As human beings, we hate to be told that we might be wrong about something or we might need some improvement, don't we? Deciding on getting feedback for an event, from your students, from your team or from anyone, for that matter, can be a bit tough. That's when the survey templates really come in!
Gathering unbiased public opinion can be a challenge, especially for large groups. Reaching a diverse audience and avoiding bias are key considerations.
Let's explore some best practices! These examples will show you how to set up effective surveys for large crowds, ensuring you gather valuable and representative data.
🎯 Learn more: Use employee satisfaction surveys to increase net engagement rate at work!
How can you get valuable feedback from your target audience without having to drive them to boredom? Dive in quickly to grab free AI-powered survey templates!
Table of Contents
- Tips for Better Engagement
- What is a Survey?
- Why Do We Use Online Surveys?
- General Event Feedback Survey
- Environmental Issues Survey
- Team Engagement Survey
- Training Effectiveness Survey
- Frequently Asked Questions
Get to know your mates better! Check out how to set up an online survey!
Use quiz and games on AhaSlides to create fun and interactive survey, to gather public opinions at work, in class or during small gathering
🚀 Create Free Survey☁️
What is a Survey?
You could simply say “Oh it’s a bunch of questions you need to answer for no apparent reason”.
Surveys can often feel like a waste of time for the people who are answering them. But there’s so much more to a survey than a bunch of questions and answers.
Surveys are the most efficient way to gather information or insights on anything, from a relevant pool of your target group. Be it academics, businesses, media, or even a simple focus group meeting, surveys can help you gain insights into anything.
🎉 Guide to use AhaSlides online poll maker, as the best survey tool in 2025

There are four main models of surveys
- Face-to-face surveys
- Telephonic surveys
- Written surveys using pen and paper
- Computer surveys using online platforms
Why Do We Use Online Survey Templates?
Schools, colleges, universities, business organisations, charities, NGOs - name it - everyone is in need of surveys. And it is one of the best ways to collect honest responses from your target audience. Of course, you may ask why not type a survey template on Word, print it out and send it to your target respondents? Those could give you the same results, right?
Online surveys could definitely make your target audience say "Well, that was easy and actually quite tolerable".
Creating online survey templates with AhaSlides is very beneficial, including:
- Give you faster results
- Help you save a lot of money on paper
- Give you reports on how your respondents answered
- Allow your respondents to access the survey using the internet from anywhere in the world
- Help you reach a new audience
You can make these surveys exciting to your audience by giving them different types of survey questions rather than just simple "agree or disagree" questions.
Here are some of the survey question types you can use:
- Open-Ended: Ask your audience an open-ended question and let them answer freely without having to choose from a set of multiple-choice answers.
- Poll: This is more of a fixed response question - yes/no, agree/disagree, etc.
- Scales: On a sliding scale, or rating scale, your audience can rate how they feel about certain aspects of something - great/good/okay/bad/terrible, etc.
Without further delay, let's get into some of the survey templates and examples and how you can use them.
4 Customisable Survey Templates + Questions
Sometimes, you can get lost on how to start a survey or what questions to put in. That's why these pre-made survey templates can be a blessing. You can use these just as they are, or you can customise them by adding more questions or tweaking them according to your needs.
To use a template below, all you need to do is follow these simple steps:
- Find your template below and click the button to grab it
- Create your free AhaSlides account
- Choose your desired template from the template library
- Use it as it is or customise it however you want
#1 - General Event Feedback Survey Templates
Hosting a presentation, a conference, a simple group brainstorming session, or even a classroom exercise, can be quite a daunting task. And no matter how much of an expert you are, it's always nice to have feedback to know what worked well and what did not. This could help you in making any necessary adjustments or improvements in the future.
This general feedback survey template will help you get specific insights on:
- How well was it organised
- What they liked about the activities
- What they didn't like
- If the event was helpful to the audience
- Exactly how useful they found certain aspects of it
- How you can improve your next event
Survey Questions
- How would you rate the event overall? (Poll)
- What did you like about the event? (Open-ended question)
- What did you dislike about the event? (Open-ended question)
- How organised was the event? (Poll)
- How would you rate the following aspects of the event? - Information shared / Staff support / Host (Scale)

#2 - Environmental IssuesSurvey Templates
Environmental issues impact everyone and it is important to know how much people are aware of, or how together you can create better green policies. Whether it's about the air quality in your city, climate change, or the use of plastics in your institution, the environmental issues survey template can...
- Help you understand the general green-mindedness of your audience
- Help you know how to educate your audience better
- Assess knowledge of green policies in a specific area
- Be used in classrooms, either as a standalone survey or alongside topics you are teaching such as pollution, climate change, global warming, etc.
Survey Questions
- When you suggest green initiatives, how often do you think they are taken into consideration? (Scale)
- Do you think your organisation is taking the right initiatives to reduce carbon footprints? (Polls)
- How well do you think the environment can recover from the ongoing crisis caused by humans? (Scale)
- What comes to your mind when you think about global warming? (Word cloud)
- What do you think we can do to make better green initiatives? (Open-ended)

#3 - Team EngagementSurvey Templates
When you are a team lead, you know engagement within the team is important; you can’t just guess how to make your members happy and how to increase their productivity. It’s important to know what your team thinks about the techniques and methods implemented in the organisation and how you can improve them to everyone's advantage.
This survey will help in:
- Understanding how to motivate the team to do better
- Identifying the problem areas and improving them
- Knowing what they think about the workplace culture and how to improve it
- Understanding how they align their personal goals with organisational goals
Survey Questions
- How satisfied are you with the job-related training offered by the organisation? (Poll)
- How motivated are you to meet your goals at work? (Scale)
- There is a better understanding of duties and responsibilities among the team members. (Poll)
- Do you have any suggestions to improve the work-life balance? (Open-ended)
- Any questions for me? (Q&A)

#4 - Training EffectivenessSurvey Templates
Training, regardless of when, where and for whom you do it, matters a lot. Whether it's a course you offer for your students, a short upskilling training course for your employees, or a general awareness course about a specific topic, it needs to add value to the ones taking it. The answers to this survey can help you refine and reinvent your course to suit the audience better.
Survey Questions
- Did this training course meet your expectations? (Poll)
- Which activity was your favourite? (Poll)
- How would you rate the following aspects of the course? (Scale)
- Do you have any suggestions to improve the course? (Open-ended)
- Any final questions for me? (Q&A)

Frequently Asked Questions
Still confused? Check out our best guide on 110+ interesting questions to ask and 90 fun survey questions for better inspiration!What is a Survey?
Surveys are the most efficient way to gather information or insights on anything, from a relevant pool of your target group. Be it academics, businesses, media, or even a simple focus group meeting, surveys can help you gain insights into anything.
What are the four main models of surveys?
(1) Face-to-face surveys
(2) Telephonic surveys
(3) Written surveys using pen and paper
(4) Computer surveys using online platforms
Why do we use online survey templates?
Schools, colleges, universities, business organisations, charities, NGOs – name it – everyone is in need of surveys. And it is one of the best ways to collect honest responses from your target audience.
Why create an online survey with AhaSlides?
AhaSlides gives you instant results, helps you save a lot of money on paper and brings you reports on how your respondents have answered Your respondents can access the survey online from anywhere in the world, which helps you reach a new audience.