Love is loving the imperfect, perfectly! Shoe game questions are the best illustration for this famous quote, which truly tests how well newlyweds know and accept each other's quirks and habits. This game can be wonderful proof that love truly does conquer all, even imperfect moments.
The shoe game questions challenge can be the moment that every guest loves to attend. It is the moment all guests listen to the newlywed love story, and, at the same time, relax, enjoy themselves, and share a few laughs together.
If you are looking for some game questions to put into your wedding day, we've got you covered! Check out the best 130 Wedding shoe game questions.

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What is the point of the wedding shoe game questions? | To show the understanding between the groom and the bride. |
When should you do the shoe game at a wedding? | During the dinner. |
What is the Wedding Shoe Game?
What is the shoe game at a wedding? The purpose of the shoe game is to test how well the couple knows each other by seeing if their answers align.
Shoe game questions often come with humor and light-heartedness, leading to laughter and amusement among the guests, the groom, and the bride.
In the shoe game, the bride and groom sit back-to-back in chairs with their shoes off. They each hold one of their own shoes and one of their partner's shoes. The game host asks a series of questions and the couple answers by holding up the shoe that corresponds to their answer.
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Best Wedding Shoe Game Questions
Let's start with the best shoe game questions for couples:
1. Who made the first move?
2. Who is easy to get fat?
3. Who has more exes?
4. Who uses more toilet paper?
5. Who is more clumsy?
6. Who is a bigger party animal?
7. Who has the best style?
8. Who does the laundry more?
9. Whose shoe stinks more?
10. Who’s the best driver?
11. Who has a cuter smile?
12. Who’s more organized?
13. Who spends more time staring at their phone?
14. Who is poor with directions?
15. Who made the first move?
16. Who eats the most junk food?
17. Who is the best cook?
18. Who snores the loudest?
19. Who is needier and acts like a baby when they’re sick?
20. Who is more emotional?
21. Who loves to travel more?
22. Who has better taste in music?
23. Who initiated your first vacation?
24. Who is always late?
25. Who is always hungry?
26. Who was more nervous to meet the partner's parents?
27. Who was more studious in school/college?
28. Who says ‘I Love You’ more often?
29. Who spends more time on their phone?
30. Who is a better bathroom singer?
31. Who passes out first while drinking?
32. Who would eat dessert for breakfast?
33. Who lies the most?
34. Who says sorry first?
35. Who is a crybaby?
36. Who is the most competitive?
37. Who always leaves the dishes on the table after eating?
38. Who wants kids sooner?
39. Who eats slower?
40. Who exercises more?

Funny Wedding Shoe Game Questions
How about funny newlywed questions for the shoe game?
41. Who has had the most speeding tickets?
42. Who shares the most memes?
43. Who is more grumpy in the morning?
44. Who has a bigger appetite?
45. Who has smellier feet?
46. Who is messier?
47. Who hogs the blankets more?
48. Who skips bathing the most?
49. Who is the first one to fall asleep?
50. Who snores louder?
51. Who always forgets to put the toilet seat down?
52. Who had the crazier beach party?
53. Who looks in the mirror more?
54. Who spends more time on social media?
55. Who is a better dancer?
56. Who has a bigger wardrobe?
57. Who is scared of heights?
58. Who spends more time working?
59. Who has more shoes?
60. Who likes to tell jokes?
61. Who prefers a city break than a beach one?
62. Who has a sweet tooth?
63. Who is the first to laugh?
64. Who usually remembers to pay bills on time each month?
65. Who would put their underwear on inside out and not realize?
66. Who is the first to laugh?
67. Who would break something on holiday?
68. Who sings better karaoke in the car?
69. Who is the pickier eater?
70. Who is more of a planner, than spontaneous?
71. Who was the class clown in school?
72. Who gets drunk quicker?
73. Who loses their keys more often?
74. Who spends longer in the bathroom?
75. Who is a more talkative person?
76. Who burps more?
77. Who believes in aliens?
78. Who takes up more space on the bed at night?
79. Who is always cold?
80. Who is the loudest?
Shoe Game Questions Who is more likely
Here are some interesting Who's More Likely questions for your wedding:
81. Who’s more likely to start an argument?
82. Who’s more likely to max out their credit card?
83. Who is most likely to leave laundry on the floor?
84. Who’s more likely to buy the other a surprise gift?
85. Who’s more likely to scream at the sight of a spider?
86. Who's more likely to replace the roll of toilet paper?
87. Who is most likely to start a fight?
88. Who’s more likely to get lost?
89. Who’s more likely to fall asleep in front of the TV?
90. Who is more likely to be on a reality show?
91. Who's more likely to cry laughing during a comedy?
92. Who is more likely to ask for directions?
93. Who is most likely to get up for a midnight snack?
94. Who is most likely to give their partner a backrub?
95. Who is the most likely to come home with a stray cat/dog?
96. Who is most likely to take food off the other person’s plate?
97. Who is more likely to talk to a stranger?
98. Who is more likely to get stranded on a deserted island?
99. Who is more likely to get hurt?
100. Who is more likely to admit they are wrong?
Dirty Wedding Shoe Game Questions for Couples
Well, it's time for dirty newlywed game questions!
101. Who went for the first kiss?
102. Who is a better kisser?
103. Who is more flirtatious?
104. Who has a bigger behind?
105. Who dresses more flirtatiously?
106. Who is quieter during sex?
107. Who initiated sex first?
108. Which one is kinkier?
109. Which one is shy about what they like to do in bed?
110. Who is a better lover?

Shoe Game Questions for Best Friends
110. Who is more stubborn?
111. Who loves reading books?
112. Who talks the most?
113. Who is a law-breaker?
114. Who’s more of a thrill-seeker?
115. Who would win in a race?
116. Who got better grades in school?
117. Who does the dishes more?
118. Who’s more organized?
119. Who makes the bed?
120. Who has the better handwriting?
121. Who’s the best chef?
122. Who is more competitive when it comes to games?
123. Who is a bigger Harry Potter fan?
124. Who is more forgetful?
125. Who does more household chores?
126. Who’s more outgoing?
127. Who is the cleanest?
128. Who fell in love first?
129. Who paid the first bills?
130. Who always knows where everything is?
Wedding Shoe Game FAQs
What is the wedding shoe game also called?
The wedding shoe game is also commonly referred to as "The Newlywed Shoe Game" or "The Mr. and Mrs. Game."
How long does the wedding shoe game last?
Typically, the duration of the wedding shoe game lasts around 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the number of questions asked and the couple's responses.
How many questions do you ask in the shoe game?
It's important to strike a balance between having enough questions to make the game engaging and entertaining, while also ensuring it doesn't become overly lengthy or repetitive. Thus, 20-30 shoe game questions can be a good option.
How do you end the wedding shoe game?
Many people agree that the perfect ending for a wedding shoe game is: Who is the best kisser? Then, the groom and bride can kiss each other after this question to create a perfect and romantic ending.
What should the last question be for the shoe game?
The best choice to end the shoe game is asking the question: Who can't imagine life without the other? This beautiful choice will push the couple to raise both of their shoes to signify that they both feel this way about each other.
Final Thoughts
Shoe game questions can double the joy of your wedding reception. Let's enhance your wedding reception with the joyful Shoe Game Questions! Engage your guests, create laughter-filled moments, and make your special day even more memorable.
If you want to create a virtual trivia time like Wedding trivia, don't forget to make use of presentation tools like AhaSlides to create more engagement and interaction with guests.
Ref: Paunveiled | thebridee | Weddingbazaar