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Come creare un seminario perfetto con il software di presentazione webinar nel 2024


Vincent Phama · XNUMX€ 22 aprile, 2024 · XNUMX€ 29 min leggere

Now it comes to the digital world when most of the activities take place online through online platforms.  Since the pandemic has been seriously  widespread and more people have been forced to be familiar with using high technology in both studying and working. As a result, many organizations are starved to look for optimal webinar presentation software to boost work quality and participant engagement.

For a successful seminar with webinar presentation software, you also need an assist from the virtual presentation.  Bringing it all together is probably the optimal way to improve the quality of the webinar as well as memorable experiences for participants.

Let’s dig out more about webinars and virtual presentations, their relationship, and how to master virtual presentations to boost your upcoming webinar.

First of all, explore our new released tutorial: How to Host a Webinar like a Pro

Che cos'è un webinar?

A webinar, or web-based seminar, is a presentation, lecture, workshop, or seminar delivered over the internet via video conferencing software. A key feature of a webinar is that it is interactive. Participants in a webinar presentation have the ability to convey, receive and discuss information in real-time.

Among the most popular webinar software, you’ll find ZoomMicrosoft SquadreSkype. Using this webinar software, presenters can share videos, documents, and applications with webinar attendees while they’re speaking. Today, many webinar services offer live streaming options or the ability to record your webinar and publish it on YouTube.

Webinar Vs Seminar – What’s the Difference?

📍 A seminar is a small, in-person interactive event held to discuss topics and brainstorm about them. There will be one or two lead presenters for the topic who will also guide the flow of the whole event.

📍 A webinar is pretty much the same. The only major difference is that it’s held online, using the internet and other web-based tools.

Up until a few years ago, webinars were not a popular choice because people still preferred to attend the events in person. For many organizations – whether academic or commercial, seminars were considered a big networking event, which was just something you couldn’t really do online.

One of the other reasons for the low popularity of webinars was how it was easier for anyone to access the link and join the session, whether they paid for it or not. 

But, with the shift to remote working and learning, webinars and other virtual types of presentations have become the need of the hour. The reach is more global, and people can join the sessions at any time, regardless of the time zones, or day of the week.

With the option to share the link only to people who have accounts on the website or the online channels or organizations, webinars have also started becoming profitable giving an added advantage to the hosting organizations.

Ottenere il complete guide to interactive presentation!

Why use Virtual Presentations for a webinar?

What is a virtual presentation?

Una presentazione virtuale è quando sia l'ospite che gli ospiti partecipano alla presentazione da remoto, indipendentemente dalla posizione.

In un mondo in cui tutto sta diventando remoto, anche le presentazioni virtuali stanno diventando la norma. Sebbene sia possibile utilizzare alcune delle migliori pratiche delle presentazioni di persona, sono necessarie alcune nuove competenze per i colloqui virtuali quando si padroneggiano le presentazioni virtuali.

Quali sono i vantaggi di una presentazione virtuale?

Non solo le presentazioni virtuali sono utili quando non possiamo partecipare a eventi tradizionali, ma sono un modo fantastico per fornire contenuti.

Ospitare una presentazione importante e di alta qualità non è un compito facile. Alcune persone potrebbero trovare una presentazione online più difficile del solito. Tuttavia, con un po 'di riflessione, puoi tenere una presentazione virtuale stellare.

Ora, puoi vedere che le presentazioni virtuali non sono così futuristiche come inizialmente pensavamo. Scopri alcuni dei vantaggi dell'hosting e della masterizzazione di presentazioni virtuali:

  1. Con le presentazioni virtuali, la posizione non è un problema. Gli ospiti possono sintonizzarsi da qualsiasi parte del mondo. Ora i tuoi ospiti possono connettersi da qualsiasi luogo, puoi raggiungere un pubblico più ampio
  2. misurazione analisi post-evento è molto più facile virtualmente. Il numero di ospiti che hanno partecipato, il numero che ha interagito con te e la percentuale di ospiti che sono rimasti fino alla fine sono solo alcuni dei KPI di eventi virtuali che puoi misurare. Inoltre, l'analisi del feedback è fondamentale per padroneggiare le presentazioni virtuali.
  3. Ci sono più opportunità di networking per gli ospiti. Ospitando una presentazione virtuale, puoi interrompere il tuo discorso e incoraggiare gli ospiti a chattare tra loro nelle stanze per sottogruppi di lavoro. Questa è una caratteristica degli eventi virtuali che non può essere simulata in una conferenza tradizionale. 

15 Webinar Presentation Tips to Follow

From preparing your core content to choosing the team to pull it all off, everything matters when it comes to creating a killer webinar.

Take a look at the best 15 tips to make our webinar a successful one.

#1 – Start your presentation with a bang!

buona introduzione is extremely important when it comes to webinar presentations. Give your audience a brief intro about your background and why you are an expert in the topic you are presenting. Ensure the audience that the webinar will be worth their time with strong “what’s in it for you” messages. Give them a hint about what you are going to talk about in that session.

#2 – Rehearse your presentation until you are fluent in the flow

Webinar presentations work slightly differently from normal presentations with slides. You don’t want to ramble during the presentation so make sure you practice each slide beforehand. This is not just about the content, but also includes your body language, tone of speech, and delivery. Don’t do just one rehearsal and stop -continue practicing till you are 100% confident about what you are going to say and how you are going to say it.

#3 – Include your branding in your presentation

People generally think that aesthetics of a presentation is just in having a beautifully curated presentation deck. It’s more than that. Be consistent in using a theme throughout the presentation – your brand colours, designs, logo, etc. If you are unsure about creating your own slide deck, you could always go for an existing template and then customise it to suit your needs.

#4 – Make sure you have a stable internet connection and a noise-free environment

Secondo un recente indagine, 59% of webinar participants leave webinars due to technical issues. Technical glitches are inevitable no matter how much you try, but what you can do is ensure they’re not happening from your side. Before you start your webinar presentation, check your internet connection and always have a backup in case it suddenly goes off. Try to host the webinar from a calm and quiet place where you are free of distractions and noise. Make sure all your background apps and tabs are closed so that no notifications will pop up during the webinar.

#5 – Keep text to a minimum and make sure it’s easy to read

Webinars are more about how you are going to deliver the important message to your audience, and how you create a transfer of information between you and your audience. The slides are there to support what you are going to say – so they shouldn’t be text-heavy.

#6 – Choose the right speakers

You might have one or more speakers for the webinar. You want to make sure they are experts in their field and that they are aware of the key objectives of the webinar.

#7 – Maintain a time limit

Webinars, especially when you are doing a live one, can get a bit relaxed and slow as you do not have your audience present virtually in front of you. This could cause you to drag out the presentation longer than you thought. Make sure you complete your webinar presentation and have a Sessione di domande e risposte at the end for your audience.

#8 – Try not to share important information in consecutive slides

 When you share key information back to back, people tend to lose focus or might not even remember them after the webinar. Use a filler activity in between slides (like a quiz!) with important information so that it gives an opportunity for your audience to have a better understanding of the topics.

#9 – Choose a team to help you host the webinar

Have a team to pull together the whole webinar smoothly. You don’t have to do everything on your own; choose a moderator, a key speaker, technical help, etc. to help navigate the webinar smoothly.

#10 – Proofread your presentation

Bad typos, incorrect content, misinformation – all these can come off as unprofessional. As you are the lead presenter of the webinar presentation, you might want to ensure there are no such errors in your presentation or else people might not take you seriously.

#11 – Choose the Right Content

Some ideas are better suited to the webinar format than others. Sometimes, you have a fantastic idea, but it is too broad or too general. Resist the urge and instead opt for a more specific idea that you can explain in greater details in your webinar presentation. Some examples are:

  • In-depth tutorials with detailed examples
  • Interviews with an expert in the industry
  • Niche topics revisited from a new angle
  • Panel discussions of impactful events

However, keep in mind that choosing a topic is not always straightforward. It’s impossible to predict with certainty how the audience will receive a topic. Ultimately, you should choose the topic you think is most meaningful and create the best content that you can.

#12 – Write a Strong Script

A strong script is the backbone of every good webinar presentation; without one, you’re doomed to fail. Even the most skilled producers and hosts rely on scripts. It’s hard to talk for up to an hour, even if it is about something they are passionate and knowledgeable about. 

Not only does a script keep you on the topic but it also helps you manage your time. A good script should have the timing marked on each section. With this technique, you can always manage how much time you have left in your webinar.

How to Master a Virtual Presentation (in 7 Tips) for your perfect webinar

Looking for virtual presentation best practices to wow your virtual guests? Check out these 7 consigli degli esperti for success and sensation in your next virtual presentation

1. Selezionare una piattaforma affidabile per eventi virtuali

Per prima cosa, per a classe mondiale presentazione hai bisogno di un file piattaforma di eventi virtuali di livello mondiale. La creazione di una presentazione virtuale immersiva non può essere eseguita senza conoscere la tecnologia. 

Pensa alla tua ultima chiamata Zoom. Ti sei sentito come se fossi perso in un mare di schermi grigi o lezione di scuola? Prima che l'oratore apra la bocca, il gusto della presentazione è già perso.

With a lackluster virtual events platform, speakers lose their credibility as well as the audience’s concentration. Your presentation is ultimately a performance, so make sure you know how to turn it into a spectacle sulla piattaforma giusta.

Scegliere la piattaforma giusta per padroneggiare una presentazione virtuale
Webinar Presentation Software

👊 Suggerimento: Fai la tua ricerca! Dai un'occhiata ad alcuni dei file migliori piattaforme di eventi virtuali per perfezionare la tua presentazione.

2. Creare una presentazione interattiva

Il tuo mazzo di diapositive sarà il file pane e burro della tua presentazione. Considera l'aggiunta visuals, questions, and videos per dare alla tua presentazione il fattore X. 

Mastering virtual presentations include adding an element of interaction. Creating diapositive accattivanti è la chiave per sbloccare il audience’s focus, and che  non deve essere complicato!

You can boost engagement by adding some fun, interactive elements to your virtual presentation. For example, check out this awesome word cloud generated by AhaSlides for a presentation on British ducks.

Un grafico contenente una nuvola di parole relative alle anatre britanniche.
Webinar Presentation Software

2. Creare una presentazione interattiva

Il tuo mazzo di diapositive sarà il file pane e burro della tua presentazione. Considera l'aggiunta visuals, questions, and videos per dare alla tua presentazione il fattore X. 

Mastering virtual presentations include adding an element of interaction. Creating diapositive accattivanti è la chiave per sbloccare il audience’s focus, and che  non deve essere complicato!

You can boost engagement by adding some fun, interactive elements to your virtual presentation. For example, check out this awesome word cloud generated by AhaSlides for a presentation on British ducks.

Using presentation software like AhaSlides can take your event from an amateur deck to an mostra interattiva. Ecco come le caratteristiche uniche di AhaSlides possono dare vita alla tua presentazione:

  • Aggiungi sondaggi, domande aperte e nuvole di parole alle diapositive per la massima partecipazione.
  • Host fun quiz competitions using AhaSlides to add some excitement to your presentation. Take a look at the top tips for ospitare una sessione di quiz stellare.
  • Puoi portare la tua presentazione al livello successivo di integrazione di AhaSlides con Google Slides per guidare l'interattività della tua presentazione.

Make your killer slide deck with AhaSlides completamente gratuito. Add interaction, competition, and energy to your virtual presentation by clicking the button below and signing up for free!

 Create Something Magical

3. Creare una pianta del pavimento personalizzata

When we use virtual event platforms, we all miss the decor of a physical venue. Using a virtual events platform that allows you to get creative is crucial in mastering virtual presentations.

Remo ha planimetrie personalizzabili, che fanno sembrare l'evento in una location unica e personalizzata. Cos'altro ti serve per una fantastica presentazione virtuale?

Vuoi qualche ispirazione? Dai un'occhiata al planimetrie creative altri utenti Remo hanno progettato!

4. Tenere una sessione di networking pre-presentazione 

Una sfida fondamentale per padroneggiare le presentazioni virtuali è energizzare il tuo pubblico e promuovere opportunità di networking. Bene, in realtà è abbastanza facile virtualmente, se hai le caratteristiche giuste.

Puoi tenere un file rompighiaccio in rete prima che il tuo evento inizi usando Remo's modalità conversazione. Questa caratteristica unica consente a un massimo di 8 ospiti di chattare allo stesso tavolo virtuale, così si sentono come se fossero a un evento tradizionale.

È un modo divertente e coinvolgente per stimolare e concentrare gli ospiti prima di iniziare il tuo keynote virtuale.

⭐ Per un tempo limitato, Remo offre 25% di sconto su tutti i piani mensili (valido solo una volta) esclusivamente per i lettori di AhaSlides! Basta fare clic sul pulsante in basso e utilizzare il codice AHAREMO.

Present with Remo

5. Coinvolgi il tuo pubblico durante la presentazione virtuale

Proprio come una presentazione di persona, dovresti creare la tua presentazione per coinvolgere il pubblico. La padronanza delle presentazioni virtuali include l'esecuzione di metodi di coinvolgimento del pubblico.

Una presentazione virtuale interattiva dovrebbe includere una comunicazione bidirezionale. Fai delle pause in your presentation to allow the virtual audience to interact. Don’t speak for more than ten minutes without engaging with th e audience.

- Utilizza le funzionalità collaborative per la comunicazione bidirezionale -

Remo offre molti strumenti interattivi per aumentare l'esperienza della piattaforma di eventi virtuali, inclusi sondaggi, sessioni di domande e risposte, timer per il conto alla rovescia e condivisione dello schermo di gruppo. 

Tutte queste caratteristiche rendono Remo la scelta perfetta per il tuo evento virtuale o ibrido. Le caratteristiche interattive così come le funzioni del tavolo e la planimetria rendono Remo super coinvolgente.

Sappiamo tutti quanto sia importante la comunicazione padronanza di presentazioni virtuali. Ciò consentirà ai tuoi ospiti di interagire il più possibile: non c'è scelta migliore per il networking!

Condividi video pertinenti -

A volte gli ospiti hanno bisogno di cambiare altoparlante o voce durante una presentazione. Ti dà anche una pausa per prenderti un po 'di tempo per recuperare, rivedere il tuo discorso e analizzare alcuni feedback dai tuoi partecipanti.

Una priorità chiave nella selezione di una piattaforma di eventi virtuali è condivisione di video. Puoi condividere un video su Remo e lasciarlo parlare per un po '. Il video viene visualizzato accanto a te sul palco digitale, quindi puoi mettere in pausa e commentare il video quando vuoi.

- Invita i partecipanti sul palco digitale -

Un modo divertente e unico per coinvolgere i tuoi ospiti è invitarli sul palco virtuale. È un ottimo modo per avere discussioni di gruppo che affrontino le preoccupazioni del pubblico, ma anche solo per dare a tutti una pausa dalla tua voce!

La condivisione di video è un passaggio cruciale per padroneggiare le presentazioni virtuali
Webinar Presentation Software

6. Utilizzare una lavagna interattiva

Le lavagne interattive sono un modo divertente per stimolare il tuo pubblico. Miro per Remo consente agli utenti di utilizzare le schede Miro per organizzare il lavoro collaborativo e creativo. Mentre si trovano su tavoli diversi, gli utenti possono attivare Miro e lavorare insieme in piccoli gruppi o creare una bacheca per tutti i partecipanti all'evento.

La combinazione dello spazio virtuale di Remo con Miro consente alle persone di formare relazioni autentiche e interagire in un ambiente integrato. Una lavagna interattiva è un must per mantenere vigile il pubblico durante la presentazione virtuale.

L'utilizzo di una lavagna è un ottimo strumento per padroneggiare le presentazioni virtuali
Webinar Presentation Software

7. Avere un team di assistenza clienti affidabile

In un mondo virtuale, dipendiamo dalla nostra tecnologia per funzionare senza problemi. Questo è estremamente importante in una presentazione virtuale. 

Quando si sceglie una piattaforma per eventi virtuali, valutare se viene fornita con assistenza clienti.

Some things that support can help within a virtual presentation include mic and camera troubleshooting, solving technical issues, or simply being available to chat about the features or timeline.

Puoi aggiungere supporto tecnico in caso di evento con Remo. 'Supporto per guanti bianchi ' è quando un CX manager di Remo parteciperà al tuo evento, supportando direttamente i tuoi ospiti con eventuali problemi tecnici che potrebbero dover affrontare.

Questo è un involucro! Allora, qual è il prossimo?

All in one, you now have all the knowledge you need to fulfill your curiosity about the digital world. If you are planning to create a webinar, let AhaSlides help you with our thousands of interactive templates and questions. 

Let’s get started on your journey to becoming a pro webinar host with AhaSlides

A webinar presentation panel discussion
Webinar Presentation Software – A webinar presentation and panel discussion incorporated into one – powered by AhaSlides

Webinar Vs Seminar – What’s the Difference?

📍 A seminar is a small, in-person interactive event held to discuss topics and brainstorm about them. There will be one or two lead presenters for the topic who will also guide the flow of the whole event.

📍 A webinar is pretty much the same. The only major difference is that it’s held online, using the internet and other web-based tools.

Up until a few years ago, webinars were not a popular choice because people still preferred to attend the events in person. For many organisations – whether academic or commercial, seminars were considered a big networking event, which was just something you couldn’t really do online.

One of the other reasons for the low popularity of webinars was how it was easier for anyone to access the link and join the session, whether they’ve paid for it or not. 

But, with the shift to remote working and learning, webinars and other virtual types of presentations have become the need of the hour. The reach is more global, and people can join the sessions at any time, regardless of the time zones, or day of the week.

With the option to share the link only to people who have accounts on the website or the online channels or organisations, webinars have also started becoming profitable giving an added advantage to the hosting organisations.

Ottenere il complete guide to interactive presentation!

How to use Webinar Presentation Software in 4 Simple Steps

No one can guarantee 100% attention from your audience, or that everyone there would remember everything once it’s over, but there are always ways to make your webinar memorable and valuable for your audience.

Let’s take a look at how to make a good webinar presentation…

#1 – Define your webinar topic and format

Ask this question to yourself – “why am I doing this webinar?” 

Define the details of your webinar and your target audience. Choose a niche and research well about the topic to know what people are looking for in that field, as well as how other presenters are hosting similar sessions. What you want to keep in mind is to go for a specific topic rather than an abstract idea. 

Say, for example, you want to do a webinar for people interested in the Metaverse. You want to choose a particular niche like the “future of NFTs” or “introduction to web 3.0” rather than just going for something general like “let’s talk about Metaverse”.

The next thing to keep in mind is to figure out whether the webinar is going to be live or pre-recorded. This depends completely on what you are expecting to gain from the session. Is it just an informative session or do you want to gain insights about the topic from your target audience etc?

#2 – Create an outline for your webinar presentation content

When you create an outline, you are defining the subsections of the webinar presentation. Let’s take the example of the topic we mentioned above – “future of NFTs”. 

In the outline, you would have:

  • Cosa sono le NFT?
  • The history behind NFTs
  • Come creare un NFT
  • What are the tools and skills you require to create an NFT?

If any of these require certain data or resources to support them, you might want to add them to the outline as well.

#3 – Define a plan to engage your audience

By now, you know who you are catering to and what they would be expecting from your webinar. No matter how brilliant your content is, or how visually appealing your presentation deck is, if you don’t have a strong plan to engage your audience, it’s highly likely that they would get bored and disengage completely from what you’re talking about.

A recente indagine suggests that 44% of the respondents exit a webinar due to boring presentations. So, how do you keep your audience engaged?

To begin with, you could start your webinar presentation with an interactive attività rompighiaccio – This gives the audience a chance to relax and engage with your presentation right from the start.

Also, throughout the webinar presentation, you could include various interactive activities to keep the two-way discussion going and not bore them with one-way content. 

Using an interactive presentation platform like Ah diapositive, you can have various audience-engaging activities such as quizzes, polls, and open-ended questions to give your audience an opportunity to have fun and share their thoughts.

#4 – Announce your webinar

How do you tell your target audience that you are going to host a webinar? The first step is to have a webinar description ready. This is the script that you are going to post on various social media and other promotional channels to announce your webinar. 

📍  Usually, when someone needs information on anything, they would search with full questions. “How to create an NFT?” “What is the history of web 3.0?”. It is important to include these kinds of questions in your webinar description. This is what is going to attract your audience into clicking on that registration link. Ensure them that you have a solution for their question. 

📍  Tell them on what platform you’ll be hosting the webinar. Will it be on Zoom? Are you going to be using other online tools to interact with your audience?  Will the audience have to create accounts or sign up to access the webinar?

📍 If you have an existing emailing list, it’s a good idea to send these invites over to them in a visually appealing email with all the details and the link included. Make it easier for them to access it from the email directly. If you don’t have an email list, you can create one using platforms like MailChimp.

Learn how to host ‘5 Top Tips to Host a Webinar like a Pro (Free Tool Included)’ with AhaSlides!

Webinar Presentation Software

15 Webinar Presentation Tips to Follow

From preparing your core content to choosing the team to pull it all off, everything matters when it comes to creating a killer webinar.

Take a look at the best 15 tips to make our webinar a successful one.

#1 – Start your presentation with a bang!

A buona introduzione is extremely important when it comes to webinar presentations. Give your audience a brief intro about your background and why you are an expert in the topic you are presenting. Ensure the audience that the webinar will be worth their time with strong “what’s in it for you” messages. Give them a hint about what you are going to talk about in that session.

#2 – Rehearse your presentation until you are fluent in the flow

Webinar presentations work slightly differently from normal presentations with slides. You don’t want to ramble during the presentation so make sure you practice each slide beforehand. This is not just about the content, but also includes your body language, tone of speech and delivery. Don’t do just one rehearsal and stop -continue practising till you are 100% confident about what you are going to say and how you are going to say it.

#3 – Include your branding in your presentation

People generally think that aesthetics of a presentation is just in having a beautifully curated presentation deck. It’s more than that. Be consistent in using a theme throughout the presentation – your brand colours, designs, logo, etc. If you are unsure about creating your own slide deck, you could always go for an existing template and then customise it to suit your needs.

#4 – Make sure you have a stable internet connection and a noise-free environment

Secondo un recente indagine, 59% of webinar participants leave webinars due to technical issues. Technical glitches are inevitable no matter how much you try, but what you can do is ensure they’re not happening from your side. Before you start your webinar presentation, check your internet connection and always have a backup in case it suddenly goes off. Try to host the webinar from a calm and quiet place where you are free of distractions and noise. Make sure all your background apps and tabs are closed so that no notifications will pop up during the webinar.

#5 – Keep text to a minimum and make sure it’s easy to read

Webinars are more about how you are going to deliver the important message to your audience, and how you create a transfer of information between you and your audience. The slides are there to support what you are going to say – so they shouldn’t be text-heavy.

#6 – Choose the right speakers

You might have one or more speakers for the webinar. You want to make sure they are experts in their field and that they are aware of the key objectives of the webinar.

#7 – Maintain a time limit

Webinars, especially when you are doing a live one, can get a bit relaxed and slow as you do not have your audience present virtually in front of you. This could cause you to drag out the presentation longer than you thought. Make sure you complete your webinar presentation and have a Sessione di domande e risposte at the end for your audience.

#8 – Try not to share important information in consecutive slides

 When you share key information back to back, people tend to lose focus or might not even remember them after the webinar. Use a filler activity in between slides (like a quiz!) with important information so that it gives an opportunity for your audience to have a better understanding of the topics.

#9 – Choose a team to help you host the webinar

Have a team to pull together the whole webinar smoothly. You don’t have to do everything on your own; choose a moderator, a key speaker, technical help, etc. to help navigate the webinar smoothly.

#10 – Proofread your presentation

Bad typos, incorrect content, misinformation – all these can come off as unprofessional. As you are the lead presenter of the webinar presentation, you might want to ensure there are no such errors in your presentation or else people might not take you seriously.

#11– Choose the Right Content

Some ideas are better suited to the webinar format than others. Sometimes, you have a fantastic idea, but it is a too broad or too general. Resist the urge and instead opt for a more specific idea that you can explain in greater details in your webinar presentation. Some examples are:

  • In-depth tutorials with detailed examples
  • Interviews with an expert in the industry
  • Niche topics revisited from a new angle
  • Panel discussions of impactful events

However, keep in mind that choosing a topic is not always straightforward. It’s impossible to predict with certainty how the audience will receive a topic. Ultimately, you should choose the topic you think is most meaningful and create the best content that you can.

#12– Write a Strong Script

A strong script is the backbone of every good webinar presentation; without one, you’re doomed to fail. Even the most skilled producers and hosts rely on scripts. It’s hard to talk for up to an hour, even if it is about something they are passionate and knowledgeable about.

Not only does a script keep you on topic but it also helps you manage your time. A good script should have the timing marked on each section. With this technique, you can always manage how much time you have left of your webinar.

Webinar Presentation Software – Preparing a strong script is a step closer to a great webinar presentation

Also, some professionals find it helpful to work on their slide deck and script simultaneously to avoid repetition and minimise the risks of simply reading from their slides.

#13– Prepare Your Camera and Visual Aesthetics

Make use of your camera. It’s entirely unacceptable how many professionals still host webinars with no video, and instead use a voice-over as they go through their slides. Of course, some professionals don’t like looking at themselves on the camera. However, it’s not a valid excuse to exclude your audience on the video medium. Watching a real person talking to the audience is more engaging than a disembodied voice.

Secondo, devi be mindful of the visual aesthetics. If you’re presenting online, it’s essential to plan your visuals carefully. You want to position the camera so that it gives a front view of your face, and not showing your chin or the ceiling. In addition, you should avoid presenting in front of a window with the light behind you. If you do it may render you almost too dark to see. Similarly, ensure the backdrop is professional, such as a bookcase or diplomas or a tasteful piece of art. You should test it out with a practice session to see how your backdrop will appear to participants.

#14– Use an Interactive Presentation Software

As mentioned above, an exceptional feature of the webinar format over other mediums is its interactivity. The presenters can share and receive information from the audience in real-time through the software’s sharing feature.

To add another layer of interaction, dovresti anche considerare employing interactive presentation software. Software simile Ah diapositive not only allows you to prepare customised slide decks but also incorporates interactive polls and charts, as well as fun quizzes and engaging Q&A sessions. With this interactive presentation software, you can ask your audience about any matters being discussed in your webinar, and receive the answer instantly in the form of polls, word clouds, or charts. Likewise, you can engage with your audience through a quiz or a Q&A session.

In addition, this interactive presentation software is also fully supported by popular webinar software, making it easier than ever to use.

An interactive presentation software is integral for a successful webinar presentation
Webinar Presentation Software – A Q&A session conducted through AhaSlides – an interactive presentation software

#15– Revise and Rehearse

Never assume that everything will go smoothly on the first run. You should always do at least one rehearsal several days before the event, and revise accordingly. Make sure everyone knows their part, and all your gear is functioning properly.

Also, you should take into consideration how you will handle audience participation. There should be protocols for them to follow if they have a question. Should they raise their hand? Type the questions into the comment box? Or use a separate Q&A feature from the software. You should be explicit at the beginning and remind people periodically to avoid frustration and confusion.

Learn why you should use software di presentazione interattiva for team meetings, conference …

If you aren’t sure how to conduct your Q&A session, here are some resource that you could consult:

Key Takeaway

Ah diapositive provides a platform for creating professional and interactive presentations. If you are planning to create a webinar, AhaSlides adds another layer of interaction by incorporating live polls, charts, quizzes and engaging Q&A features to your presentation. It is also fully supported for popular webinar service like Skype, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams.