izglītība - Classroom lesson

Introducing AhaSlides: The secret weapon to awesome classes.

Say goodbye to glazed-over eyes and daydreaming students. Our quiz assessment & poll tool bring lessons to life and students buzzing with excitement.

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Tokijas universitātes logotips
Stanfordas logotips
Kembridžas universitātes logotips

Ko tu vari darīt


Set a positive tone from the beginning and encourage a lively discussion in class.

Prāta vētra

Generate a bunch of ideas and visually showcase the most popular responses.

Grupu aktivitātes

Get students working together with team quizzes and building stronger connections.

Zināšanu pārbaude

Quickly assess student understanding with instant quizzes and polls.

Make learning fun

Those who engaged in hands-on activities, gamification, and group discussions retained 93.5% of the information learned after one month, so get the help you need from AhaSlides' interactive polls, quizzes, spinner wheel, and emoji reactions.

Get real-time feedbacks

Instantly gauge student understanding with live aptaujas and quizzes. Identify knowledge gaps and adjust your teaching techniques, ensuring every student gets the support they need to succeed.

Skatiet, kā AhaSlides palīdz pedagogiem labāk iesaistīties

45K skolēnu mijiedarbība prezentācijās.

8K slaidus veidoja AhaSlides lektori.

Līmenis saderināšanās no kautrīgākiem studentiem eksplodēja.

Attālinātās nodarbības bija neticami pozitīvi.

Studenti pārpludina atvērtos jautājumus ar saprātīgas atbildes.

Studenti pievērst lielāku uzmanību uz nodarbības saturu.

Classroom Lesson Templates

English lesson

Nodarbības beigu apskats

Classroom debate

Biežāk uzdotie jautājumi

Do you offer training or support for teachers?​

Yes, we have a dedicated support team available to help you with any questions or issues you may encounter. We also offer various tutorials, guides, and resources to help you get the most out of AhaSlides.​


Does AhaSlides offer a less expensive price for teachers?​

Yes, we do. Our educational plan starts at $2.95 per month!​

Ignite a passion for learning for generations of students.