presentation sharing

1학기 교육과정 반성회



chul min moon


Slides (25)

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오늘 이야기 나눔에 대한 기대감은?

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전교학생회 임원선거는 어떻게 하면 좋을까요?

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2학기에는 어떻게 소통할까요?

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업무 소통 도구(SNS, JNE, 전화) 사용시 함께 지킬 점은

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매달 하는 월례회 효율성

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안건에 따라서 하는 작은 회의 효율성

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민주적인 회의 구조 예시안에 대한 생각

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괜찮은데 수정한다면 어떤 내용이 필요하나요?

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업무를 효율적으로 할 수 있도록 하는 방법은?

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어떻게 해야 교직원들과의 협력과 소통이 잘 될 수 있을까요?

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위의 내용을 잘 지키기 위한 방법은 어떤 것이 있을까요?

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to use AhaSlides templates?

Visit the Template section on the AhaSlides website, then choose any template that you like to use. Then, click on the Get Template button to use that template right away. You can edit and present immediately without having to sign up. Create a free AhaSlides account if you want to see your work later on.

Do I need to pay to sign up?

Of course not! AhaSlides account is 100% free of charge with unlimited access to most of AhaSlides’s features, with a maximum of 7 participants in the free plan.

If you need to host events with more participants, you can upgrade your account to a suitable plan (please check out our plans here: Pricing - AhaSlides) or contact our CS team for further support.

Do I need to pay to use AhaSlides templates?

Not at all! AhaSlides templates are 100% free of charge, with an unlimited number of templates you can access to. Once you’re in the presenter app, you can visit our Templates section to find presentations catereing to your needs.

Are AhaSlides Templates compatible with Google Slides and Powerpoint?

At the moment, users can import PowerPoint files and Google Slides to AhaSlides. Please refer to these articles for more information:

Can I download AhaSlides templates?

Yes, it’s definitely possible! At the moment, you can download AhaSlides templates by exporting them as a PDF file.