Quiz for Myself? Wow, that sounds weird. Is it necessary?
Hmm... Questioning yourself seems like a simple act. But it's only when you ask the "right" quiz that you'll see how this has a powerful impact on your life. Don't forget that self-inquiry is an important key to understanding your true values, and how to get better every day.
Or this, in a fun way, can also be a small test to see how well the people around know you.
Let's find out with 110+ Quiz For Myself questions!
Table of Contents
- About Me Questions - Quiz For Myself
- Hard Questions - Quiz For Myself
- Yes or No - Quiz For Myself
- Love - Quiz For Myself
- Career Path - Quiz For Myself
- Self-Development - Quiz For Myself
- How Do I Make a Quiz about Myself?
- Key Takeaways
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About Me Questions - Quiz For Myself

- Is my name named after someone?
- What is my zodiac sign?
- What is my favorite body part?
- What's the first thing I think of when I wake up?
- What is my favorite color?
- My favorite sport?
- What kind of clothes do I like to wear?
- My favorite number?
- My favorite month of the year?
- What is my favorite food?
- What is my bad habit while sleeping?
- What is my favorite song?
- What is my favorite proverb?
- A movie I'll never see?
- What kind of weather will make me feel uncomfortable?
- What is my current job?
- Am I a disciplined person?
- Do I have any tattoos?
- How many people did I love?
- Name 4 of my best friends?
- What is my pet's name?
- How do I go to work?
- How many languages do I know?
- Who is my favorite singer?
- How many countries have I traveled to?
- Where do I come from?
- What is my sexual orientation?
- Do I collect anything?
- What kind of car do I like?
- What is my favorite salad?
Hard Questions - Quiz For Myself

- Describe my relationship with my family.
- When was the last time I cried? Why?
- Do I intend to have children?
- If I could be someone else, who would I be?
- Is my current job the same as my dream job?
- When was the last time I was angry? Why? Who am I angry with?
- My most memorable birthday?
- How did my worst breakup go?
- What is my most embarrassing story?
- What is my opinion about friends with benefits?
- When was the biggest fight between me and my parents? Why?
- Do I easily trust others?
- Who was the last person I spoke to on the phone so far? Who is the person who talks to me on the phone the most?
- What kind of people do I hate the most?
- Who was my first love? Why did we break up?
- What is my biggest fear? Why?
- What makes me most proud of myself?
- If I could have one wish, what would it be?
- How comfortable is death for me?
- How do I like others to see me?
- Who is the most important person in my life?
- Who is my ideal type?
- What is true for me no matter what?
- What was one failure that I turned into my biggest lesson?
- What are my priorities right now?
- Do I believe that fate is predestined or self-determined?
- If a relationship or job makes me unhappy, do I choose to stay or leave?
- How many scars do I have on my body?
- Have I been in a traffic accident?
- What song do I only sing when I'm alone?
Yes or No - Quiz For Myself
- Friends with exes?
- Let someone see my Google search history?
- Return to someone who has been unfaithful to you?
- Ever made my mom or dad cry?
- Am I a patient person?
- Prefer staying at home to sleep than going out?
- Still keeping in touch with your high school friends?
- Is there a secret that no one knows?
- Believe in eternal love?
- Ever had feelings for someone who didn't love me back?
- Ever wanted to run away from family?
- Want to get married someday?
- I feel happy with my life
- I feel jealous of someone
- Money is important to me
Love - Quiz For Myself

- What is my ideal date?
- How would I feel if love had no sex?
- Am I happy with the intimacy I share?
- Have I ever changed anything for my partner?
- Is it really necessary that my partner knows everything about me?
- What is my view on cheating?
- How do I feel when my partner has to leave for some time because of work or study?
- How about having boundaries in your relationship to preserve your personal space?
- Have I ever thought about breaking up with my partner and why?
- Does this partner make me forget the painful feeling of my previous relationships?
- What should I do if my parents don't like my partner?
- Have I ever thought about the future with my partner?
- Are there more happy moments than sad ones being together?
- Do I feel that my partner accepts the way I am?
- What was the best moment in my relationship so far?
Career Path - Quiz For Myself
- Do I like my job?
- Do I feel successful?
- What does success mean to me?
- Am I money - or power-driven?
- Do I wake up excited to do this job? If not, why not?
- What excites me about the work you are doing?
- How would I describe the work culture? Is that culture right for me?
- Am I clear on what level I want to get next at this organization? Does that excite you?
- How important is loving my job to me?
- Am I willing to risk my career and step out of my comfort zone?
- When making decisions about my career, how often do I consider what other people will think about the decision?
- What advice would I give myself today about where I am in the career I want to be?
- Am I in my dream job? If not, do I know what my dream job is?
- What prevents me from getting my dream job? What can I do to change?
- Do I believe that with hard work and focus, I can do whatever I set my mind to?

Self-Development - Quiz For Myself
Coming to the important part! Take a moment of silence, listen to yourself, and answer the following questions!
1/ What are my "milestones" for the past year?
- This is a question that helps you determine where you are, whether you have improved over the past year, or are still “stuck” on the path to pursuing your goals.
- When you look back on what you've been through, you will learn from past mistakes and focus on what is right and positive in the present.
2/ Who do I want to be?
- The best question you should ask yourself is who you want to be. This is the question that determines the remaining 16-18 hours of the day, how you will live and how happy you will be.
- Knowing what you want to achieve is a good thing, but if you don't transform yourself to become the "right" version of yourself, you will have a hard time getting what you're aiming for.
- For example, if you want to be a good writer, you have to spend 2-3 hours writing regularly every day and train yourself with the skills that a good writer should have.
- Everything you do will lead you to what you want. This is why you need to know who you want to be instead of simply what you want.
3/ Are you really living in the moment?
- At the moment, do you like the way you spend your day? If the answer is yes, it means you are doing what you love. But if the answer is no, maybe you need to rethink what you're doing.
- Without passion and love for what you do, you will never be the best version of yourself.
4/ Who do you spend the most time with?
- You will become the person you spend the most time with. So if you spend most of your time with positive people or people you aspire to be, keep it up.
5/ What do I think about the most?
- Take a moment and think about this question right now. What do you think about the most? Your career? Are you looking for a new job? Or are you tired of your relationships?
6/ What are the 3 prerequisite goals I have to work on in the next 6 months?
- Write down 3 prerequisites that you must do in the next 6 months today to focus on that goals, plan, take action and avoid wasting your time.
7/ If I continue with old habits and old thoughts, will I be able to achieve the life I want in the next 5 years?
- This final question will serve as an assessment, helping you to see if the things you used to do in the past are really helping you achieve your goals and dreams. And if the results are not what you want, you may need to change or adjust your working method.
How Do I Make a Quiz about Myself?
How to make a quiz:

Create your Quiz
Use 5 types of quiz questions to build your quiz how you want it.

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Your players join on their phones and you host the quiz for them!
Key Takeaways
Sometimes, we still ask ourselves different questions about happiness, sadness, innocuous feelings or ask for self-criticism, self-reflection, evaluation, and self-awareness. That's why so many successful people practice asking themselves to grow every day.
So, hopefully, this list of 110+ Quiz For Myself questions by AhaSlides will help you find your strengths and weaknesses and live the most meaningful life.
After this quiz, remember to ask yourself: "What have I learned about myself and my status by answering the above questions?"