Fired up Engagement with Interactive Presentations.

End of blank stares and mediocre sessions. We will show you how just a few clicks can bring any presentation to life.


Real-time Polling: Power to The People

Get the real-time scoop on what your crowd is thinking. Use polls, survey scales, word clouds and brainstorms so EVERYONE has a voice.

AhaSlides features | Interactive live poll

Poll opinions, sentiments and anything you want to ask the audience.

Survey Scales

Catch all important insights in a big net with AhaSlides survey scales.

Word Clouds

See opinions presented vibrantly with a word cloud generator.

Idea Sharing

Audiences can submit ideas and vote. Great for brainstorming sessions.

Self-paced surveyingGet honest and real opinions from the participants anytime with AhaSlides' self-paced feature.
Chart typesReveal your audience's opinions through dynamic charts presented as donuts, graphs or bars.
Show or hide resultsChoose to show results while participants are submitting, or keep them hidden for a big reveal at the end.
See results on phoneYour participants can see the full results of a multiple-choice or image-choice slide on their phones.
Time limitsAdd a time limit to your questions to ensure rapid responses.
Gather feedbacksKnow your area of improvement with feedback from the participants after completion.

Quizzes and Games

Thrilling Quizzes: Make Checkpoints Fun

Level up your content with live quizzes, leaderboards and team challenges. Watch as participants lean in, desperate to master the material and claw their way up the podium.

AhaSlides multiple choice quiz

Walk-through video: How to Make a Live Quiz


Use quiz questions with text, images, audio and more for a true multimedia trivia experience!


Group your players and have them work together - 3 different team scoring modes to choose from.

Spinner Wheel

Pick anything at random with the spinning wheel. An easy way to reach peak engagement.

Free Templates

Save time and effort by grabbing quizzes in our community templates for free!

AhaSlides AI quiz generator
AI Quiz Generator

Type your prompt and let AI generate quiz questions with 3 different modes.


If selected, the audience can progress through questions and quizzes at any time.

Self-paced quizzingHave players complete the quiz without a host. Great for reinforcing learning.
Different quiz typesVaries your quiz types to ensure engagements on the fly with Match Pairs and Correct Order.
Countdown timerEnable or disable a 5-second countdown timer, where players can see the question but can't answer.
Shuffle optionsRandomly shuffle quiz questions to ensure participants can't cheat!
LeaderboardUse a colourful leaderboard to show the standings at any point in your quiz. Shows team and individual scores.
AI quiz generatorGenerate quiz questions with different modes in an instant. Insert prompt and let AI do the work.

Q & A

Moderated Live Q&A: Keep Everyone Following

Take the fastest route to dynamic discussions with an organised anonymous Q&A before, during, and after the presentation.

AhaSlides Q&A platform

See questions in an orderly table. Address the most recent or popular queries, save them as answered or pin them for later.


Decide what questions to approve or decline before they're shown on screen.


Toggle no-name questions to give everyone a voice. Allow the shyest of participants to be heard.

VotingLet participants vote for the questions they want to see answered through the upvote system.
Continuous Q&AAllow the audience to send you questions throughout the presentation, or save them for a Q&A slide.
Team moderationPass the moderation responsibilities to anyone, meaning they can filter the questions while you focus on answering them.
Hide questionsChoose to conceal incoming questions so only you can see them.
Profanity filterCensor swear words in submitted questions.


Customisation: Take The Experience to 11

From start to finish, creating and altering your presentation is as simple and smooth as your favourite presentation software.


Import your Google Slides or PowerPoint presentations to add a kick of AhaSlides' interactivity.

Multi-Slide Editing

Edit 2 or more slides at the same time. Duplicate, copy or alter en masse.

Collaborative Editing

Coordinate and collaborate on presentations for free. Slash preparation time with your friend or colleague.

Apps Integration

Integrate AhaSlides with your favourite apps like Zoom, PowerPoint or Microsoft Teams.

AhaSlides customisation icon
Touch-up Slides

Add dashes of fun or keep your slides strictly professional with AhaSlides' variety of themes.

Embed Audio

Add an audio clip to your slide. Playable on all audience members' devices.

Image and GIF librariesChoose from thousands of image and GIF options across integrated libraries.
Customise multiple slidesChange the backgrounds of multiple slides at the same time.
Slide variety18 slide types and growing! Make it varied through polls, quizzes and content slides.
Grid viewSee an expanded presentation index in grid view and move slides around with ease.
Participant viewSee how your slide will look on your participants' mobile screens.
Share presentationsInstantly download any presentation via a shareable link. You can then edit it however you want.
FoldersOrganise your presentations into different folders on the dashboard.
Public or private modeToggle whether or not your audience can interact with your slides while you're editing them.
BrandingPlace your own logo in the corner of all slides in your presentation.Upgrade


Give Your Presentation a Chance to Shine

Publish your presentation to our beautiful template library. Help others engage better by going public with your template.

AhaSlides public template library
Audience sizeAllow up to 10,000 people to join your presentation at one time.7 participants.
Upgrade for more.
TemplatesYou can public your presentations as templates, and grab one from others in the Template Library too.
Image sharingOn an open-ended slide, participants can upload images from their phone
Display languageChoose from 15 in-built display languages to show your audience in your presentation.
Mobile-friendly interfaceNo matter what's on your slide, it looks great on mobile.
Share onlineParticipants can share their quiz scores across social media with just one tap.
ReactionsLet participants react to your slides with fun emojis for heightened engagement.

After your Event

Post-Event: Get the Whole Picture

See a full report of audience engagement, download the response data and share your full presentation with others.

an image showing the post-event result of a AhaSlides presentation
Get the Report

See your engagement rate, top slides and how players performed on your quiz.

Share Presentation

Share your presentation with audience responses via a permanent link.

Excel Export

Export response data from your presentation into a spreadsheet or PDF (Paid plan only).

Alternative Text

Get Started for Free.

Elicit booming audience responses with almost no cost.

Let's Engage