It is a holiday, and it's time for holiday trivia questions. So, let's find out the top 130++ best quizzes you can ever get for a holiday coming up!
It is a holiday and you want to reunite and have fun with your friends, family, and colleagues. However, everyone is on their way to having a vacation somewhere else. It is time to leverage virtual holiday celebrations to gather people to cheer up with some interesting holiday questions.
When is the summer holiday? | Jun-Sep |
When is the winter holiday? | Dec-Next Mar |
How many holidays do you have in Australia? | 7 National Public Holidays |
How long does the holiday should last? | 8 days |
Go bonkers with AhaSlides suggested 130+++holiday trivia questions and answers below:
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30++ Summer Holiday Trivia Questions
- Which are the three summer Zodiac signs?
Answer: Cancer, Leo, Virgo
- Which vitamin can you get from direct sunlight?
Answer: Vitamin D
- What is another name for the Summer Olympics?
Answer: Games of the Olympiad
- How often are the Summer Olympic games held?
Answer: every four years
- Where was the first Summer Olympic game held?
Answer: Athens, Greece
- Where was the first city to host the Summer Olympic Games three times?
Answer: London
- Where will be the 2024 Summer Olympics?
Answer: Paris
- What is the traditional birthstone for August?
Answer: Peridot
- Who had a summer hit with Sealed with a kiss?
Answer: Brian Hyland
- The month of July was named after which historical personality?
Answer: Julius Caesar
- Which month of the year is the National Ice Cream?
Answer: July
- Which country owns the world’s biggest waterpark?
Answer: Germany
- Which are the best-sellers of fresh fruits during summer in America?
Answer: Watermelon, peaches, and tomatoes
- How do we call summer in the Proto-Germanic language?
Answer: Sumaraz
- In what month does the summer begin in the northern hemispheres
Answer: June
- What does SPF in sunscreen stand for?
Answer: Sun protection factor
- What is the iconic music of the song “Summer Night”?
Answer: Grease
- What is the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth?
Answer: 56,6 degrees Celsius in California’s Death Valley
- Name one of the top 5 hottest years on record.
Answer: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020
- What ocean-dwelling creature are you most likely to see sunbathing?
Answer: Sea lion
- What is the most common butterfly in the United States?
Answer: The Cabbage White
- What material can elephants use to prevent sunburnt?
Answer: Dust and mud
- Which animal stars in the hit 1970s movie “Jaws”
Answer: A Great White Shark
- Which year was the movie Summer Holiday released?
Answer: 1963
- Saffron comes from which type of flower?
Answer: Crocus Sativus
- What is Aestivation?
Answer: Summer hibernation of animals
- Where was the ice pop invented?
San Francisco, USA
- Who wrote the song the 1980s hit Boys of Summer?
Answer: Don Henley
- What is the highest-grossing summer blockbuster of all time?
Answer: Star Wars
- Hit drama Our beloved summer comes from which country?
Answer: Korea
20 Multiple Choice Football Quiz Questions for Mega Fans (+ Template)
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Holiday Trivia Questions - 20++ Summer Quiz Questions with Answers
- Did Tim Burton direct the 1988 Batman movie?
Answer: Yes
- Was the movie “Summer of Love” released in 1966?
Answer: No, it was 1967
- Is Jun 6 the anniversary of D-Day?
Answer: Yes
- About 95% of watermelon’s overall mass is water.
Answer: No, it is about 92%
- Is Frisbee the classic summer game inspired by an empty pie tin?
Answer: Yes
- Is Long Beach the longest beach in the United States?
Answer: Yes.
- Does Michael Phelps have the most total Olympic medals?
Answer: Yes.
- Is California known as the Sunflower State?
Answer: No, it is Kansas
- Is Kansas a place for holding the Midnight Sun baseball game?
Answer: No, it is Alaska
- Does New Mexico City have Zia Sun on its flag?
Answer: Yes.
- The world’s largest strawberry weighed a whopping five ounces.
Answer: False, it actually weighed more than eight ounces!
- The world’s longest inflatable slip-and-slide measured 1,975 feet.
Answer: True
- Florida is the state that is the wettest in summer.
Answer: True
- Salmon is the species of fish bears feed on in summer
Answer: True
- Heat is the most dangerous weather condition for humans and animals.
Answer: True.
- Is summer the highest birth rate?
Answer: Yes
- New York City and Pittsburgh are two cities that claim to be the homeland of the invention of the ice cream sandwich.
Answer: True
- More thunderstorms occur during the summer than at any other time of the year.
Answer: True.
- California is a U.S. state that experiences the most wildfires during summer.
Answer: True
- The world’s tallest sunflower was grown in Germany in August 2014 and is 40 feet tall.
Answer: False, it is 30.1 feet
Holiday Trivia Questions - 30++ Winter Vacation Quizzes
- What do we call the state when animals sleep during the winter?
Answer: Hibernation
- Which holiday is known as the Festival of Lights in Indian culture?
Answer: Diwali
- How long does the Diwali festival last?
Answer: 5 days
- What is the first festival of the year?
Answer: Makar Sankranti, Festival of Harvest
- How long does winter last in the southern hemisphere?
Answer: June to December
- How long does winter last in the southern hemisphere?
Answer: December to June
- What can you call heavy snow that is not quite a blizzard?
Answer: Snow squall
- Which of these words refers to thin, bending ice, or to the act of running over such ice?
Answer: Kitty-benders
- Which season does the Earth come closer to the sun?
Answer: Winter
- Which kind of snow is suitable for making a snowman?
Answer: Moist to wet snow.
- Which city does the Winter Palace situate in?
Answer: Saint Petersburg, Russia
- Name the character played by Macaulay Culkin in the film Home Alone"
Answer: Kevin McCallister
- What color are the berries on MOST mistletoe plants?
Answer: white berries
- When was the first snowman photograph taken?
Answer: 1953
- How many points does a snowflake traditionally have?
Answer: 6 points
- Reindeer are a subspecies of what animal?
Answer: Caribou
- When was Eggnog first consumed in history?
Answer: Early medieval Britain
- What does a chinook mean?
Answer: Winter Wind
- What year were electric tree lights introduced as an alternative to candles?
Answer: 1882
- Which two cities named Santa Claus in the United States
Answer: Georgia and Arizona
- Which cocktail has the least calories?
Answer: Martini
- In which year was the film Home Alone released?
Answer: 1991
- Which vacation did the first movie Home Alone feature?
Answer: Christmas
- Where is the McCallister family going to have Christmas vacation?
Answer: Paris
- Which future US President makes an appearance in Home Alone 2: Lost in New York?
Answer: Donald Trump
- What is the name of the movie “Home Alone 4”?
Answer: Taking back the house
Christmas Movie Quiz: Free Download + Template (20 Questions)
- What is the color of the Snow flower?
Answer: Scarlet red
- Which fruit has a variety called “winter banana”?
Answer: Apple
- What country is the coldest place on Earth?
Answer: Russia
- Which country holds the hair-freezing contest?
Answer: Canada
Family Christmas Quiz (40 Questions for Festivities!)
75+ Trivia Quizzes on Halloween for Game Nights, Parties and Surprisingly Classrooms

Holiday Trivia Questions - 35++ General Holidays and Event Quizzes
- The Summer Solstice is the most important day of the year at Stonehenge, which is a prehistoric stone monument. In which country is this situated?
Answer: UK
- Broadcast on TV, Nathan's hot dog eating contest takes place each July 4; in which state?
Answer: New York City
- What type of dance will be introduced to the Olympics for the first time in 2024?
Answer: Break dancing
- What is the name of plants and trees that remain green and healthy for more than one season?
Answer: Evergreen.
- Alaska's Katmai National Park holds an annual summer contest to find the fattest of which species?
Answer: Bear
- On which public holiday will you find patriotic displays and family events organized throughout the country?
Answer: July 4
- Which country gives students 12 weeks off for summer?
Answer: Italy
- The world’s largest inflatable pool toy was named “Sally the Swan” by its creators. How tall was she?
Answer: 70 feet tall.
- Which flower is sometimes called the sword lily?
Answer: Benjamin Disraeli
- Which flower inspired the William Wordsworth poem 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud'?
Answer: Daffodils
- Which flower is often called the 'Winter rose' or 'Christmas rose'?
Answer: Sweet William
- What are the 4 islands making up the Balearic Islands in Spain?
Answer: Ibiza, Formentera, Mallorca and Menorca
- Where were the earliest recorded festivities in honor of a new year's arrival dated back some 4,000 years to?
Answer: Ancient Babylon.
- In Spain, to celebrate the New Year, people traditionally eat grapes as the clock strikes midnight. How many grapes do they eat?
Answer: 12 grapes
- What is the tradition of Panama to drive off evil spirits for a fresh New Year’s start?
Answer: Burn effigies (muñecos).
- Which items did Greeks hang on the front door of homes on New Year’s Eve?
Answer: Onion
- When was the kissing custom date?
Answer: At least in the 1500s in Europe.
- What is the most consumed manufactured drink in the world?
Answer: Tea
- What type of pasta has a name meaning "little worms"?
Answer: Vermicelli
- Calamari is a dish made from which animal?
Answer: Squid
- What is James Bond's favorite tipple?
Answer: Vodka Martini – shaken not stirred
- What spirit is mixed with ginger beer in a Moscow mule?
Answer: Vodka
- What French city does bouillabaisse originate from?
Answer: Marseille
- How many episodes of Game of Thrones are there in total?
Answer: 73 episodes
- In Game of Thrones, which animal does Tywin Lannister skin during his first appearance in the show?
Answer: Deer (buck or stag also acceptable)
- Which character ends up being crowned King of the Six Kingdoms in the final episode?
Answer: Bran Stark (Bran the Broken)
The Ultimate Game of Thrones Quiz – 35 Questions + Answers
- The French word “Noel” is often used around Christmas, but what was its original meaning in Latin?
Answer: Birth
- In what decade did Coca-Cola start using Santa Claus in advertisements?
Answer: The 1920s
- During what ancient festival did masters temporarily serve their slaves?
Answer: Saturnalia
- Which holiday takes place on March 26?
Answer: Brother and Sisters’ Day
- In what country did Silent Night originate?
Answer: Austria
- What is the other name of the Winter Extreme Festival in Chinese culture?
Answer: Dongzhi festival
- In July 1960, the 50th and final star was added to the American flag; what new state was this to represent?
Answer: Hawaii
- The Guinness Book of World Records was published for the first time on August 27, of which year?
Answer: 1955
- Which beach sport became official in 1986?
Answer: Beach Volleyball
- Easter Quiz Questions and Answers (+ Free Download!)
- Chinese New Year Quiz Questions & Answers
- 25 New Year’s Eve Quiz Questions
- What to Take to Thanksgiving Dinner
15++ Multiple-Choice Holiday Trivia Questions (Destination)
- What is Tromsø known for?
Skydiving // Beaches // Northern Lights // Theme parks
- In which part of Portugal can you find the Algarve?
On an island in the Atlantic Ocean // South // North // Central Portugal
- Which sea does not bord Turkey?
Black Sea // Aegean Sea // Mediterranean Sea // Dead Sea //
- Which country receives the most tourists?
Italy // France // Greece // Chinese
- Which one of the following Canadian cities is French-speaking?
Montreal // Ottawa // Toronto // Halifax
- Where is Copacabana Beach?
Sydney // Honolulu // Miami // New Orleans
- The name of a city in Thai means City of Angels.
Bangkok // Chiang Mai // Phuket // Pattaya.
- Which Scottish island is home to the Old Man of Storr, the Quiraing, and Neist Point?
Isle of Skye // Iona // Isle of Mull // Jura
- What is the largest island in the Mediterranean?
Santorini // Corfu // Rhodes // Sicily
- Koh Samui is a popular holiday destination in which country?
Vietnam // Thailand // Cambodia // Malaysia
- Where is Abu Simbel?
UAE // Egypt // Greece // Italy
- Chateau is the word for a castle in which language?
French // German // Italian // Greek
- The Maldives is situated in?
The Pacific Ocean // The Atlantic Ocean // The Indian Ocean // the Arctic Ocean
- Which of the following destinations is among the most expensive honeymoon spots?
Bora Bora // New Orleans // Paris // Bali
- Which Bali is located in?
Indonesia // Thailand // Myanmar // Singapore
40 Fun World-Famous Landmarks Quiz Questions (+ Answers)
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