4 Great Virtual Pub Quiz Success Stories and How You Can Hold a Successful Online Quiz Too!

Quizzes and Games

Mark Barnes 25 July, 2024 6 min read

Quirky quizmasters from all walks of life come together at AhaSlides to give people a good laugh. No matter who you are, you can always bring joy and fun to those around you with a quiz.

It’s hard to deny that pub quiz is experiencing its renaissance. Banned from the pubs because of COVID-19, people learn to fall in love again with the pub quiz through their virtual form.

AhaSlides is glad to be part of this trend. Powered by our software, people from around the globe have gathered and battled it out to prove their superior brain power.

As such, we have spent time interviewing some of our most successful users. Our virtual pub quiz hosts have been doing a great job in bringing people together during this isolation period, and we want to acknowledge them for that.

Success Story #1: What Do the Plane Spotters Do When There Are No Planes?

Airliners Live, a group of hobbyist plane spotters, struggled to find planes to spot during the lockdown. So, at the spur of the moment, they turn to hosting quizzes and become really popular to their surprise.

"I can't remember exactly where we got the idea from, but when we thought of hosting a quiz, we wanted to make it small scale, using 'old school' methods of scorekeeping. We were only going to have the capacity of about 20 teams before things got a bit too much, but luckily we stumbled upon Ahaslides, which actually made the whole process an incredibly easy and fun experience", said Andy Brownbill, one of the plane spotters duo.

More commonly known for their photography and videos of huge airliners, these guys have taken to hosting online quizzes like a Boeing 787 Dreamliner takes to the skies: smooth and fast.

The last trivia night hosted by Airliners Live, on Friday, May 16 2020, attracted around 90 of their followers. The response they received was truly outstanding and they're planning on hosting many more.

But of course, their journey to host pub quizzes isn't without obstacles.

"On the first announcement, the quiz didn't take off as we hoped, but when we started streaming it, people realized how easy it was to take part, and week by week we have seen an increase in viewers and participants."

They have experienced heartwarming stories of people inviting friends and family who are going through hard times, and how they are enlightened by the socializing and fun as they play along.

Airliner's Live quiz has attracted airplane enthusiasts from around the world

For anyone who wants to be a pub quiz host, Airliners Live has some advice for you.

"For live streaming, we would advise using a simple, free software like OBS Studio, which lets you live stream easily to Facebook, YouTube, and Twitch. We also recommend having the stream and a camera set, so people can see both the questions and yourself presenting them", said Andy.

To kick-start your audience, make a community or utilize your group of friends. People love the connection of a quiz as it brings communities back to life and allows you to hang out and catch up with friends.

For small groups, with video calls or Zoom groups, you can easily send everyone the link to play along, and they'll see all the questions and answers on their device.

Last but not least, Airliners Live recommends engaging with people in the chat, commentating on how well people are doing on certain questions, and giving them praise when they get answers right. That really makes people feel part of the whole experience.

Interested in spotting the iron birds and playing a round of pub quiz? Follow Airliners Live!

Success Story #2: Knocking COVID-19 in the Face

Quiz mam Klot, or 'Quiz with the Knock', is a one-man-band quizmaster from Luxembourg. He has been hosting pub quizzes for over 10 years until COVID-19 restrictions shut his weekly quiz nights down.

Pretty mad at the situation, Klot decides to knock the virus in the face when he signs up for AhaSlides and carries on with his weekly quiz nights online.

"I already had a community that follows me as a quiz master for my offline quizzes," Klot says. "I certainly had an advantage migrating them to an online platform. Being a huge fan of online communities I was certainly happy to see my already existing offline community following me on a virtual platform."

Klot live streams his quizzes via Facebook with users connecting through their mobile phones or computers. Over 300 people joined Quiz mam Klot’s quiz based on the 90’s TV show Friends

virtual pub quiz
Klot's pop culture quizzes will satisfy your cravings for a simpler time

Tapping into nostalgia for a simpler time when people could go to Central Perk for a coffee without a face mask and a flask of hand sanitiser, Klot has found a fruitful niche but it wasn't always clear sailing.

"I think the biggest challenge was to find a virtual quiz host that fits my needs and enables me to present a quiz to my community that I can identify with."

Klot's search was complete when he found AhaSlides.

"After having tested several providers I finally found AhaSlides which allowed me to integrate my branding and style in to an easy to use editor. The AhaSlides-team was always open to suggestions from my part and quickly straightened out most of my technical problems after a rocky start. The overall feedback was great and I think I will still use AhaSlides when the pandemic is over."

Thank you, Klot. We got your back!

If you are interested in joining Klot, follow him on Facebook!

Success Story #3: Did Someone Just Say Beers?

Bringing together beer lovers from across the UK, the crew at BeerBods have navigated the virtual pub quiz arena with a deft precision unlike what you’d expect from seasoned drinkers.

Their last pub quiz went down like an ice-cold stubby on a hot day attracting over 3,500 participants from all around the world. 

This is a huge improvement on their first quiz which was still a decent size with just over 300 participants.

These beer lovers have mastered the art of not only pulling beers but also pulling in the numbers.

Interested in joining the next BeerBods virtual pub quiz? Signing up here!

Success story #4: YOU

With AhaSlides, anyone can be a quizmaster.

It doesn't have to be professional. Nor does it have to host thousands of participants. It could just be about the last book you read, a random TV show, or your friends and family's old Facebook posts. You can make anything become a quiz.

Need some tips and tricks? Try these.

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