh perspective on the horror genre.

If you're a fan of thriller movies, "The Black Phone" is a gem you'll want to add to your collection.

Goratu zure thriller filmaren esperientzia

Want to make your thriller movie nights even more exciting? We've got you covered with these simple tips that will take your movie-watching adventure up a notch.

  • Ezarri eszena:Sortu giro ezin hobea argiak itzaliz eta erosoa bihurtuz. Prestatu zure gogoko pintxoak eta konformatu suspensearekin. 
  • Aukeratu zentzuz:Pick a thriller that matches your mood – whether it's a psychological mystery or a heart-pounding action-packed film. 
  • Bitxikeriarekin parte hartu:Sakondu filmarekiko lotura erlazionatutako bitxikeriak aztertuz. Erabili  Movie Trivia Galdera eta ErantzunakZure ikuspenari gozamen-geruza gehigarri bat gehi diezaiokeen datu eta informazio dibertigarriren bat lortzeko. 
  • Film gau bat antolatu:Esperientzia partekatu bat izateko, kontuan hartu lagunak edo maiteak gonbidatzea zinema gau batera.  Data Night Filmakarratsalde gogoangarri baterako tonu ezin hobea ezarri dezaketen filmetarako iradokizunak eskaintzen ditu. 

Final Pensamientos

5 thriller-pelikula onenak altxatzen dira, eserlekuen ertzean uzten gaituzten suspensea, misterioa eta bihotz-taupadak eskaintzen dituzten uneak. Arlo enigmatikoak argitu edo giza psikologiaren sakontasuna arakatu, film hauek gure irudimena harrapatzen dute eta hasieratik amaieraraino arduratzen gaituzte. 

Beraz, prestatu thriller film onenen mundurako abentura zinematografiko ahaztezin baterako.

Maiz egiten diren galderak

Zer esan nahi du thriller filmak? 

Thriller filma suspensezko eta kontakizun bizia duen generoa da, askotan misterio, arrisku eta tentsio psikologikoko elementuak barne hartzen dituena.

Thriller bat beldurrezkoa al da?

Bi generoek suspense eta tentsio elementuak parteka ditzaketen arren, thriller-ak eta beldurrezko filmak desberdinak dira. Thrillerrek suspensea eta ikusmina dute ardatz, eta beldurrezko filmek beldurra eta izua piztea dute helburu.

Zergatik dira onak thriller-ak? 

Thriller filmak onak dira, ikusleak bere trama erakargarriekin, ustekabeko bihurguneekin eta intentsitate emozionalarekin lotuta mantentzen dutelako, ikus-entzunezko esperientzia zirraragarria eta suspensetsua eskaintzen baitute.

Ref: IMDb | Elle