What is employee retention rate? We are living in the industrial revolution 4.0, which means that there is an increase in job opportunities for youngsters, not to mention the high skilled labor. In fact, The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the economy will add 6 million jobs over the next decade.
Thus, many talented workers might find that it is their choice to commit or leave the company for their benefits, rateclosely related to employee retention.
Suppose your company is facing a high employee retention rate. In that case, it is high time for your business to determine employee retention as one of the key concerns for long-term company development strategies.
In this article, we give you a deeper look at the definition of employee retention, drivers of high employee retention rate, current statistics of retention rate in a specific industry, how to calculate employee retention rate accurately, and solutions for improving employee retention strategies.
- What is meant by employee retention?
- What are the five primary drivers of employee retention?
- How to measure employee retention rates
- What are examples of employee retention strategies?
- What helps with employee retention strategies?
- More Tips with AhaSlides
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What is meant by Employee Retention Rate?
Firstly, let's define retention rate! Regarding employee retention, we usually mention employee turnover. Though these terms have some in common, it is not an interchangeable definition. Employee turnover is defined as the loss of organizational talent over a period of time.
Meanwhile, employee retention indicates an organization’s ability to prevent employee turnover, the number of people who leave their job in a certain period, either voluntarily or involuntarily.
A rise in employee turnover and retention both have a substantial impact on business performance and favorable outcomes. The key difference is that the retention rate does not include new hires, it accounts only for people already employed during the period the rate is being measured.
The turnover rate formula consists of people hired during the period for which the rate is being measured. Indeed, high turnover and low retention rates signify issues regarding the organization’s culture and employee experience.

Five main drivers of Employee Retention
When retaining talented employees, we usually mention employee engagement and satisfaction. There are tons of reasons for employees to remain working status or leave a job based on motivation and contentment with company support and incentives. It belongs to human resource management strategies to attract new talented workers or keep loyal talents committed and contributing to the company in long term.
According to the 2021 Retention Report by Work Institute, among ten reasons listed for leaving, there are top five organizational internal factors:
No. | Categories | Description | Percentage |
1 | Career | Opportunities for growth, achievement, and security | 18.0 |
2 | Work-life balance | Scheduling, travel, and remote work preferences | 10.5 |
3 | Job and environment | Enjoyment and ownership in manageable work Physical and cultural surroundings | 17.7 |
4 | Manager | Productive relationship preference | 10.0 |
5 | Total rewards | Compensation and benefits promised and received | 7.0 |
How to Measure Employee Retention Rate
The basic formula for calculating retention is:
(# of individual employees who remained employed for the entire measurement period /
# of employees at the start of the measurement period) x 100
The retention rate is often calculated annually, dividing the number of employees with one year or more of service by the number of staff in those positions one year ago.
By contrast, the basic formula for calculating turnover is:
(# of separations during the measurement period /
Average # of employees during the measurement period) x 100
The turnover rate is often calculated every month, which is added to calculate the annual turnover rate. It is defined as the number of separations divided by the average number of employees during that same period. Moreover, turnover can also be calculated by breaking down involuntary and voluntary turnover rates and high-performer turnover rates.
What are Examples of Employee Retention Strategies?
Effective and efficient practices can help to maintain high retention rates. It is needed a multifaceted, broad-based, and targeted strategy to achieve the best practices.
Understandably, employees want to have work flexibility, a competitive compensation package, recognition for their contribution, and an opportunity to learn and develop for higher promotion. Based on their primary concerns, the article will provide four employee retention strategies for your organization retains your talents.
Collect Employee Engagement Survey
It is necessary to conduct survey frequently to understand what your employee is thinking about their job engagement and satisfaction, which also help to forecast staff retention and turnover rate. It is easy to access results and analytics.
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Strengthening Employee bonding
Do you know that team bonding can improve productivity, ease management and establish a working environment allowing everyone to feel comfortable? It will be hard for people to leave a place and rearrange a working relationship that is so meaningful to them.
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Giving feedbacks and recognition
Giving enough opportunities for each employee to grow professionally or personally within their business by giving feedback for their completion and appraisal comment for their achievement. Realizing themselves learning something useful which helps broaden their knowledge and career is so important.
Offer a competitive base salary and extra benefits
Reconsider salary range and promotion frequently and somewhat. Ensure employees understand all parts of their compensation package, including bonuses, reimbursements, stock options, and incentives… Besides, medical care and wellness benefits are essential parts of compensation. Offering benefits that support the whole person is a form of employee appreciation.

What helps with Employee Retention Strategies?
So, what is a reasonable retention rate for employees? Cost reduction, better customer experience, and increased revenue are some positive impacts of high employee retention. It is never too late for your organization to solve low employee retention and high turnover.
Let’s AhaSlides help you to create an ideal work culture and satisfying workplace to retain your talented staff. With our help, you will find out a new and exciting way to communicate with your employee effectively.
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