Is adding video to PPT difficult? Incorporating short videos can be a highly effective approach to avoid turning your PowerPoint presentation into a dull monologue that induces blank stares or yawns from your audience.
By sharing an exciting and engaging story, you can uplift the mood of your audience and make even the most complex concepts easier to grasp and understand. This not only helps you connect with your listeners but also enables you to make a lasting impression with your presentation.
To achieve this, you can follow these easy steps to add video in PowerPoint while keeping it both straightforward and imaginative.
So, how do you upload a video to PowerPoint? Check the guide below👇
Table of Contents
- How To Add Video In PowerPoint
- Supported Video Formats In PowerPoint
- Alternatives Way To Add Video In PowerPoint
- Key Takeaways
What is the video limit size in PowerPoint? | Less than 500MB |
Can I add mp4 to the PowerPoint presentation? | Yes |
How To Add A Video To PowerPoint
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1/ Uploading Video Files - How To Add Video In PowerPoint
Here is a guide to help you upload video files from your computer into your PowerPoint presentation.
- Step 1: Open your PowerPoint presentation. Select the Slide you want to insert Video files and select the area you wish to insert > Click Insert on the bar tab > Select the Video icon.

- Step 2: Choose Insert Video from... > Click This device.

- Step 3: The folders on the computer will be displayed > Go to the folder containing the video you need to insert, select the video, and click Insert.

- Step 4: After adding your video, you can choose the Video Format tab to customize the brightness, frames for the video or size, effects, etc.

- Step 5: Click the Playback tab to access your video playback settings next to the Video Format tab.

- Step 6: Press F5 to preview the slideshow.
2/ Adding Online Videos - How To Add Video In PowerPoint
Before starting, ensure you have an internet connection during your presentation so the video can load and play smoothly. Here are the steps to follow:
- Step 1: Find the video on YouTube* you want to add to your presentation.
- Step 2: Open your PowerPoint presentation. Select the Slide you want to insert Video files and select the area you want to insert > Click Insert on the bar tab > Select the Video icon.

- Step 3: Choose Insert Video from... > Click Online Videos.

- Step 4: Copy and Paste the address of your video > Click on the Insert button to add the video to your presentation.

- Step 4: After adding your video, you can choose the Video Format tab to customize the brightness, frames for the video or size, effects, etc.

- Step 5: Click the Playback tab to access your video playback settings next to the Video Format tab. But with online videos, you can only choose when to start the video.
- Step 6: Press F5 to preview the slideshow.
*PowerPoint currently only supports videos from YouTube, Slideshare, Vimeo, Flip, and Stream.
Supported Video Formats In PowerPoint
PowerPoint supports various video formats that can be inserted or linked in a presentation. The video formats that are supported may differ based on the version of PowerPoint you are using and the operating system you are using, but below are some of the most often formats:
- MP4 (MPEG-4 Video File)
- WMV (Windows Media Video File)
- MPG/MPEG (MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 Video File)
- MOV (Apple QuickTime Movie File): This format is supported by PowerPoint on Mac OS X.
If you're unsure whether a particular video format works, you can check the Microsoft Office Support website for more information or consult the PowerPoint Help menu.

Alternatives Way To Add Video In PowerPoint
There are also alternative ways to add videos to your presentations. One alternative is AhaSlides, which provides various features to help you create engaging and interactive PowerPoint.
You can embed your PowerPoint presentation into a slide on AhaSlides. This can be particularly useful if you have animations, transitions, or other visual effects in your PowerPoint presentation that you want to preserve.
By embedding your PowerPoint presentation, you can keep all of your original content while still benefiting from AhaSlides' interactive features like embedding Youtube videos or live polls, quizzes, spinner wheel and Q&A sessions.
In addition, if you do not know how to add music in a PPT, AhaSlides allows you to use the "Background Music" feature to add audio or background music to your presentation, which can help set the tone and create a more immersive experience for your audience.
Key Takeaways
The simple steps above show you how to add video in PowerPoint to create an attractive presentation with the audience. And if you're looking for some help, AhaSlides provides a range of features to help you create dynamic, interactive exhibits that engage your audience in fun and innovative ways.
Also, don't forget to check out our library of free interactive templates!