Integrations - YouTube
Keep audience retention high with YouTube videos
Embed YouTube content directly on AhaSlides without leaving your presentation. Break up content autonomy and hook the audience right in with a multi-media visual feast.


Simple copy-paste embedding
Full-screen option
Works with any YouTube video
How to embed YouTube videos
1. Copy your YouTube video URL
2. Paste into AhaSlides
3. Let participants join the activities
More AhaSlides tips and guides
Frequently asked questions
Will the video play automatically during my presentation?
No, you have full control over when to play the video during your presentation. You can start, pause, and adjust volume as needed.
What if the video doesn't play during my presentation?
Check your internet connection and ensure the video hasn't been removed from YouTube. It's always good to have a backup plan or alternative content ready.
Can participants watch the video on their own devices?
Yes, you can enable the option to show the video on participants' devices. However, we recommend you to only display on the presentation screen for everyone to watch together, maintaining engagement and synchronisation.