The mid year review has become more common in the employee performance management process as it helps to create a healthy corporate culture with feedback and recognition of contributions. Furthermore, the results of the midyear review will simplify year-end audits for the organization. As well as promote and strengthen positive relationships between management and employees, and improve higher business performance.
Despite bringing the numerous benefits, this concept is still unfamiliar to you. So, today's article will explore mid-year review and provide mid year review examples to help you evaluate effectively!
Table of Contents
- What Is Mid Year Review?
- Mid Year Review Examples
- Tips For Conducting A Effective Mid Year Review
- Key Takeaways
Tips for Better Engagement

What Is Mid Year Review?
A mid-year review is a performance management process that involves assessing employee performance, including their self-assessment.
It usually occurs halfway through the year and can take the form of a small group review or a formal one-on-one discussion between an employee and a manager. The mid year review will require the following outputs:
- Evaluate employee progress toward their current goals and establish new ones (if necessary) that align with organizational goals.
- Evaluate employee performance and ensure employees are on track and focused on the right priorities.
- Review employee performance, and identify strengths and areas for improvement.
Moreover, it is also an opportunity for employees to share their opinions, views, and challenges. This help managers acknowledge employee contributions and provide necessary guidance and support.
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Mid Year Review Examples

Mid Year Performance Review Examples
1/ PRODUCTIVITY - Mid Year Review Examples
Emma is a hard-working and enthusiastic employee. She also has strong technical skills thanks to her long working experience.
Emma's problem, on the other hand, is that she focuses too much on the minor details while ignoring the big picture of her assignment or the group's goals. This leads to her being slow in the work process, getting caught up in unnecessary things, missing deadlines, and affecting the team's productivity.
As Emma's manager, you can review and give her feedback as follows:
Positive feedback:
- Hardworking, perfectionist, and highly meticulous in performing tasks.
- Professional and with great enthusiasm, complete the work with good quality.
- Provide ideas and solutions to challenges facing the team.
Needs improvement:
- Not taking full advantage of the capacity to improve efficiency and improve productivity.
- Easily distracted and scattered energy and non-assigned tasks.
- Frequently miss deadlines, lack of commitment on time to complete work, leading to (list of tasks) being revised many times.
- Could use time management tools or ask for training to improve time management skills.
- Identify time wasters and prioritize tasks to increase productivity.
- Create a personal development plan and set SMART goals and track progress towards them.
2/ PROBLEM-SOLVING - Mid Year Review Examples
Chandler is an employee of the marketing department. When realizing that customers are not responding well to the new campaign of product and there is a risk of not meeting KPIs. He immediately finds the problem and the reason why they are not meeting the needs of the customers through different survey methods.
After a month of tweaking and trying new approaches. His campaign was successful and exceeded KPIs.
Here's what you can encourage and show appreciation for Chanlder's efforts.
Positive feedback:
- Capable of solving problems quickly and creatively.
- Capable of offering multiple solutions to the problem.
- Collaborate and communicate well with members and other departments to solve problems.
Needs improvement:
- Not preparing plan B, or plan C if the implementation plan is giving results that are not as good as expected.
- Need to set more appropriate and realistic goals to adjust when problems arise.
- Might improve team brainstorming solutions.
- Might request assistance with difficulties.
3/ COMMUNICATION - Mid Year Review Examples
Lan is an employee with good technical skills. Although she has been with the company for a year, she still cannot find a way to communicate effectively with the team or with the manager.
During meetings, she often stays quiet or has difficulty expressing his ideas clearly to his colleagues. This sometimes causes misunderstandings and delays in work.
As her manager, you can help her with
Positive feedback:
- Have good listening skills to give feedback and opinions when needed.
- Accept with an open mind the comments of others about your expression and communication skills.
Needs improvement:
- Not having the confidence to communicate with people clearly, and unambiguously.
- Not knowing how and what to communicate with team members and direct reports leads to ambiguity and misunderstandings.
- Could plan to improve communication skills with the training and coaching programs offered by the company.

4/ ACCOUNTABILITY - Mid Year Review Examples
Rachel is a marketing specialist at an advertising agency. She has strong creative skills and technical expertise. But for the past six months, she has been neglecting work, missing deadlines, and not responding to client calls.
When asked about this problem, she often avoids and blames colleagues or makes excuses for external reasons. In addition, she also complained about having to carry out too many plans on her own.
As a manager, you should discuss this issue with her as follows:
Positive feedback:
- Have good professional skills and can guide and help colleagues.
- Have a clear vision and take steps accordingly to reach the goal.
- Have creativity at work, renewing perspectives regularly.
Needs improvement:
- Not willing, responsible, and mature enough to take ownership of the job.
- Not having time management skills and prioritizing work tasks.
- Ineffective communication and cooperation skills with colleagues.
- Could ask for help from the manager and team members to reduce the workload
- Improve time management skills and project management.
- Commit to deadlines and regularly report on work progress to the manager.
5/ LEADERSHIP - Mid Year Review Examples
Clair is the team leader of your company's technology development team. However, she has been struggling with some aspects of her leadership role, particularly motivating and engaging her team.
When conducting a mid year review with her, you have the following assessments:
Positive feedback:
- Have the ability to train and coach team members as well as interns with her strong professional skills.
- Have a vision and be able to set the team's goals to align with the goals of the organization.
Needs improvement:
- Not having employee motivation strategies to help team members feel engaged and improve work performance.
- Not having learned listening skills or provided tools to help team members give feedback and opinions.
- Not identifying a leadership style that is suitable for her and the team.
- Improve leadership skills by entering leadership training and effective management practices.
- Provide more frequent feedback and recognition to the team and work on building stronger relationships with them.
Mid Year Self Assessment Examples

Instead of a manager providing feedback and solutions, a mid-year self-assessment is an opportunity for employees to reflect on their own performance over the past six months.
Here are some examples of questions that can guide employees during the mid-year self-assessment:
- What were my most significant accomplishments in the first half of the year? How did I contribute to the success of the team?
- What were the challenges I faced, and how did I overcome them? Did I ask for help when needed?
- What new skills or knowledge have I acquired? How have I applied them in my role?
- Have I met my performance targets for the first six months of the year? If not, what steps can I take to get back on track?
- Is my collaboration with my team and other departments effective? Have I demonstrated effective communication and collaboration skills?
- Have I received feedback from my manager or colleagues that I need to address? What actions can I take to improve in these areas?
- What are my goals for the second half of the year? How do they align with the organization's goals and priorities?
Tips For Conducting A Effective Mid Year Review
Here are some tips for conducting a successful mid-year review:
- Prepare in advance: Before starting, review the employee's job description, performance goals, and feedback from previous reviews. This will help you identify specific areas for discussion, and ensure you have all the necessary information.
- Set clear expectations: Provide clear instructions and an agenda to employees about what is expected of them during the review, including the topics to be discussed, the length of the meeting, and any documents or data needed.
- Two-way communication: The mid year review should be a conversation, not just a performance review. Encourage employees to share their thoughts and opinions, ask questions, and provide feedback.
- Provide specific examples: Use specific examples to illustrate points and provide evidence of good performance or areas for improvement. This will help employees understand their strengths and weaknesses and identify actionable steps for improvement.
- Identify growth opportunities: Identify training opportunities or resources that can help employees improve their skills and performance and set new goals.
- Regular follow-up: Schedule regular check-ups with employees to monitor progress toward goals and provide ongoing feedback and support.

Key Takeaways
Hopefully, these specific Mid Year Review Examples have provided you with an overview of what to expect during a mid-year review, including how to evaluate employee performance and offer guidance for employee self-assessment.
And make sure to check out the features and templates library of AhaSlides to facilitate regular employee feedback and conduct successful performance reviews!