Edit page title 11 款互动演示游戏将在 2024 年赢得轻松参与 - AhaSlides
Edit meta description 赢得观众参与并不容易,但是通过这 11 个适合大型和小型活动的互动演示游戏,您可以自信地进行演示,知道您的声音被听到。

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11 款互动演示游戏将在 2024 年赢得轻松参与


劳伦斯·海伍德 <span>2014-04-10</span> 12 阅读分钟

So, how to make a presentation engaging? Audience attention is a slippery snake. It's difficult to grasp and even less easy to hold, yet you need it for a successful presentation.

No Death by PowerPoint, no to drawing monologues; it's time to bring out the 互动演示游戏!



概述 互动演示游戏

以下这 11 款游戏非常适合 交互式演示. They'll score you mega-plus points with colleagues, students, or wherever else you need a kick of super-engaging interactivity... So let's check out those exciting presentation formats!


主办方 互动演示游戏免费!


使用 AhaSlides,让您的整个活动对任何地方的任何观众都难忘。

在最新的演示之后需要一种方法来评估您的团队吗? 了解如何使用 AhaSlides 匿名收集反馈!

使用 AhaSlides 进行更多交互式演示的技巧



为您的下一个交互式演示文稿获取免费模板。 免费注册并从模板库中获取您想要的!

🚀 获取免费模板


AhaSlides 演示文稿中的现场测验。

Is there any event that hasn't been immediately improved with some trivia?

A 现场测验is an evergreen, ever-engaging way to consolidate your presentation's info and check the understanding of it all amongst your audience. Expect big laughs as your audience competes fiercely over who was listening to your presentation the most complex.


  1. 设置您的问题 AhaSlides - the free quizzing software.
  2. 向您的玩家展示您的测验,他们通过在手机中输入您的唯一代码来加入。
  3. 让您的玩家完成每个问题,他们竞相以最快的速度获得正确答案。
  4. 查看最终排行榜以揭晓获胜者!

只需几分钟,即可了解如何免费设置演示文稿测验! 👇



头脑风暴规则 - 互动演示游戏
Brainstorming rules - Interactive presentation games

把你的听众放在你的鞋子里。 给他们一个与你的演讲相关的场景,看看他们会如何处理。

Let's say you're a teacher giving a presentation on dinosaurs. After presenting your info, you would ask something like...

剑龙正在追你,准备抢你吃饭。 你怎么逃?

After each person submits their answer, you can take a vote to see which is the crowd's favourite response to the scenario.

这是最适合学生的演示游戏之一,因为它可以激发年轻人的创造力。 但它在工作环境中也很有效,并且可以产生类似的释放效果,这对于 大团体破冰船.


  1. 创建一个头脑风暴幻灯片并在顶部写下你的场景。
  2. 参与者在他们的手机上加入您的演示,并输入他们对您的场景的回答。
  3. 之后,每位参与者投票选出他们最喜欢的(或最喜欢的前 3 名)答案。
  4. 得票最多的参与者将成为获胜者!


No matter the topic of your presentation, there's sure to be a lot of numbers and figures flying around.

As an audience member, keeping track of them isn't always easy, but one of the interactive presentation games that makes it easier is 密钥号码.

Here, you offer a simple prompt of a number, and the audience responds with what they think it refers to. For example, if you write '$25',您的听众可能会回应 'our cost per acquisition', 'our daily budget for TikTok advertising' or 'the amount John spends on jelly tots every day'.


  1. 创建一些多项选择的幻灯片(或开放式幻灯片以使其更复杂)。
  2. 在每张幻灯片的顶部写下您的密钥编号。
  3. 写出答案选项。
  4. 参与者在他们的手机上加入您的演示。
  5. 参与者选择他们认为与关键数字相关的答案(如果是开放式的,则输入他们的答案)。
演示者使用 AhaSlides 进行交互式演示游戏
Key number - Interactive presentation games


猜正确的顺序,这是在 AhaSlides 上运行的众多演示游戏之一
Guess the order - Interactive presentation games


To cement this information in your audience's mind, 猜顺序 是一款非常棒的演示小游戏。



  1. Create a 'Correct Order' slide and write your statements.
  2. 语句会自动混乱。
  3. 玩家在他们的手机上加入您的演示。
  4. 玩家竞相按照正确的顺序排列语句。


Two truths one lie - Interactive presentation games

You might have heard of this one as a great icebreaker, but it's also one of the top presentation games for checking who's paying attention.

And it's pretty simple to do. Just think of two statements using the information in your presentation, and make another one up. Players have to guess which is the one you've made up.



  1. 创建一个 2 个真相和 XNUMX 个谎言的清单涵盖演讲中的不同主题。
  2. 读出两个真相和一个谎言,并让参与者猜测谎言。
  3. 参与者通过手工或通过投票方式投票支持谎言 多项选择幻灯片在你的演讲中。


Interactive presentation games - 4 corners | Image credit: 游戏加尔

The best presentations are ones that spark a bit of creative thinking and discussion. There's no better presentation game for evoking this than 4 个角。

The concept is simple. Present a statement based on something from your presentation that's open to different points of view. Depending on each player's opinion, they move to a corner of the room labelled'strongly agree', 'agree', 'disagree' or 'strongly disagree'.



一旦每个人都在他们的角落,你可以有一个 结构化辩论四方之间提出不同意见。


  1. Set up the 'strongly agree', 'agree', 'disagree' and 'strongly disagree' corners of your room (if running a virtual presentation, then a simple show of hands could work).
  2. 写一些可以接受不同意见的陈述。
  3. 宣读声明。
  4. 每个玩家都站在房间的右角,这取决于他们的观点。
  5. 讨论四种不同的观点。


词云幻灯片作为 AhaSlides 上演示游戏的一部分。
Word cloud - Interactive presentation games

活字云,那恭喜你, 时刻 a beautiful addition to any interactive presentation. If you want our advice, include them whenever you can - presentation games or not.

如果你 do计划在你的演示文稿中使用一个游戏,一个很好的尝试是 模糊词云.

它与流行的英国游戏节目采用相同的概念 无意义. 您的玩家会得到一份声明,并且必须说出他们能说出的最晦涩的答案。 最少提及的正确答案就是赢家!


说出我们客户满意度最高的 10 个国家之一。

最受欢迎的答案可能是 印度,美国 巴西,但这些点数归于最少提及的正确国家/地区。


  1. 创建一个词云幻灯片,将您的声明放在顶部。
  2. 玩家在他们的手机上加入您的演示。
  3. 玩家提交他们能想到的最晦涩的答案。
  4. 最不起眼的一个在黑板上显得最小巧。 谁提交了这个答案就是赢家!


得到这些 词云模板当你 免费注册会员使用 AhaSlides!


心、枪、炸弹 - 互动演示游戏
心、枪、炸弹 - 互动演示游戏

This one's a great game to use in the classroom, but if you're not looking for presentation games for students, it also works wonders in a casual work setting.

心、枪、弹 is a game in which teams take turns to answer questions presented in a grid. If they get an answer right, they either get a heart, a gun or a bomb...

  • ❤️ 给予团队额外的生命。
  • 一个🔫从任何其他团队中夺走了一条生命。
  • A 💣从得到它的团队手中夺走一颗心。

所有团队都以五颗心开始。 最后红心最多的队伍,或者唯一幸存的队伍,就是赢家!


  1. Before starting, create a grid table for yourself with either a heart, gun or bomb occupying each grid (on a 5x5 grid, this should be 12 hearts, nine guns and four bombs).
  2. Present another grid table to your players (5x5 for two teams, 6x6 for three groups, etc.)
  3. 将演示文稿中的数字统计(如 25%)写入每个网格。
  4. 将玩家分成所需数量的团队。
  5. 第 1 队选择一个网格并说出数字背后的含义(例如,上个季度的客户数量).
  6. If they're wrong, they lose a heart. If they're right, they get either a seat, gun or bomb, depending on what the grid corresponds to on your grid table.
  7. Repeat this with all the teams until there's a winner!

👉 获取更多 互动演讲的想法(交互式 PowerPoint 创意)与 AhaSlides。

#9: Match Up -互动演示游戏

AhaSlides 配对 - 演示互动活动
Interactive presentation games - interactive activity for presentation

Here's another quiz-type question that can be a great addition to your roster of presentation games.

它涉及一组提示语句和一组答案。 每组都是混乱的; 玩家必须尽快将信息与正确答案相匹配。



  1. Create a 'Match Pairs' question.
  2. 填写提示和答案集,会自动随机播放。
  3. 玩家在他们的手机上加入您的演示。
  4. 玩家尽可能快地将每个提示与其答案匹配以获得最高分。



If there's a more versatile presentation game tool than the humble 转轮, we aren't aware of it.

Adding the random factor of a spinner wheel might be just what you need to keep engagement in your presentation high. There are presentation games you can use with this, including...

  • 选择随机参与者回答问题。
  • 回答正确后选择奖励。
  • 选择下一个提出问答问题或进行演示的人。


  1. 创建一个旋转轮幻灯片并在顶部写下标题。
  2. 写下旋转轮的条目。
  3. 旋转轮子,看看它在哪里着陆!

小贴士💡You can choose the AhaSlides spinner wheel to use your participants' names, so you don't have to fill in the entries manually! Learn more 交互式演示技术使用 AhaSlides。


PixelSquid360 在 Envato Elements 上的箔气球问号
Interactive presentation games - Interactive ways to present information

This one's a great way to turn a regular end-of-presentation feature into a fun, engaging game.

It's got all the hallmarks of a standard Q&A, but this time, all the questions are written on balloons.

It's a super simple one to set up and play, but you'll see how motivated participants are to ask questions when it involves balloons!


  1. 向每位参与者分发一个放气的气球和一个 Sharpie。
  2. 每个参与者吹气球并在上面写下他们的问题。
  3. 每个参与者都将他们的气球击向演讲者站立的地方。
  4. 演讲者回答问题,然后弹出或扔掉气球。

🎉小贴士: 与观众互动的最佳问答应用程序 | 5 年 2024 个以上免费平台

Interactive PowerPoint Presentation Games - Yes or No?

So, how do you feel about AhaSlides's creative ideas for presentations? Being by far the most popular presentation tool on the planet, you may want to know if there are any presentation games to play on PowerPoint.

Unfortunately, the answer is no. PowerPoint takes presentations incredibly seriously and doesn't have a lot of time for interactivity or fun of any kind.

But there's good news...

It is 在 AhaSlides 的免费帮助下,可以将演示游戏直接嵌入到 PowerPoint 演示文稿中。

您还可以 导入您的 PowerPoint 演示文稿单击按钮即可转到 AhaSlides, 反之亦然,然后将上面的交互式演示游戏直接放置在演示幻灯片之间。

💡 PowerPoint演示游戏 不到5分钟? 检查下面的视频或 我们的快速教程在这里找出方法!




⁤交互式演示游戏可以提高参与度、参与度和知识保留率。 ⁤⁤他们通过结合以下元素将被动的听众变成主动的学习者 现场民意调查, 想法板,测验, 词云 Q&A.


- Match your content: The game should reinforce the topics being covered, not just be random entertainment.
- Audience considerations: Age, group size, and their knowledge level will inform game complexity.
- Tech tools & time: Consider tools like AhaSlides, 替代品, Kahoot等等,或者根据自己的时间设计简单的无技术游戏。
- Utilise appropriate questions, including 破冰游戏问题或 一般知识测验问题


让演示文稿更具吸引力可能是一项挑战,但您可以使用多种技巧让您的演示文稿更有趣、更令人难忘,包括 (1) 从强有力的开场白开始 (2) 使用大量视觉广告,以及 (3) 讲述引人入胜的故事. 此外,请记住保持简短和甜美,当然,还要多练习!