How much do you know about Google Earth Day? Earth Day this year is happening on Tuesday, April 22, 2025. Take this Google Earth Day quiz and test your knowledge about the environment, sustainability, and Google's efforts to make the world a greener place!

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Table of Contents
- What is Google Earth Day?
- How to Create a Google Earth Day Trivia
- Fun Google Earth Day Quiz
- Key Takeaways
- Frequently Asked Questions
What is Google Earth Day?
Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22nd, dedicated to raising awareness and promoting actions to protect our planet.
It has been observed since 1970 and has grown into a global movement with various activities, initiatives, and campaigns to promote sustainability and protect the environment.
How to Create a Google Earth Day Trivia
Google Earth Day trivia is really easy to make. Here's how:
- Step 1: Create a new presentation in AhaSlides.
- Step 2: Explore different quiz types in the quiz section, OR type 'earth day quiz' in the AI slide generator and let it work the magic (it supports multiple languages).

- Step 3: Fine-tune your quiz with designs and timing, then click 'Present' if you want everyone to play it instantly, or put the Earth Day quiz as 'self-paced' and let participants play anytime they want.

Fun Google Earth Day Quiz (2025 Edition)
Are you ready? It is time to take Google Earth Day Quiz (2025 edition) and learn about our lovely planet.
Question 1: Which day is Earth Day?
A. April 22nd
B. August 12th
C. October 31st
D. December 21st
☑️Correct Answer:
A. April 22
Earth Day is held on April 22nd every year. This event has passed down nearly 50 years, since its establishment in 1970, dedicated to bringing the environment to the forefront. A lot of volunteers and Earth Save enthusiasts go hiking around the cleanest mountain terrains. There will be no wonder if you meet a group of people trekking around Alta via 1 or Dolomites admiring the richness and rarities of golden buttons, martagon lily, red lily, gentians, monosodium, and yarrow primroses being the natural wealth of Italy.

Question 2. Which bestselling book warned of the effects of pesticides?
A. The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
B. The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan
C. Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
D. The Myths of Safe Pesticides by Andre Leu
☑️Correct Answer
C. Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring, published in 1962, raised public awareness about the dangers of DDT, leading to its ban in 1972. Its impact on the environment is still felt today, inspiring modern-day environmental movements.
Question 3. What is an endangered species?

A. A type of living thing that is at risk of extinction.
B. A species found on land and in the ocean.
C. A species that is threatened by prey.
D. All of the above.
☑️Correct answer:
A. A type of living thing that is at risk of extinction
According to a recent report, the planet is currently experiencing an alarming rate of extinction of rare species which is estimated to be 1,000 to 10,000 times higher than the normal rate.
Question 4. How much of the world’s oxygen is produced by just the Amazon rainforest?
A. 1%
B. 5%
C. 10%
D. 20%
☑️Correct answer:
D. 20%
Trees convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. It estimates that more than 20 percent of the world’s breathable oxygen — equal to one in five breaths — is generated in the Amazon rainforest alone.
Question 5. Which of the following ailments can be treated by prescription drugs derived from plants found in the rainforest?
A. Cancer
B. Hypertension
C. Asthma
D. All of the above
☑️Correct answer:
D. All of the above
It is important to note that about 120 prescription drugs sold worldwide, such as vincristine, a cancer drug, and theophylline, which is used to treat asthma, originate from plants in rainforests.
Question 6. Exoplanets that have lots of volcanic activity and exist in systems with lots of asteroids are bad prospects for looking for extraterrestrial life.
B. False
☑️Correct answer:
B. False.
Did you know that volcanoes are actually helpful to our planet? They release water vapour and other chemicals that contribute to the formation of an atmosphere that supports life.
Question 7. Small, Earth-size planets are common in the galaxy.
B. False
☑️Correct answer:
A. True.
The Kepler satellite mission discovered that small planets are the most popular in the galaxy. Small planets are more likely to have a 'rocky' (solid) surface, which offers favourable conditions for human living.
Question 8. Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?
A. CO2
B. CH4
C. Water Vapor
D. All of the above.
☑️Correct answer:
D. All of the above.
Greenhouse gas may be a result of natural occurrences or human activity. They include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), water vapour, nitrous oxide (N2O), and ozone (O3). They act like a heat-trapping blanket, making the Earth habitable for humans.
Question 9. The overwhelming majority of scientists agree that climate change is real and caused by humans.
B. False
☑️Correct answer:
A. True
Human activity is widely accepted as the main cause of climate change by over 97% of actively publishing climate scientists and leading scientific organisations.

Question 10. Which land-based ecosystem holds the most biodiversity, i.e. concentration of plants and animals?
A. Tropical forests
B. African savannah
C. South Pacific islands
D. Coral reefs
☑️Correct answer:
A. Tropical Forest
Tropical forests cover less than 7 percent of Earth’s land mass but are home to about 50 percent of all living things on the planet.
Question 11. Gross National Happiness is a measurement of national progress based on collective happiness. This has helped which country (or countries) become carbon-negative?
A. Canada
B. New Zealand
C. Bhutan
D. Switzerland
☑️Correct answer:
C. Bhutan
Unlike other nations that focus on GDP, Bhutan has chosen to measure development by tracking the four pillars of happiness: (1) sustainable and equitable socio-economic development, (2) good governance, (3) environmental conservation, and (4) preservation and promotion of culture.
Question 12: The idea for Earth Day came from Gaylord Nelson.
A. True
B. False
☑️Correct answer:
A. True
Gaylord Nelson, after witnessing the ravages of the 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California decided to found a national day to focus on the environment on April 22.

Question 13: Search "Aral Sea". What happened to this body of water over time?
A. It was polluted with industrial waste.
B. It was dammed for power generation.
C. It has dramatically shrunk due to water diversion projects.
D. It increased in size due to higher rainfall.
☑️Correct answer:C. It has dramatically shrunk due to water diversion projects.🔍Explanation:In 1959, the Soviet Union diverted river flows from the Aral Sea to irrigate cotton farms in Central Asia. The lake level dropped as cotton blossomed.
Question 14: What percentage of the world's remaining rainforest does the Amazon Rainforest hold?
A. 10%
B. 25%
C. 60%
D. 75%
☑️Correct answer:C. 60%🔍Explanation:The Amazon rainforest contains about 60% of the world's remaining rainforest. It's the world's largest rainforest, covering 2.72 million square miles (6.9 million square kilometres) and accounting for roughly 40% of South America.
Question 15: How many countries around the world celebrate Earth Day annually?
A. 193
B. 180
C. 166
D. 177
☑️Correct answer:A. 193🔍Explanation:Question 16: What is the official theme for Earth Day 2024?
A. "Invest in our Planet"
B. "Planet vs. Plastics"
C. “Climate Action”
D. "Restore Our Earth"
☑️Correct answer:B. "Planet vs. Plastics"🔍Explanation:
"Planet vs. Plastics" aims to raise awareness of single-use plastics, health risks, and fast fashion.
Key Takeaways
We hope after this environmental quiz, you will know a little bit more about our precious planet Earth, and be more vigilant towards protecting it. Did you get the right answer for all the above Google Earth Day quizzes? Want to create your own Earth Day quiz? Feel free to customise your quiz or test with AhaSlides. Sign up for AhaSlides right now to get free ready-to-use templates!
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Frequently Asked Questions
Why was Earth Day on April 22?
There were a few key reasons why Earth Day was established on April 22nd:
1. Between spring break and final exams: Senator Gaylord Nelson, the founder of Earth Day, chose a date that would likely maximize student participation as most colleges would be in session.
2. Arbor Day influence: April 22nd coincided with the already established Arbor Day, a day focused on planting trees. This created a natural connection for the inaugural event.
3. No major conflicts: The date didn't overlap with significant religious holidays or other competing events, increasing its potential for widespread participation.
What are the 12 animals in the Earth Day quiz?
The 2015 Google Earth Day quiz published quiz results include honey bee, red-capped manakin, coral, giant squid, sea otter, and whooping crane.
How do you play the Google Earth Day quiz?
It is easy to play the Earth Day quiz directly on Google, following these steps:
1. Type the phrase "Earth Day Quiz" in the search field.
2. Then click “Start Quiz.
3. Next, all you have to do is answer the quiz questions according to your knowledge.
What was the Google Doodle for Earth Day?
The doodle was launched on Earth Day, which is an annual event held on April 22 to show support for environmental protection. The doodle was inspired by the idea that small actions can make a big difference for the planet.
When did Google introduce the Earth Day Doodle?
Google's Earth Day doodle was first introduced in 2001 and featured two views of the Earth. The doodle was created by Dennis Hwang, who was a 19-year-old intern at Google at the time. Since then, Google has created a new Earth Day Doodle every year.
Ref: Earth Day