Survey Result Presentation - Ultimate Guide to Practice in 2024


Astrid Tran 20 August, 2024 6 min read

Are you looking for a new way to create an effective survey result presentation? Check out the best guide with 4 how-to-steps with AhaSlides!

When it comes to surveying result presentation, people are thinking of combining all survey results into a ppt and presenting it to their boss.

However, reporting your survey results to your boss can be a challenging task, it starts with your survey design, understanding the survey's goals to achieve, what you have to cover up, what are important findings, or filtering irrelevant and trivia feedback, and put them into a presentation in a limited time for presenting.

All the process is pretty time and effort-consuming, but there is a way of dealing with the problem, by understanding the essence of a survey and a survey result presentation, you absolutely can deliver an impressive presentation to your upper managerial level.

survey result presentation
How to create an effective survey result presentation - Source: freepik

Tips for Better Engagement

What is a Survey Result Presentation?

Literally, a survey result presentation is using a visual way to describe survey results to get deeper insight into a topic, it can be a PPT report of findings and discussion of the employee satisfaction survey, customer satisfaction survey, training and course evaluation survey, market research, and more.

There is no limitation to survey topics and presentation survey questions.

Each survey will have a goal to achieve, and the survey result presentation is the final step of evaluating whether these goals are achieved, and what organization can learn and make improvements from these results.

Benefits of Having a Survey Result Presentation

Though your boss and your partners can easily download or print survey reports in PDF, it is necessary to have a presentation as not many of them have enough time to read through hundreds of pages of words.

Having a survey result presentation is beneficial as it can help people quickly get useful information about survey findings, provide collaborative time for teams to discuss and solve the problem during survey conducting, or bring better decision-making and actions.

Moreover, the design of the presentation of survey results with graphics, bullet points, and images can capture an audience’s attention and follow the logic of a presentation. It is more flexible to be updated and edited even during the presentation when you want to note your executives' ideas and opinions.

🎉 Lean to use an idea board to collect opinions better!

Survey result presentation.

How do You Set up a Survey Result Presentation?

How to present survey results in a report? In this part, you will be given some best tips for completing a survey result presentation that everyone has to recognize and appreciate your work. But before that make sure you know the difference between academic survey research and business survey research, so you will know what is vital to say, what your audience wants to know, and more.

  • Focus on numbers

Put numbers in perspective, for example, whether "15 per cent" is a lot or a little in your context by using proper comparison. And, round up your number if possible. As it's probably not compulsory for your audience to know whether your growth is 20.17% or 20% in terms of presentation and rounded numbers are much easier to memorize.

  • Using visual elements

The number can be annoying if people cannot understand the story behind them. Charts, graphs, and illustrations,... are the most important part of displaying data effectively in the presentation, especially for reporting survey results. When constructing a chart or graph, make the findings as easy to read as possible. Limit the number of line segments and text alternatives.

Survey result presentation with AhaSlides interactive survey
  • Analysis of qualitative data

An ideal survey will collect both quantitative and qualitative data. In-depth details of findings are significant for the audience to get insight into the root of the problem. But, how to convert and interpret qualitative data efficiently without losing its first meaning and, at the same time, avoid boring.

When you want to focus on spotlighting open-ended responses with texts, you can consider leveraging text analysis to enable you to do this. When you put keywords into a word cloud, your audience can quickly grab important points, which can facilitate generating innovative ideas.

team player skills
Cleverly present qualitative data with AhaSlides Word Cloud - Survey presentation.
  • Use an interactive survey tool

How long does it take you to create a survey, collect, analyze, and traditionally report data? Why don't use an interactive survey to lessen your workload and enhance productivity? With AhaSlides, you can customize polls, and different types of questions such as spinner wheel, rating scale, online quiz creator, word clouds>, live Q&A,... with real-time result data updates. You also can access their result analytics with a lively bar, chart, line...

Survey result presentation

Survey Questions For Survey Result Presentation

  • Which kind of food do you want to have in the company's canteen?
  • Does your supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about you when you meet difficulty?
  • What is the best part of your work?
  • What are your favourite company trips?
  • Are the managers approachable and fair in treatment?
  • What part of the company do you think should be improved?
  • Do you like participating in company training?
  • Do you enjoy team-building activities?
  • What is your goal in your career in the next 5 years?
  • Do you want to commit to the company in the next 5 years?
  • Do you know anyone who is a victim of harassment in our company?
  • Do you believe that there is an equal opportunity for personal career growth and development within the company?
  • Is your team a source of motivation for you to do your best at the job?
  • Which retirement compensation plan do you prefer?

Alternative Text

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Looking for survey results presentation templates? Sign up for free and take what you want from the template library!

🚀 To the clouds ☁️

Ref: presono

The Bottom Line

It is a huge mistake to let the data speak for itself as presenting survey results to executives requires more than that. Using the above tips and working with a partner like AhaSlides can help you save time, human resources and budget by creating data visualization and summarising key points.

Get ready to present your results. Sign up for AhaSlides immediately to explore a noble way to perform the best survey result presentation.

Creating your ultimate presentations with these tips.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a survey result presentation?

A survey result presentation uses a visual way to describe survey results to get deeper insight into a topic, it can be a PPT report of findings and discussion of the employee satisfaction survey, customer satisfaction survey, training and course evaluation survey, market research, and more.

Why use a survey result presentation?

There are four benefits to using this type of presentation (1) share your findings with a wider audience, (2) get feedback directly after presenting findings, (3) make a persuasive argument (4) educate your audience with their feedback.