We all have moments of self-reflection, questioning our actions and motivations. If you've ever pondered the possibility of being a narcissist, you're not alone. In this post, we present a straightforward Narcissist test with 32 questions to help you explore and evaluate your behavior. No judgment, just a tool for self-discovery.
Join us with this narcissistic disorder quiz on a journey to better understand ourselves.
Table of Contents
Know Yourself Better
What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Imagine someone who thinks they're the best, always needs attention, and doesn't really care about others. That's a simplified picture of someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).
NPD is a mental health condition where people have an exaggerated sense of self-importance. They believe they're smarter, better looking, or more talented than everyone else. They crave admiration and constantly seek praise.
But behind this mask of confidence, there's often a fragile ego. They can easily get offended by criticism and may lash out in anger. They also struggle to understand and care about the feelings of others, making it hard for them to build healthy relationships.
While everyone has some narcissistic tendencies, people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder have a consistent pattern of these behaviors that negatively impact their daily lives and relationships.
Thankfully, there's help available. Therapy can help people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder manage their symptoms and build healthier relationships.
Narcissist Test: 32 Questions
Ever wonder if you or someone you know might have narcissistic tendencies? Taking this Narcissistic Disorder quiz can be a helpful first step. While quizzes can't diagnose NPD, they can offer valuable insights into your behavior and potentially trigger further self-reflection.
The following questions are designed to prompt self-reflection and are based on common traits associated with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Question 1: Self-Importance:
- Do you often feel that you are more important than others?
- Do you believe you deserve special treatment without necessarily earning it?
Question 2: Need for Admiration:
- Is it important for you to receive constant admiration and validation from others?
- How do you react when you don't receive the admiration you expect?
Question 3: Empathy:
- Do you find it challenging to understand or relate to the feelings of others?
- Are you often criticized for being insensitive to the needs of those around you?
Question 4: Grandiosity - Narcissist Test
- Do you frequently exaggerate your achievements, talents, or abilities?
- Are your fantasies filled with ideas of unlimited success, power, beauty, or ideal love?
Question 5: Exploitation of Others:
- Have you been accused of taking advantage of others to achieve your own goals?
- Do you expect special favors from others without offering anything in return?
Question 6: Lack of Accountability:
- Is it difficult for you to admit when you are wrong or take responsibility for your mistakes?
- Do you often blame others for your shortcomings?
Question 7: Relationship Dynamics:
- Do you struggle to maintain long-term, meaningful relationships?
- How do you react when someone challenges your opinions or ideas?
Question 8: Envy and Belief in Others' Envy:
- Are you envious of others and believe that others are envious of you?
- How does this belief impact your relationships and interactions?
Question 9: Sense of Entitlement:
- Do you feel entitled to special treatment or privileges without considering others' needs?
- How do you react when your expectations are not met?
Question 10: Manipulative Behavior:
- Have you been accused of manipulating others to achieve your own agenda?

Question 11: Difficulty Handling Criticism - Narcissist Test
- Do you find it challenging to accept criticism without becoming defensive or angry?
Question 12: Attention-Seeking:
- Do you often go to great lengths to be the center of attention in social situations?
Question 13: Constant Comparison:
- Do you frequently compare yourself to others and feel superior as a result?
Question 14: Impatience:
- Do you become impatient when others don't meet your expectations or needs promptly?
Question 15: Inability to Recognize Others' Boundaries:
- Do you have difficulty respecting the personal boundaries of others?
Question 16: Preoccupation with Success:
- Is your self-worth primarily determined by external markers of success?
Question 17: Difficulty Maintaining Long-Term Friendships:
- Have you noticed a pattern of strained or short-lived friendships in your life?
Question 18: Need for Control - Narcissist Test:
- Do you often feel the need to be in control of situations and people around you?
Question 19: Superiority Complex:
- Do you believe that you are inherently more intelligent, capable, or special than others?
Question 20: Difficulty Forming Deep Emotional Connections:
- Do you find it hard to form deep emotional connections with others?
Question 21: Difficulty Accepting Others' Achievements:
- Do you struggle to genuinely celebrate or acknowledge the achievements of others?
Question 22: Perception of Uniqueness:
- Do you believe you are so unique that you can only be understood by equally special or high-status individuals?
Question 23: Attention to Appearance:
- Is maintaining a polished or impressive appearance highly important to you?
Question 24: Sense of Superior Morality:
- Do you believe that your moral or ethical standards are superior to those of others?
Question 25: Intolerance for Imperfection - Narcissist Test:
- Do you find it difficult to accept imperfections in yourself or others?
Question 26: Disregard for Others' Feelings:
- Are you often dismissive of others' feelings, considering them irrelevant?
Question 27: Reacting to Criticism from Authority:
- How do you respond when criticized by authority figures, such as bosses or teachers?
Question 28: Excessive Sense of Self-Entitlement:
- Is your sense of entitlement to special treatment extreme, expecting privileges without question?
Question 29: Desire for Unearned Recognition:
- Do you seek recognition for achievements or talents that you haven't genuinely earned?
Question 30: Impact on Close Relationships - Narcissist Test:
- Have you noticed that your behavior has negatively impacted your close
Question 31: Competitiveness:
- Are you excessively competitive, always needing to outperform others in various aspects of life?
Question 32: Privacy Invasion Narcissist Test:
- Are you prone to invading the privacy of others, insisting on knowing details about their lives?

Score - Narcissist Test:
- For each "Yes" response, consider the frequency and intensity of the behavior.
- A higher number of affirmative responses may indicate traits associated with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
* This Narcissist Test is not a substitute for professional evaluation. If you find that many of these traits resonate with you, consider seeking guidance from a mental health professional. A licensed therapist can provide a comprehensive assessment and support you in addressing any concerns you may have about your behavior or the behavior of someone you know. Remember, self-awareness is the first step towards personal growth and positive change.
Final Thoughts
Remember, everyone has unique qualities, and traits associated with them can exist on a Narcissistic Personality disorder spectrum. The goal is not to label but to foster understanding and encourage individuals to explore ways to enhance their well-being and relationships. Taking proactive steps, whether through the Narcissist Test: self-reflection or seeking professional support, can contribute to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

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What causes narcissistic personality disorder?
The exact cause of Narcissistic Personality Disorder is unknown, likely a complex interplay of factors:
- Genetics: Some studies suggest a genetic predisposition to NPD, although specific genes haven't been identified.
- Brain development: Abnormalities in brain structure and function, particularly in areas associated with self-esteem and empathy, might contribute.
- Childhood experiences: Early childhood experiences, such as neglect, abuse, or excessive praise, may play a role in developing NPD.
- Social and cultural factors: Societal emphasis on individualism, success, and appearance may contribute to narcissistic tendencies.
How common is narcissistic personality disorder?
NPD is estimated to affect around 0.5-1% of the general population, with men diagnosed more often than women. However, these figures might be underestimates, as many individuals with NPD may not seek professional help.
At what age does narcissistic personality disorder develop?
Narcissistic Personality Disorder typically begins to develop in late adolescence or early adulthood. The symptoms may become more noticeable during a person's 20s or 30s. While traits associated with narcissism may be present earlier in life, the full-fledged disorder tends to emerge as individuals mature and face the challenges of adulthood.
Ref: Mind Diagnostics | National Library of Medicine