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The Ultimate iCarly Quiz | 45 Inonakidza Mibvunzo Yekuyedza Nostalgia Yako


Leah Nguyen 29 November, 2023 5 min kuverenga

Alright y'all, grab your laptops and head to the couch - it's time to test your iCarly knowledge in the ultimate #1 iCarly quiz showdown!

Tese takakura tichiseka tichienda kune webcast adventuresyaSam, Freddie naSpencer.

Kubva pakuseka kuenda kuzvidzidzo zvehupenyu, vatatu vedu vatinoda vakatidzidzisa zvakawanda panguva yavo yewacky internet show makore.

But just how well do you really remember all the nostalgic moments? Now's your chance to find out just how big of a superfan you truly are👇

Zviri Mukati

iCarly Quiz
iCarly Quiz

Zvimwe Kunakidzwa neAhaSlides

Zvimwewo Zvinyorwa

Kutsvaga Kunakidzwa Kwakawanda Panguva Yekuungana?

Unganidza shamwari dzako nemibvunzo inonakidza paAhaSlides. Saina kuti utore mibvunzo yemahara kubva kuAhaSlides template raibhurari!

🚀 Bata Mibvunzo Yemahara☁️

Round #1: Doma mavara eCarly

iCarly Quiz
iCarly Quiz

Do you know all the iCarly characters in the show? Let's find out👇


__ndiye munhu mukuru.


__ane mapatya akafanana naMelanie.


__is the main character's boyfriend in season 3.


__ane wart padama rekuruboshwe.


__yaifanira kuve ne spinoff series asi yakakanzurwa.


__inyanzvi yemifananidzo.


__anotengesa zvinhu patsvimbo kuGroovy Smoothie.


__ane mwanasikana anonzi Emily.


__iri pansexual.


__is seen as the "gossip queen of Ridgeway".


  1. Carly Shay
  2. Sam Puckett
  3. Freddy Benson
  4. Lewbert Sline
  5. Gibby
  6. Spencershay
  7. T-Bo
  8. Ted Franklin
  9. Harper Bettencourt
  10. Wendy

Round #2: Zadza mukati The Blank

iCarly Quiz
iCarly Quiz

Do you possess a good memory recalling all the iCarly's messy shenanigans and ridiculous routines? Fill in the blank in this iCarly quiz section:

#11. Carly Shay neshamwari yake yepamoyo __ndinogara muSeattle, Washington.

#12. Freddie ane godo

__. scammer anomhanyisa multi-level marketing scheme.

#13. Carly's best friend, Sam, is a __uye zvishoma zveanonetsa.


______ndiye muvengi mukuru waCarly Shay.

#15. Iyo iCarly webhusaiti inobatwa na


#16. Emily Ratajkowski guest stars as Gibby's girlfriend


#17. Zvakaonekwa kuti Justin ndiye

__. muCarly.

#18. Spencer anoreva Sarah se


#19. Carly, Spencer naFreddie vakapambwa mukati

______uye ______episode.

#20. Carly, Sam naFreddie vanoda kutyora rekodhi yenyika



  1. Sam Puckett
  2. Griffin
  3. tomboy
  4. Nevel Amadeus Papperman
  5. Carly Shay naSam Puckett
  6. Tasha
  7. online hater
  8. kupisa maziso kugeza mukadzi
  9. iPsycho, iStill Psycho
  10. iyo yakareba padandemutande yakakandwa

Round #3: Ndiani Anoritaura?

iCarly Quiz
iCarly Quiz

iCarly pasina mubvunzo inogadzira makotesheni akanakisa mumwaka wega wega, asi unorangarira here munhu waanowana aya makotesheni anonakidza?

#21. "I may be an idiot, but I'm not stupid.”

#22. "You can't say things like brouhaha and not expect people to hit you."

#23. "It's too late for sorry. Now you're grounded, monkey!"

#24. "When did you turn into my wife?"

#25. "Oh really, you wanna see my mom burst into flames?"

#26. "Great. Now when I sit I'm gonna have to put all my weight on my left buttock!"

#27. "You'd rather do comedy with a sack of yogurt than me?"

#28. "Wet and sticky is very icky. Sticky and wet makes mommy upset."

#29. “Don't you mean welcome back from the hospital…Again?”

#30. “Ndiani adzika pasi manje Chucky? Hoo iwe!


  1. Spencer
  2. Carly
  3. Chuck
  4. Sam
  5. Freddie
  6. Gibby
  7. Freddie
  8. Mai Benson
  9. Lewbert
  10. Spencer

Round #4: Chokwadi kana Nhema

iCarly quiz
iCarly quiz

Kurumidza uye kunonakidza, Yechokwadi kana Nhema iCarly quiz kutenderera ichawana kufa-zvakaoma vateveri kudzingwa basa

#31. Lewbert's real name is Luther.

#32. iCarly's total episodes are 96.

#33. Carly's dad is a pilot.

#34. Sam naFreddie havana kumbotsvoda.

#35. Carly naSam vakambobatikana mune imwe nzvimbo simulator.

#36. Gibby often announces his presence by yelling "Yodaa" in a deep voice.

#37. Gibby's real first name is actually Gibby.

#38. Muchikamu chekupedzisira, Carly anotamira kuItaly nababa vake.

#39. In "iBust a Thief", Spencer won a toy whale.

#40. Sam dzimwe nguva anoshandisa butter sock sechombo.


  1. Nhema. NdiLouis.
  2. chokwadi
  3. Nhema. Ndiye Colonel muUS Air Force.
  4. Nhema. Kutsvoda kwavo kwekutanga kwaive pakutiza moto.
  5. chokwadi
  6. Nhema. Ndi "Gibbeh!"
  7. Nhema. Zita rake chairo ndiGibson.
  8. chokwadi
  9. Nhema. Itoyi dolphin.
  10. chokwadi

Round #5: Multiple-sarudzo

iCarly quiz
iCarly quiz

Congrats on advancing to the final round🎉 Still think this iCarly quiz is easy-breezy? How about getting all these multiple-choice questions right - we will give you a medal🥇

#41. What is Sam's obsessed food?

  • hamu
  • bhekoni
  • Kuku yakatsva
  • Mafuta makeke

#42. Nderipi basa raiitwa naSpencer asati ava muimbi?

  • gweta
  • chiremba
  • Chiremba
  • Architect

#43. Gibby's younger brother's name is:

  • chubby
  • Gabby
  • Guppy
  • Gibbie

#44. What's the name of the apartment Carly and her brother live in?

  • 8-A
  • 8-B
  • 8-C
  • 8-D

#45. Nderipi theme theme birthday party inofarirwa naFreddie mumwaka wechipiri wekupedzisira?

  • Galaxy Wars-themed party
  • 70's-themed party
  • 50's-themed party
  • Funky disco-themed bato


  1. Mafuta makeke
  2. gweta
  3. Guppy
  4. 8-D
  5. 70's-themed party

Maitiro ekugadzira Yemahara Quiz

AhaSlides' online quiz maker will get your quiz game going strong with these simple steps:

  • Step 1: Gadzira a free accountpamwe neAhaSlides.
  • Step 2: Sarudza template kubva kuTemplate Library kana gadzira imwe kubva kutanga.
  • Step 3: Create your quiz questions - set the timer, score, correct answers, or add pictures - there are endless possibilities. If you want the participants to play the quiz anytime, go to 'Setting' - 'Who takes the lead' - choose 'Audience (self-paced)'.
  • Step 4: Hit the 'Share' button to send the quiz to everyone, or press 'Present' if you're playing live.
Gadzira iCarly quiz kana chero mibvunzo paAhaSlides
Gadzira iCarly quiz kana chero mibvunzo paAhaSlides


Izvi zvinopedzisa rwendo rwedu rwequiztastic kudzika Nostalgia Lane!

Whether you aced or average, thanks for playing - hope this iCarly quiz brings those silly smiles and middle school memories flooding back like a tidal Sam stuffed with fat cakes.

Mibvunzo Inonyanya Kubvunzwa

Ndiani anotsvoda Carly muCarly?

Freddie. Muchikamu chekutanga "iMake New Memories", Freddie naCarly vakazotsvoda.

Ndiani mukadzi anodheerera muCarly?

Jocelyn ndiye mukadzi anopikisa muCarly.

Ndiani musikana wechiChinese muCarly?

Poppy Liu ndiye mutambi wechiChinese-America ane nyeredzi seDutch muCarly.

Ndiani mwana anorwara muCarly?

Jeremy kana Germy muCarly ndiye mwana anga achirwara kubva giredhi rekutanga.

Ndiani musikana mutema paCarly?

Harper Bettencourt ndiye musikana mutsva paCarly reboot uyo anoratidzwa neBlack actress Laci Mosley.