Agile methodology has gained significant popularity in software development due to its flexible and iterative approach. With diversity in frameworks and practices, Agile methodology offers a different way of managing projects compared to traditional waterfall methods.

If you don't want your competitor to leave you behind, embracing Agile methodology in project management can be an excellent technique to stay ahead in today's fast-paced business world. But before that, it is important to get a deeper insight into the world of Agile methodology. Let's go over some key features about Agile methodology which provides a better understanding of how Agile methodology works in practice.

Agile methodology
What is Agile methodology and how it work? | Photo: Freepik

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What is Agile Methodology?

Agile methodology is a project management approach that focuses on flexibility, continuous improvement, and customer collaboration. It originated as a response to the limitations of traditional waterfall methods, which often resulted in lengthy development cycles and rigid processes. Agile methodology places a strong emphasis on iterative development, frequent feedback loops, and the ability to respond to changing requirements.

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agile workflow process, scum agile
Differences between some Agile working models with Waterfall framework model | Photo: Freepik

What are the 5 Agile Methodologies?

In this part, we will explore the five primary Agile methodologies including Scrum, Kanban, Lean, Extreme Programming (XP), and Crystal Method. Each methodology has its own unique characteristics, principles, and practices that contribute to successful Agile project management.


The Agile Scrum framework is one of the most widely adopted Agile methodologies. Agile project management with Scrum divides projects into short iterations called sprints, usually lasting two to four weeks. The framework incorporates several key roles, including the Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team. Scrum emphasizes daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning, backlog refinement, and sprint reviews to ensure transparency, effective communication, and continuous improvement. Its benefits include increased collaboration, faster time-to-market, and enhanced adaptability to changing project requirements.


Kanban is another popular Agile working model that focuses on visualizing and optimizing workflow. This approach uses a Kanban board to visualize tasks and their progress typically represented as columns and cards. Kanban promotes a pull-based system where work items are pulled from one stage to the next as capacity allows. It provides teams with clear visibility into their work and enables them to identify bottlenecks and continuously improve their processes. Kanban's benefits include improved efficiency, reduced waste, and enhanced team focus on delivering value.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Another good Agile framework, Extreme Programming (XP) aims to improve software quality and enhance team productivity through a set of practices and values. With an emphasis on communication, simplicity, and adaptability, XP practices in Agile provide a structured approach to software development that enables teams to deliver high-quality products while accommodating changing requirements. 

Lean Development

Lean methodology, while not exclusively an Agile framework, shares many principles and practices with Agile. Originating from manufacturing, Lean aims to eliminate waste and improve efficiency by focusing on value creation and continuous improvement. Lean emphasizes the importance of customer value, minimizing unnecessary work, and optimizing flow. By adopting Lean principles within an Agile context, teams can enhance collaboration, reduce waste, and deliver value more effectively.

Crystal Method

When it comes to a concentration on individuals and their interactions, the Crystal method is much more preferred. Developed by Alistair Cockburn, the Crystal Method is designed to prioritize people-oriented principles and values within the software development process. It acknowledges the importance of individual skills and expertise in project success. Furthermore, it focuses on identifying and leveraging the strengths of team members, ensuring that the right people are assigned to the right tasks.

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What are the benefits of Using Agile Methodology?

Adopting Agile principles and values can bring a range of benefits to organizations. Here are some of the key benefits:

Improved project visibility

Agile methodology provides a transparent and real-time view of project progress. Regular meetings, such as daily stand-ups and sprint reviews, enable teams to discuss their accomplishments, challenges, and upcoming tasks. This level of visibility allows stakeholders to make informed decisions, identify potential roadblocks, and adjust priorities accordingly. As a result, projects are more likely to stay on track and meet their objectives.

Increased adaptability

In today's rapidly changing business landscape, the ability to adapt quickly is crucial for success. Agile methodology excels in this area by enabling teams to respond swiftly to new requirements, market trends, or customer feedback. By breaking down projects into smaller, manageable tasks, Agile allows teams to adjust their plans and priorities without disrupting the entire project. This flexibility ensures that businesses can continuously improve and deliver value to their customers.

Faster time to market

Agile methodology emphasizes delivering working products in short iterations. Instead of waiting until the end of a project to release a final product, Agile allows teams to release incremental updates throughout the development process. This iterative approach enables businesses to gather early feedback, validate assumptions, and make necessary adjustments promptly. By reducing time-consuming rework and delivering value early on, Agile methodology helps businesses accelerate their time to market and gain a competitive edge.

What are the 5 Stages of Agile Methodology?

What are the 5 stages of agile development? Inspired by a software development lifecycle (SDLC), Agile methodology follows 5 stages including Ideation, development, testing, deployment, and operations. Let's take a closer look at the ins and outs of each stage.

agile process with 5 stages
The 5 stages of Agile project life cycle | Photo: Mendix

Stage 1: Ideation

Almost all Agile software development projects initiate with a phase of ideation. This process involves brainstorming and gathering requirements to define the scope and objectives of the project. 

During this stage, the product owner, stakeholders, and development team collaborate to identify project goals, and user needs, and prioritize features. User stories or product backlog items are created to capture requirements and form the basis for development.

Stage 2: Development

Next comes the development stage which focuses on transforming the requirements into functional software increments. Agile methodologies emphasize iterative and incremental development, breaking down the work into manageable tasks or user stories. 

Development teams work collaboratively in short iterations, typically called sprints, which are time-boxed periods dedicated to completing specific tasks. During each sprint, the team selects user stories from the product backlog and develops working software increments, ensuring that the most valuable features are delivered first.

Stage 3: Testing

In the third stage of the Agile development process, Testing is performed continuously throughout the development process to ensure software quality and validate that the product meets the specified requirements. 

Agile methodologies promote test-driven development (TDD), where tests are written before the code is implemented. This helps ensure that the software functions as intended and reduces the likelihood of introducing bugs or defects. 

Testing includes unit testing, integration testing, and acceptance testing to validate the functionality and usability of the software.

Stage 4: Deployment

The deployment stage of the Agile process model involves releasing the developed software to the end-users or customers. Agile methodologies advocate for frequent and regular deployments to gather feedback early and incorporate changes based on user input. 

Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices are often employed to automate the deployment process, ensuring that the software is deployed in a consistent and efficient manner. 

This stage also includes activities like configuration management, documentation, and user training to facilitate a smooth transition to the live environment.

Stage 5: Operations

In the final phase, the operations describe the ongoing support and maintenance of the deployed software. Agile methodologies recognize that software development is an ongoing process, and teams must be responsive to customer feedback and adapt to changing requirements. 

Agile teams engage in continuous monitoring, bug fixes, feature enhancements, and user support to ensure the software remains functional, secure, and aligned with the evolving needs of the end-users. Regular retrospectives are conducted to reflect on the development process and identify opportunities for improvement.

Agile Methodology VS Waterfall Methodology

Unlike traditional waterfall methodologies, which rely on strict planning and linear processes, Agile embraces change and encourages teams to work in short cycles called sprints. 

While Agile methodologies are designed to embrace change, Waterfall methodologies are less flexible when it comes to accommodating changes. 

In addition, Agile methodologies promote early and continuous risk identification and mitigation. By contrast, Waterfall methodologies tend to have a higher risk of project failure due to their rigid and sequential nature.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Agile methodology and how does it work?

Agile methodology is a project management approach that values adaptability and responsiveness to change in order to deliver high-quality results. Unlike traditional project management methods, Agile breaks down projects into smaller, manageable tasks and focuses on delivering value incrementally.

What is Agile vs Scrum?

Agile is a development methodology in the Agile Manifesto, which is designed to promote incremental and iterative development, continuous feedback, and frequent customer involvement. Scrum is an implementation under the Agile umbrella in which the whole project is divided into short time frames called sprints, and the scrum master is responsible for delivering the product increment.

What is an example of Agile?

Imagine a software development company that wants to build a new mobile application. Using Agile methodology, the company would break down the project into smaller, manageable tasks called user stories.

Key Takeaways

Agile management software is popularly utilized nowadays to help project managers save time, money and other efforts needed to keep projects in progress, high team productivity and performance. Choosing the right agile technology for the job is imperative to achieve the most value. 

It is also essential for businesses to invest in proper training and tools to successfully implement Agile methodology. To take your Agile practices to the next level, try AhaSlides for interactive training sessions and effective collaboration.

Ref: Mendix | Xpand it | Geeksforgeeks