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Nike-ren marketin estrategia | Ordutik orain arte ikasi beharrekoak


Astrid Tran 31 Urria, 2023 6 irakurri min

Nike is the market leader in terms of sports apparel and shoes. The success of Nike is based on not only their ultimate and functional designs but also the millions of dollars spent on marketing campaigns. The marketing strategy of Nike is excellent in many facets and has valuable lessons to learn from. From its humble beginnings as a small sports shoe company to its current status as a global behemoth in the athletic apparel industry, Nike's journey has been worth penning down in detail.

Nike-ren marketin estrategia: orduan eta orain

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Nike-ren marketin-estrategia: Marketing Mix

What are the key components of Nike's marketing strategy? The STP management of Nike starts with the 4Ps, product, place, promotion, and price, all marketers know about that. But what makes it different? Let's break it down to do a brief analysis. 

  • Produktuen: Let's be honest, compared to other footwear brands, Nike products are aesthetically unique in design, with undeniably high quality. And Nike has taken pride in maintaining this reputation in the industry for decades.
  • Prezioa: Nikerentzat mugimendu bikaina da prezioen estrategia desberdinak ezartzea haien segmentazioan oinarrituta. 
    • Balioan oinarritutako prezioak: Nike-k uste du gauzak ahalik eta prezio baxuenean saltzeak baliteke salmentak ez dituela handituko, aitzitik, kalitate goreneko elementuak prezio egokian ekartzea da modurik onena bezeroaren esperientzia ezin hobea emateko. 
    • Premium prezioak: Nike-ren zalea bazara, baliteke edizio mugatuko Air Jordans pare bat izatearekin amets egitea. Diseinu hau Nike-ren premium prezioari dagokio, eta horrek bere produktuen balioa handitzen du. Artikuluen prezio-eredu honek markaren leialtasun maila eta puntako teknologia sortzea du helburu.
  • Sustapena: According to Statista, in the 2023 financial year alone, Cost for Nike's advertising and promotion amounts to approx. 4.06 billion U.S. dollars. That same year, the company generated over 51 billion U.S. dollars in global revenue. The numbers speak for themselves. They use a range of promotion strategies such as influencer marketing, sports events sponsorship, and advertising to create strong, emotional connections with their customers. 
  • Place: Nikek produktu gehienak Ipar Amerikan, Mendebaldeko Europan, Txina Handian, Japonian eta Erdialdeko eta Ekialdeko Europan saltzen ditu. Bere mundu mailako banaketa sareak fabrikatzaileetatik banatzaileetara, txikizkako dendetara eta lineako merkataritza elektronikoko plataformek modu eraginkorrean funtzionatzen du, herrialde askotan merkean. 
Nike-ren marketin estrategiak bezeroen esperientziarik handienak ekartzea du helburu

Nike-ren marketin estrategia: normalizaziotik lokalizaziora

Nazioarteko merkatuei dagokienez, kontuan hartu beharreko lehen gauza normalizazioa edo lokalizazioa da. Nikek oinetako eredu eta kolore asko estandarizatzen dituen arren mundu osoan marketin globalaren ikuspegi gisa, ordea, istorioa ezberdina da sustapen estrategiarako. Nikek marketin estrategia pertsonalizatuak erabiltzen ditu herrialde ezberdinetako bezeroak erakartzeko. 

Zein marketin estrategia erabiltzen du Nikek zenbait herrialdetan? Adibidez, Txinan, Nike-ren marketin-estrategia bere produktuak arrakastaren eta estatusaren ikur gisa sustatzera bideratzen da. Indian, konpainiak merkean eta iraunkortasunean oinarritzen da. Brasilen, Nikek pasioaren eta norberaren adierazpenaren garrantzia azpimarratzen du. 

Horrez gain, Nikek merkaturatzeko kanal desberdinak ere erabiltzen ditu herrialde ezberdinetan. Txinan, konpainiak sare sozialetan eta influencer marketinean oinarritzen da. Indian, Nikek publizitate kanal tradizionalak erabiltzen ditu, hala nola telebista eta inprimakia. Brasilen, Nikek kirol-ekitaldi eta talde nagusiak babesten ditu.

Nike-ren marketin digitalaren estrategia

Nikek tradizioz jarraitu du a Zuzeneko kontsumitzailera (D2C)planteamendu handia sortu zenetik, hau da, 2021ean dendari batzuekin harremanak eten zituen bere sustapenerako. zuzeneko salmentak. However, the brand has recently made a transformative change. As reported by the Wall Street Journal earlier this month, Nike has revived its relationships with the likes of Macy's and Footlocker. 

"Our direct business will continue to grow the fastest, but we'll continue to expand our marketplace strategy to enable access to as many consumers as possible and drive growth," said CEO John Donahoe. The brand is now focusing on reaching a broader customer base through berrikuntza digitalaketa sare sozialak.  

How does Nike use digital marketing? Nike has played big in socials. it has increased the digital part of its business to 26% this year, up from 10% in 2019, and is on track to achieve its target of being a 40% digital business by 2025. The brand's social media game is at the very top of its respective genre, with 252 million Instagram followers alone and millions more on other social media platforms.

Nike-ren marketin estrategia
Nike-ren marketin estrategia sare sozialen bidez bere salmenta globalak sustatzeko.

Gakoen eramatea

Nike marketin estrategiak STP, segmentazio, bideratze eta posizionamendu eraginkorrak ezarri ditu eta arrakasta handia lortu du. Horrelako industria lehiakor batean iraunkorrak izaten ikasteko adibide ona da. 

How to make the customer retention rate higher? There is no better way than to encourage customer engagement in any company’s activities. For a successful event, let's try something new and innovative like a live presentation like AhaSlides. Zuzeneko inkestak erabil ditzakezu iritzi publikoak biltzeko, edo gurpil bat opariak denbora errealean elkarrekintzan ausaz emateko. Sartu ẠhaSlides orain eta irabazi eskaintzarik onena. 

Galdera arruntak

Zein dira Nike-ren merkatuaren segmentazio estrategiaren adibideak?

Nike has successfully implemented market segmentation into its business strategy, which involves four categories: geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral. Take for example its 4Ps customized strategy based on geographic elements. For example, Nike's promotional commercials in England focus on football and rugby, while in the United States, the commercials highlight baseball and soccer. In India, the brand promotes cricket sportswear and equipment through its TV advertising. This approach has helped Nike cater to the preferences and interests of its target audience in different regions, leading to increased brand awareness and sales.

What is Nike's push strategy?

Nike's push strategy is about being a digital-first, direct-to-consumer (D2C) company. As part of its D2C push, Nike aims to reach 30% digital penetration by 2023, meaning 30% of total sales would come from Nike's e-commerce revenue. However, Nike blew past that goal two years ahead of schedule. It now expects its overall business to acquire 50% digital penetration in 2023.

Ref: Marketin astea | Egitaraua