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Malonu susipažinti Atsakyti | 65 unikalūs atsakymai, dėl kurių išsiskirsite | Atskleidžia 2024 m


Džeinė Ng Kovo 14, 2024 9 min perskaityti

How do you respond to nice to meet you? At that moment, your mind races to come up with the perfect response – something that's not just the usual "Nice to meet you too".

Well, you're in luck! Check out the top "Malonu susipažinti Atsakymai" collection that will elevate your conversation, chat, and email into memorable connections.


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Malonu susipažinti. Atsakyk
Malonu susipažinti. Atsakyk. Vaizdas: freepik

Malonu susipažinti Atsakykite 

Here's a list of some of the best "Nice to meet you" replies that can help you stand out and make a positive impression:

  1. Likewise, I've been practicing my 'Nice to meet you' smile all morning!
  2. It's not every day I meet someone as interesting as you.
  3. Ačiū už gražų sveikinimą.
  4. Your energy is contagious; I'm glad we connected.
  5. Susitikimas yra tarsi vakarėlyje rasti paskutinį picos gabalėlį – netikėta ir nuostabu!
  6. If I had known meeting you would be this fun, I would've introduced myself sooner!
  7. I'm pretty sure our meeting was foretold in some ancient prophecy.
  8. Nice to meet you! I've been practicing my small talk in front of a mirror.
  9. Šis bendravimas jau yra mano dienos akcentas.
  10. Susitikimas su jumis pranoko mano lūkesčius. 
  11. I'm genuinely excited to learn more about you.
  12. Our introduction couldn't have come at a better time.
  13. Tikėjausi šiandien sutikti tokio lygio žmogų, ir štai
  14. Ketinau atnešti dovaną, bet pamaniau, kad užteks mano akinančios asmenybės.
  15. Nice to meet you! I've been telling all my friends about this epic encounter.
  16. Turbūt tu esi priežastis, kodėl šiandien pabudau su šypsena. Malonu susipažinti!
  17. Susitikimas su jumis pranoko mano lūkesčius.
  18. Man pasisekė, kad pradėjau su jumis pokalbį.
  19. I've been eager to meet the person behind the impressive reputation.
  20. I must say, I've been intrigued to meet you.
  21. I've heard great things and now I see why.
  22. Galiu pasakyti, kad mūsų pokalbiai bus žavūs.
  23. Susitikimas – maloni staigmena

Malonu susitikti su Jumis, kad atsakote profesionalioje aplinkoje

In a professional setting, it's important to strike a balance between warmth and professionalism. Remember to adjust your response based on the level of formality and the specific context:

Malonu susitikti su jumis atsakant profesionalioje aplinkoje
Malonu susipažinti. Atsakyk. Vaizdas: freepik
  1. Thank you for the introduction. It's a pleasure to meet you as well.
  2. I've been looking forward to connecting with you. Nice to meet you.
  3. I appreciate the opportunity to meet you. Let's make great things happen.
  4. It's an honor to make your acquaintance. Nice to meet you.
  5. I'm excited to start working together. Nice to meet you!
  6. Thank you for reaching out. I'm glad to meet you.
  7. I've heard impressive things about your work. Nice to meet you.
  8. Your reputation precedes you. I'm delighted to meet you.
  9. I've been eager to meet the team behind (project/company). It's a pleasure to meet you.
  10. I've been anticipating this introduction. It's a pleasure to meet you.
  11. I'm honored to have the chance to meet someone of your expertise. Nice to meet you.
  12. Your insights are highly regarded. It's a pleasure to meet you.
  13. I'm excited about the possibilities our collaboration holds. 
  14. I've been eager to learn from professionals like you. Nice to meet you.
  15. Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm delighted to meet you.
  16. Nekantriai laukiu mūsų diskusijų. Malonu susipažinti.
  17. I've been anticipating this introduction. It's a pleasure to finally meet you.
  18. Your work has inspired me. I'm honored to meet you.
  19. I'm confident our interaction will be fruitful. Nice to meet you.
  20. I've been following your career and am thrilled to meet you in person.

Malonu susitikti su jumis atsakydami pokalbyje 

When replying with a "Nice to meet you" in a chat or online conversation, you can maintain a friendly and informal tone, and you can ask open-ended questions to encourage further conversation. 

  1. Ei! Taip pat malonu susipažinti! Kas jus atveda į šį pokalbį?
  2. Hello! Pleasure's all mine. Nice to meet you!
  3. Sveiki! Labai džiaugiamės, kad mūsų keliai susikirto. Malonu susipažinti.
  4. Sveiki! Ar pasiruošę įdomiam pokalbiui?
  5. Hello there. Pleasure's mine. Tell me, what's your favorite topic to chat about?
  6. Ei, puikus ryšys! Beje, ar pastaruoju metu užsiimate ko nors įdomaus?
  7. Hello! Excited to chat. What's one thing you're curious to explore in our conversation?
  8. Sveiki, ačiū, kad kreipėtės! Be pokalbių, ką dar mėgstate veikti?
  9. Hey, happy to connect with you! Tell me, what's one goal you're working towards right now?
  10. Ei, puikus ryšys! Mūsų pokalbis bus nuostabus, aš tai jaučiu!
  11. Excited to chat. What's on your mind? Let's share your thoughts!
  12. Hey, happy to connect with you! Let's create some memorable moments in this chat.

Malonu susipažinti el. paštu

Malonu susipažinti el. paštu

Here are some "Nice to meet you" email replies along with examples that you can use in professional or networking contexts:

Ačiū ir entuziazmo

  • Pavyzdys: Dear ..., Thank you for the introduction. It was a pleasure meeting you at (event/meeting). I'm excited about the opportunity to connect and collaborate. Looking forward to our future interactions. Best regards, ...

Expressing appreciation - Nice To Meet You Reply

  • Pavyzdys: Hi ..., I wanted to express my gratitude for the introduction. It was truly delightful to meet you and learn more about your work in (industry/domain). I'm eager to explore potential synergies and ideas. Wishing you a great day ahead. Regards,...

Ryšio pripažinimas

  • Pavyzdys: Hello ..., I appreciate the chance to connect with you after our recent conversation at (event/meeting). Your insights about (topic) were truly inspiring. Let's continue the dialogue and explore ways to collaborate. Best regards,...

Nuoroda į susitikimą

  • Pavyzdys: Dear ..., It was wonderful to finally meet you in person at (event/meeting). Your perspective on (topic) made our conversation enlightening. I'm looking forward to exchanging ideas and learning more from you. Warm regards,...

Numatymas būsimoms sąveikoms

  • Pavyzdys: Hi ..., I wanted to extend my gratitude for our introduction. Meeting you at (event/meeting) was a highlight of my day. I'm eager to continue our conversation and explore opportunities together. Stay well and in touch. Regards, ...

Teigiamas poveikis ir ryšys

  • Pavyzdys: Hello ..., It was a pleasure to meet you and discuss (topic) during our encounter at the event. Your insights left a positive impact, and I'm excited about the potential to collaborate further. Let's stay connected. Best regards,...

Profesionalus ir draugiškas tonas

  • Pavyzdys: Dear ..., Thank you for the introduction. It was a pleasure to meet you at (event/meeting). Your expertise in (field) is truly impressive. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to exchange ideas and insights. Kind regards,...

Sąveikos apmąstymas

  • Pavyzdys: Hi ..., I wanted to extend my appreciation for our recent introduction at (event/meeting). Our conversation about (subject) was engaging and insightful. Let's continue to nurture this connection. Warm regards,...

Skatinti ateities bendravimą

  • Pavyzdys: Hello ...., It was a pleasure to meet you and learn about your work at (event/meeting). I'm excited about the potential to collaborate and share ideas. Looking forward to staying in touch. Best wishes, ...

Entuziazmas bendriems pomėgiams

  • Pavyzdys: Hi ..., It was a pleasure to connect and discuss our mutual passion for (interest) during our meeting at (event/meeting). I'm eager to explore how we can work together in the future. Cheers, ...

Patarimai, kaip atsakyti Malonu susipažinti

Vaizdas: freepik

Sukūrę apgalvotą ir efektyvų malonų susitikimo atsakymą, galite palikti ilgalaikį teigiamą įspūdį. Štai keletas patarimų, kurie jums padės:

  1. Išreikšti dėkingumą: Show gratitude for the introduction and the opportunity to connect. Acknowledge the other person's effort in reaching out to you.
  2. Atspindėti toną: Match the tone of the initial greeting. If the other person is formal, respond with a similarly formal tone; if they're more casual, feel free to be relaxed in your reply.
  3. Atviri klausimai: poza atviri klausimai skatinti tolesnį pokalbį. Tai gali padėti išplėsti dialogą ir sukurti pagrindą gilesnei sąveikai.
  4. Humoras (kai tinka): Injecting humor can help break the ice, but be mindful of the context and the other person's personality.
  5. Pagyvinkite savo susibūrimą Verpimo ratelis! Šiuo interaktyviu įrankiu galima žaismingai nuspręsti, nuo to, kas vadovauja žaidime, iki kokį skanų variantą pasirinkti priešpiečiams. Pasiruoškite juokams ir netikėtoms linksmybėms!


Ryšių kūrimo mene „Nice to meet you“ atsakymas yra drobė, ant kurios piešiame pirmuosius įspūdžius. Šie žodžiai gali sukelti prasmingą sąveiką, sukurti ilgalaikius prisiminimus ir nustatyti būsimų įsipareigojimų toną.

Veiksmingo bendravimo patarimai

Atminkite, kad efektyvus bendravimas klesti įsitraukus į pokalbį. Įdomūs klausimai yra galingas įrankis, skatinantis šią sąveiką kasdienėse situacijose. Didesnei auditorijai arba laiko apribojimams, Klausimų ir atsakymų platformos pasiūlyti vertingą sprendimą surinkti atsiliepimus.

🎉 Patikrinkite: Geriausi veiksmingo bendravimo darbo vietoje patarimai 

Pralaužti ledus su nepažįstamais žmonėmis gali būti sunku, tačiau „AhaSlides“ turi puikų sprendimą. Keliais paprastais paspaudimais galite akimirksniu pradėti dialogą ir sužinoti įdomių faktų apie visus kambaryje esančius žmones.

Apklausoje užduokite ledlaužio klausimą, kad sužinotumėte bendrus pomėgius, gimtuosius miestus ar mėgstamas sporto komandas.

Arba paleiskite tiesioginiai klausimai ir atsakymai kad pradėtumėte pokalbius pažinti jus realiu laiku. Pamatykite, kaip žmonės noriai atsako, kaip pasipila reakcijos.

„AhaSlides“ pašalina visą spaudimą mažoms kalboms, pateikdama patrauklių diskusijų raginimų, kad būtų lengviau mokytis apie kitus.

It's the easiest way to break the ice at any event and leave having formed new bonds - without ever leaving your seat!

Dažnai užduodami klausimai

Kaip reaguojate į malonų pažintį?

Here are some common responses when someone says "Nice to meet you":
- Nice to meet you too!
- Great to meet you as well.
- Likewise, it's lovely to meet you.
- The pleasure is mine.
You can also ask a follow-up question like "Where are you from?" or "What do you do?" to continue the introduction conversation. But generally just reciprocating that it's nice/great/good meeting them keeps it friendly and positive.

Ką reiškia malonu susipažinti?

When someone says "Nice to meet you", it's a polite, informal way of acknowledging an introduction or getting acquainted with someone for the first time.

Nuoroda: GramatikaKaip